The first scene suddenly had a feeling of thunderbolt on a sunny day.

His eyes were full of anger: "Too much deception, too much deception, those mobs are simply too much deception." First

Shun hurriedly said, "Father, in my opinion, let's hide as soon as possible."

"In case they do rush in, the consequences are unimaginable." He

had no doubts.

After the people outside rushed in.

There will definitely be people who will do it to them.

If so.

That's a big loss!"

"Yes, yes, leave Qingshan without worrying about firewood, and hide first." First Jing Yun's face was full of anxiety, and he quickly took his clansmen to hide in the secret room.

Not long after they went into hiding.

The people outside rushed in like fish.

Less than an hour.

The first family was in ruins.

The common people are coming like waves of anger.

Houses were destroyed wherever they passed.

Go silently, like a tide receding.

Leaving a ruin.

Look at the ruins in front of you.

First Shun clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Father, all this is because of Chen Nan.

He repeatedly stressed that the law does not blame the public.

"Otherwise, the common people would not dare to trouble our first family."

First Jing Yun did not hide his anger in his heart: "Chen Nan must die, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in the old man's heart!"


Tongcheng has a population of more than eight million.

It was originally a very lively city.

But suddenly.

Tongcheng seemed to have become a dead city.

There are no more crowds in the city.

No more hustle and bustle.

The streets are empty.

There are only some old people and children.

All the adults, men and women, went north to expand the river.

This is of their own free will.

Because everyone knows that once a new river channel cannot be dug within seven days, when the upstream flood is released, Tongcheng will most likely be flooded.

Although many of them have not studied and do not understand the big truth.

But I also know that there is a reason why there are eggs under the nest.

Chen Nan did not go to the construction site.

It's not that he doesn't want to go.

Instead, Han Zongyuan said that security on this side of the city is also important than digging rivers.

Send him to stay and watch over Tongcheng.

Because of sudden flooding.

Wu Jiu, who had not yet recovered from his injury, also returned to the team early.

Seven people shoulder the security of Tongcheng.

There is no such thing as rest.

Under nightfall.

The group patrolled the streets as usual.

Just compared to the past.

Tongcheng has more tranquility and oppression.

Originally, every house was lit up.

But at the moment it was pitch black.

Seven people walked quietly in the city.

Wu Jiu cleared his throat and said, "I feel a little depressed, or say something to ease the atmosphere!" Song

Yunfei volunteered to raise his right hand: "I have a question, you say, can you really dig a new river channel in a short time?"

Wu Jiu was furious.

Kicked him on the butt and said angrily: "Dog, Lao Tzu wants to make the atmosphere more relaxed, how the fuck do you make the atmosphere more and more depressed?"

The vicinity of the Guangling River is hard sand.

Even millions of people are not necessarily able to dig a new river channel in just seven days.

This is simply impossible.

And if you can't complete this task.

The huge city may be engulfed by floods.

"I believe that man will prevail over heaven. Chen Nan said, "Although the vicinity of the Guangling River is full of sand and gravel, and it is very difficult to excavate, this time, the imperial court will definitely send cultivators. Everyone

else was dumbfounded.

Powerful cultivators have the divine power to open mountains and crack rocks.

There are them shots.

It is not impossible to dig a new river channel.

Wu Jiu: "Let's change the topic, it doesn't feel comfortable to talk about these."

Song Yunfei hesitated and said, "What, now the first family is in ruins, but the people of the first family are hiding."

"If I'm not mistaken, the First Family will definitely not give up.

"They will definitely find trouble with Chen Nan."

Chen Nan kicked his butt and said angrily: "Will you chat? Will you chat? If you can't chat, just close your mouth, why don't you open which pot


Chen Nan also had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Although it was very cool when I pit the first family before.


He pits too obviously.

But anyone can tell that he did it on purpose.


The First Family will definitely not let him go.

Will definitely find trouble with him, or even get rid of him secretly.

This has to be guarded against.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

A light rain began to fall in the sky.

The rain is not heavy though.

But it also indicates that the real rainy season has arrived.

This worries everyone.

Especially the next day.

The drizzle has turned into moderate rain.

The rain fell on the roof, crashing with the tiles to make a crisp sound.

The dense rainwater left along the eaves, like drops of rain panting into a bead curtain, looking at the sky and the earth in a hazy place.

Chen Nan went to the newly bought house.

After previous cultivation, those vegetables have mold on them.

The next thing to do is to extract and cultivate.

It can be used after the second extraction.

It took a whole day for Chen Nan to finally extract all the mold.

By this time he was exhausted to the point of exhaustion.

It feels like your body is being hollowed out...

Outside, however, the rain shows no signs of abating.

He sat cross-kneeled, meditating on the Yin Realm and began to recover.

This world is more dangerous than the Yang and Immortal Realms.

The slightest mistake can kill you.

And he is a restless lord.

Now offended the first family.

They will definitely not give up.

What he can do at the moment is to improve his cultivation as much as possible.

Only in this way can we protect ourselves.

in order to stand out in the upcoming Yin Poor Selection.

So that he went all the way north, obtained the qualification to enter the eighteenth level of hell, and met Houtu Niangniang.

Make sure the three realms are unharmed.

He wears a black cloak and a gold mask.

Entering the rain curtain, I came to Qingyun Tower.

After seeing Steward Wang, Chen Nan asked: "Steward Wang, how are the medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill


Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then took out two Yin Picking Pills

: "Steward Wang, it's not a big problem to exchange two Yin Picking Pills for five other shore flowers, right?" Steward Wang's face changed, and he couldn't help but say: "Chen Daoyou, I said before that one Yin Picking Pill was exchanged for two other shore flowers, why did you temporarily start

the price?" Chen Nan said meaningfully: "Isn't it too outrageous to say that the temporary starting price is in this relationship?"

We're just a partnership.

It's all about business.

Since it is a business, it cannot be temporarily raised.

However, thinking that the other party would also help him refine the Soul Gathering Pill, Steward Wang finally compromised: "Then listen to you, exchange two Yin Harvesting Pills for five other shore flowers, but only this once, not the next example!"

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