With Chen Nan's understanding of Leng Qingmei.

This woman would definitely not invite herself to dinner for no reason.

Please go back to dinner this time, it is definitely not a good meal.

It is very likely to be the Hongmen banquet.

Chunmei said respectfully: "Mainly because the second young lady came back. "


Chen Nan realized.

For Leng Yinyin, he still heard something.

It is said that Leng Yinyin has shown extraordinary cultivation talent since childhood.

Then he was taken to practice in the mountains by a Yunyou cultivator.

I have been away from home for more than ten years.

Only came back once in previous years.

"In other words, even if the second young lady comes back, why invite me home for dinner?" asked Chen Nan puzzled.

For the cold Yin Yin who suddenly came back.

Chen Nan had to guard against it.

After all, she was taken away by the Hidden World Sect to cultivate for many years.

Although I don't know her true cultivation.

But one thing is not hard to see.

Even Leng Qingmei had cultivated to the ninth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

Leng Yinyin's strength is definitely above Leng Qingmei.

In case she knew that she hadn't poisoned Leng Qingmei.

She will most likely kill herself.


Care must be exercised in this matter.

Chunmei said respectfully: "The eldest lady did not say that the two of you have reconciled, so this meal is a reunion dinner."

General Chen nodded suspiciously.

"I'll change my clothes!"

replied Chen Nan.

The food in the county is not very good.

He also wanted to go to Leng Family for a good meal.


He also wanted to see what his sister-in-law looked like.

Changing into a black power suit, Chen Nan got into the Leng family's carriage and headed towards the Leng family at night.

Almost half an hour.

The carriage stopped in front of Leng Jia.

Suddenly, someone brought a stool and came to support the umbrella.

The treatment is high.

Enter the Leng family.

Leng Qingmei and Leng Yinyin have been waiting for a long time.

The two sat at a table full of mountain and sea delicacies, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed very warm.

Seeing Chen Nan coming, Leng Qingmei stood up enthusiastically, took Chen Nan's arm, and introduced with a smile:

"Yin Yin, this is your brother-in-law!" "Your brother-in-law is now a famous divine catcher in our city!"

She smiled like a flower, her face full of pride.

"Yin Yin has seen her brother-in-law!" Leng Yinyin bowed to Chen Nan, looking very courteous.

But Chen Nan secretly shook his head.

Can be a little lower.

I can't see anything like you...


But there is no denying it.

This sister-in-law is very good-looking.

Although the figure is petite.

But the body proportions and facial features are amazing.

Different from the cold and cold image, it gives people the feeling of a little sister next door.

Especially the big Karziran eyes of Bulingbling, as if they could speak.

"They are all real relatives, so there is no need to be so polite!" Chen Nan said with a smile, but he was thinking about things in the underworld, and he didn't know if his sister-in-law had the custom of warming the bed for her brother-in-law.

"My brother-in-law sat down quickly, and my little sister didn't know what you liked to eat, so she specially made two dishes that she was better at, and I hoped that my brother-in-law would not dislike it." Leng Yinyin had a shallow smile on her face, and after Chen Nan sat down, she picked up the wine jug and poured a glass of wine for him and his sister.

Then he returned to his seat, poured the wine and raised the glass, and said softly: "I heard my sister tell you about it, after you were busy when your father was married and buried, my little sister had nothing to reward, I salute you with this glass!"

Chen Nan: "Since I am the son-in-law of the Leng family, I will naturally handle these things, these are all internal matters, you don't have to pay attention to them." Saying that, he craned his neck and drank the drink in his glass.

Leng Yinyin got up again and poured it for Chen Nan, looking at Chen Nan with a pair of bright eyes.

Don't say it yet.

This guy can indeed satisfy all the fantasies of women about the opposite sex in appearance alone.

It's just that the means are too despicable.

"Yin Yin, aren't you cultivating in the Hidden World Sect, why did you suddenly come back?" Chen Nan stared at his sister-in-law's red peach-like face, feeling that the wine was very strong.

I feel like I've drunk a fire and my mouth is dry.

Leng Qingmei sensed the dirty thoughts in Chen Nan's heart, and kicked Chen Nan's leg under the table, giving him a resentful look.

Although she can crush Chen Nan now.

But she already had a plan.

To turn over the serfs and sing when Chen Nan was doing that kind of thing.

Let his puppy drink water.

So before that, she had to act in a scene.

Leng Yinyin said, "I followed my master to practice hard in the mountains, but because of the flood in Guangling Mansion, it affected Dongning Mansion and our Tongcheng.

"So the imperial court specially recruited some cultivators to come to the aid.

"It's just that the little sister's realm is low, and it is useless, so she stopped by to go home to visit her relatives."

"But I didn't expect that I hadn't returned for a few years, and when I came back, I was already a different person." Speaking of this, he sighed.

Chen Nan was relieved and said curiously: "You have been cultivating in the mountains for so many years, the realm should be very high, right?" Leng

Yinyin smiled, and it was difficult to hide the pride on her face: "It's okay, I got the cultivation of the master, and now I have stepped into the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm, and I am only one chance away from the Transformation Realm."

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

Soul Gathering Realm peak!

I'm going to her...

If she learned what I did to Leng Qingmei, and I had a conflict with her, could I fight it?

He didn't expect Leng Yinyin's strength to be so terrifying.

"Brother-in-law, come, don't talk about those things, let's drink the bar!" Leng Yinyin diverted the topic, picked up the wine glass and touched Chen Nan.

Don't say it yet.

This woman's alcohol is not bad at all.

After more than a pound of liquor was eaten, it turned out to be only a little on the face.

Look at the cold and flattering.

His eyes were hazy and he was obviously drunk.

After the meal, Leng Yinyin said: "Brother-in-law, you have also been tired for a day, hurry up and take a bath to rest."

"Anyway, I still have to stay in the world for a while, and when Tongcheng gets through this crisis, Xiaomei will accompany you to get drunk until dawn."

Chen Nan nodded: "Cheng, then you should also rest early." Saying that, he helped Leng Qingmei out of the restaurant and returned to the cold room.

At this time, the maid had already prepared the bath water at the right temperature.

The two were soaked in a wooden barrel.

There are also some rose petals floating on the surface of the water.

The aroma is fragrant, and the scene is very ambiguous.

Chen Nan hugged Leng Qingmei, who was sitting on her body, smelling the smell of her body, and his face was full of intoxication.

Leng Qingmei suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Yin Yin gave me a jade wrench, I feel quite good, you wait, I'll give it to you!" said and got up and picked up the clothes on the hanger next to him, and took out the ink jade wrench in the storage bag.

Chen Nan played with it in his hand for a moment and gave an evaluation: "This wrench is quite good!"

Leng Qingmei endured the tension in her heart, and said softly: "Or should I put it on you?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, revealing a meaningful smile: "Why are you in a hurry to let me wear this wrench?

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