The voice just fell.

A strong remorse suddenly rose in Du Yue's heart.

There is a feeling of red face.

She never imagined that she could say such shameless words.

This is extremely inconsistent with her personality.

Let her find a seam to drill into.

If Chen Nan really agreed to pursue himself.

So what should he do,

even though he is his own lifesaver.

Although it is a good story to agree with yourself.

But he and he only met each other.

The two are not familiar with each other at all.

"My sister can really joke. Chen Nan smiled and shook his head: "However, your joke is not funny at all.

"Although I don't know what kind of force Hundred Flowers Valley is.

"But one thing is obvious, it's definitely powerful."

"To me, you are a goddess on high and out of reach.

"Even if we meet today, it is also a blessing that I cultivated in my previous life.

"As for pursuing you..."

"I'm just a little catcher in the city.

"There is a world of difference between you and me, and I still have this self-knowledge. An

inexplicable feeling arose in Du Yue's heart.

If Chen Nan promised to chase her, she would definitely be disappointed.

Because she doesn't like men who behave frivolously.

But this man showed such inferiority, which made her feel a little distressed.

Perhaps Chen Nan came from a humble background and his cultivation was also weak.

But it was superior to all the men she had ever met.

In her eyes.

Chen Nan was like a piece of sparkling gold.

Caught her eye.

She forced a smile and diverted the topic: "I have a few healing pills here, you take them and take them, it can be regarded as my sister's compensation for you."

Chen Nan suddenly became angry, smashed the medicine bottle in Du Yue's hand, and said coldly: "Lord Du Gu, please don't humiliate me."


Du Yu looked at Chen Nan with a stunned expression.

I don't know why Chen Nan is so angry as if he has changed his personality.

This was the first time someone had been angry with her.

This made her feel inexplicable... Nervousness and restlessness.

Chen Nan said angrily, "I saved you because of the fate between us.

"I saved you just to save you.


Didn't think about any benefit from you.

"What do you mean by giving me pills now

?" "Do you make my behavior impure and purposeful?"

"You can look down on me, but you can't humiliate me

!" "If that's the case, then the sister-brother relationship between us will end here!" said and turned away angrily.

"Younger brother don't go!" Du Yue hurriedly blocked in front of Chen Nan and said anxiously: "Younger brother don't be angry, it's my sister who did something wrong, can my sister apologize to you?" She didn't

expect Chen Nan to be a person who only wanted to pay and not repay.

This kind of person is really rare.

It also impressed her.

Seeing her anxious expression, Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Blame me, blame me, my emotions should not be so excited that it scares my sister." Seeing

that Chen Nan was not angry, Du Yuan suddenly felt that a boulder in his heart had landed.

She didn't know what was going on.

It was when she heard that Chen Nan and her broke off their sister and brother relationship.

There is a strong sense of crisis.

It's like losing the whole world.

It was something she had never felt before.


She didn't want to feel it a second time.

Fortunately, Chen Nan forgave her.

"It's already dark, are you hungry, do you want people to prepare something to eat, let's talk while eating?" Du Yuan smiled, and a charming smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She looked thirty-five or six.

The skin is white and tender, and it can be broken by blowing.

Especially the charming peach blossom eyes, giving people a feeling that they can melt everything.


good!" Chen Nan also felt hungry.

Except for eating at Leng in the morning, he hardly ate a bite of anything decent on this day.

"Then you rest first, I'll let you prepare something to eat." Du Yuan said and left the room.

Looking at her departing back.

Chen Nan suddenly felt a little uneasy: "Should this woman fall in love with me?"

But I don't want to show mercy everywhere.

After all, he was just a guest in the underworld.

It's different from the fairy world.

In the fairy world, if you have a wife and children, you can bring you back to the world.

But in the underworld, with a woman, she can't bring it back to the Yang Realm.

The reason why he was so close to Du Yu.

In the final analysis, I still want to deter Leng Yinyin.


eating together last night, Chen Nan learned from Leng Yinyin's mouth.

Her division is the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

And her master is none other than Du Kite.

Because of this, he will call Du Yuan his sister.

Because with his knowledge of the coldness.

She would definitely say what happened last night.

And Leng Yinyin will definitely find trouble with him.

If at this time, he became her master's younger brother.

At that time, will Leng Yinyin still dare to move herself?

Now Chen Nan is a little worried.

What if Aunt Yiling falls in love with herself?

Only women are his weakness.

If the clump really wants to challenge its weaknesses.

Then she... Won.

"Forget it, I don't want to be so much, first recover my strength." "Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, running the Yin Realm to absorb the Yin Qi between heaven and earth for my use.

Almost an hour later, Du Yuan walked in with four exquisite dishes and an apologetic face: "Brother

, can't wait, right?" She put the dishes on the table and said, "That little girl in the inn can't cook, and there happen to be some ingredients, so my sister personally cooked a few dishes that she was good at, and I don't know if it suits your taste."

Chen Nan suddenly felt flattered.


the dishes were served, Du Yuan took out a jade pot from the storage magic weapon: "Here, try the Hundred Flowers Brew made by my sister herself!"

A refreshing fragrance of flowers quickly filled the room.

Gives an illusion.

It's like being in a sea of flowers.

Don't say drink it.

Just smelling it makes people feel slightly drunk.

After drinking it.

Lips and teeth are fragrant.

That scent is very layered.

If you taste it carefully, you can taste a lot of floral aromas.

It's memorable.

One thing to say, this is definitely the best wine Chen Nan has ever drunk.

Even on Earth, in the fairy world.

I haven't drunk this kind of drink either.

As for the cooking skills of the coddodoo kite, it is also superb.

Several side dishes were full of color and aroma, far more delicious than what Chen Nan ate in the Leng family yesterday.

Of course.

On the one hand, it was because I was too tired from eating with Leng Yinyin yesterday.

Dinner with the coddles was very relaxed and did not have so many worries.

Just when the two of them were having dinner happily.

A familiar voice came from outside: "Master, I heard that you live here, and the apprentice specially came to ask you for peace!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Isn't that the voice of my sister-in-law

? Why is she here?


If she saw herself having dinner with her master, the expression on her face would be wonderful, right?

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