The atmosphere of the scene instantly became solemn.

Everyone felt a big, invisible hand choking their throats.

Let them feel breathless.

There is no doubt that the monster is very strong.

Even if the imperial court sent ten Transformation Realm powerhouses, they could not kill each other.


There were only eight of them at the scene.

And six of the eight are still ordinary people.

Can they really kill the monsters of Taixuan Lake?

Even if the water monsters leave the water and come to the city, they are not necessarily the water monsters' opponents.


None of them showed timidity.

From the moment they became fast hunters, they decided to protect the people of Tongcheng.




The animals in the yard seemed to feel the breath of danger and became restless.

A terrified scream came out of his mouth.


A fishy smell entered the nasal cavity of Chen Nan and the others.

Followed by.

In the darkness appeared a head about two meters tall.


Fish-headed monsters.

It has no neck.

The head and body look out of proportion.

It has a large mouth of blood and many sharp teeth.

The body is covered with black scales.

It emits a dark light.

It gives a feeling of indestructibility.

It also has a string of nine human skulls hanging from its waist, which looks very hideous.

You don't have to think about it.

The owners of these nine skulls are most likely the nine Avatar Realm powerhouses who surrounded and suppressed the water monster back then.

Especially its limbs, like tigers.

From a distance, this water monster gives people a feeling that people are not people, and demons are not demons.

It's fast.

Directly broke through the door of the house.

Looking at the restless animals in the yard, he opened his blood basin and bit it.

Its bite force is amazing.

One bite bit off the head of a cow, and blood spurted wildly.



The water monster chewed the head of the bull, as easily as an ordinary person eating a cucumber.

"This is the time!"

Chen Nan stood up abruptly.

A special crossbow arrow cut through the rainy night and shot towards the monster.


The water monster didn't expect a human ambush here, and by the time it sensed that it wanted to dodge, it was too late!

The crossbow arrow was shot directly at its back.

Although shot through its scales.

But it is only embedded in its back, and the depth is not deep.

For the monster, no serious injuries were caused.


Being attacked by people hiding in the shadows, this act deeply angered it.

It turned around suddenly.

Six arrows came at you.

Shoot into its head.

Shoot on its chest.

It raised its claws and pulled out the arrow in the center of its eyebrows, and made a contemptuous sound in its mouth, and then looked at Chen Nan and the others on the roof, spitting out words: "Just because you little ghosts, do you want to kill me?"

"Even if I were standing here, you wouldn't be able to hurt me."

Its voice is high-pitched, like a child crying late at night.

It sounds creepy.

Especially strength.

It's bordering on despair.

Even if they know that the water monster is very strong.

But I didn't expect that even the crossbow arrow hitting the other party did not cause any impact!

Chen Nan made a look at Leng Yinyin: "Little sister-in-law, quickly!"

Leng Yinyin immediately took out the bamboo flute and played it.

The whistle is harsh.

Let the water monster's pupils suddenly show tyranny.

"Shoot it in the eye!"

Chen Nan aimed at the water monster's eye and released the crossbow arrow again.

But this time.

The monster is fast.

Like frogs, they bounced up and attacked them on the roof.

Even though Leng Yinyin was, it could not block the attack of the water monster.

"Look at me!"

Zhang Lu roared angrily, and at the moment when the monster took off, he cast out a special barbed wire.

This net is the net they usually use to catch corpses.

And his technique is good.

Trap the monster directly in it.

Knock it to the ground.

Barbed wire is nothing to a water monster.


This barbed wire fence is used to salvage the existence of corpses.

According to incomplete statistics.

This net has recovered thousands of corpses.

The essence has long changed.

After falling on the monster.

Smoke suddenly rose from the water monster's body.

And it also emits a scream that makes the eardrums tingle.

"Keep cumming!"

Chen Nan continued to shoot the crossbow arrow.

That's it.

Their only recourse is to shoot the monster from a distance.

Although the crossbow arrow cannot penetrate deep into the body of the water monster.


But there is corpse poison on the crossbow arrow!


The corpse of the green-eyed zombie has always been burned in the county.

After all, corpse poison is very powerful.

They can only hope that the corpse poison attacks as soon as possible, so that they can hopefully kill this water monster!




Crossbow arrows with corpse poison burst out of the air, and all of them hit the water monster!

The monster was furious.

Screams continued.

Its huge body rolled on the ground, and its limbs constantly tore at the barbed wire, trying to break the big net.

But the more it struggles, the harder the net becomes entangled.

The more it rolls.

The arrows on the body will be squeezed deep into its body.


"You humans have always been so mean!"

The water monster roared.

Chen Nan made a gesture to Leng Yinyin, causing her to stop playing, and then looked at the water monster with a bleeding body on the ground: "You are a man-eating demon, and you also have a face to say the word mean?"

Wu Jiu glared angrily at the water monster: "You have been entrenched in Taixuan Lake for many years, and there are not 10,000 people who eat, but thousands!"

"Now you have taken advantage of the flood to enter the city."

"If we don't kill you today and avenge the fifty-one innocent people who died in your mouth, how can we afford to face the fast suits on our bodies?"

The water monster stopped struggling and gasped: "I think back then, none of the ten human incarnation realm powerhouses could kill me, just because you ants also killed me in vain?"

Wu Jiu grinned: "Of course we can't kill you, but the crossbow arrows on your body all have the corpse poison of the green-eyed zombie, just wait for the poison, you will die!" "

Corpse poison is the only hole card they have the courage to face the monster.


They don't have the guts to set up an ambush here tonight.

"Do you think I'll be afraid of poison?"

The originally quiet water monster suddenly let out a deafening roar.

A terrifying energy surged out of the body.

Not only did it bounce the crossbow arrow in its body.

It even broke the casting net of that trait.

See this scene.

Everyone gasped.

It's not because the monster can break the net of this feature, but because it can ignore the poison of corpses.

This was something they didn't expect.

"People who don't measure themselves!"

"Today next year will be your festival!"

The water monster let out a roar, and the figure bounced up, killing Chen Nan and the others on the roof again.

"After all, you have to watch my performance!"

Chen Nan's face was full of madness, and he held an arrow in each hand.

Under the water monster's confused eyes, he stabbed fiercely into his own eye sockets...

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