
A strange picture appeared in everyone's eyes.

I saw a terrifying lightning, like a silver dragon tearing through the night, and fell on Chen Nan.

But that lightning suddenly struck the Taixuan Lake monster.


The water monster let out a miserable, desperate scream.

It has open skin and flesh.

It's like ice that has been exposed to the sun until it melts.

Disappear in front of everyone at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the ashes go away...

Chen Nan borrowed the power of heaven to kill the water monster.

Seeing that the water monster was killed, he showed a relieved smile, and then his eyes closed and fainted, and his body smashed to the ground in mid-air.

He himself has exhausted all his physical strength, and even if he recovers some, it is not enough to withstand the power of lightning.

Even if he kills the monster.

But it is also a move to kill a thousand enemies and self-damage eight hundred.

Seeing Chen Nan fall in mid-air, Leng Yinyin soared into the air and held him in his arms.

The eyes that looked at him were full of complexity.

If not for preconceived sake.

Chen Nan is definitely a hero with courage and resourcefulness and dares to be the first in the world in her eyes.

In order to kill the Taixuan Lake monster, he even took the risk of his life.

This kind of behavior, it is not too much to say that the savior is not excessive, right?


He's too much of a thing.

Bully my sister like that, and play with my sister and applaud my sister.


You did that to me!

Seeing Chen Nan in a coma, Wu Jiu quickly ran over: "Girl Leng, how is my brother?"

Leng Yinyin said: "It should be a coma caused by too much work, and in general, there is not a big problem."

Wu Jiu snorted and sighed: "Your brother-in-law is really a character, yesterday he opened the floodgate, so that Tongcheng avoided the danger of flooding."

"Today, I single-handedly killed the Taixuan Lake Monster."

"I, Wu Jiu, have the privilege of knowing him."

"What, you take your brother-in-law back to the Leng family first."

"He's so tired, it's time to rest."

"From now on, we will guard the city."

Leng Yinyin nodded, and then returned to the Leng family with Chen Nan on his back.

Seeing her sister carrying Chen Nan back, Leng Qingmei gasped: "What's going on?"

"You killed him?"

Leng Yinyin muttered: "I wanted to kill him, but the master has an order, how dare I kill him?" "


She had a chance to kill Chen Nan.

Because she believed that even if she killed Chen Nan.

The master will not let himself pay for his life.

But here's the thing.

She can't get her hands off!

Don't let it go!

Because in her eyes, Chen Nan was not as despicable and shameless as her sister said.

"You two go boil some hot water." Leng Yinyin looked at Chunmei and Xia Lan, and then asked her sister to take off Chen Nan's robe, and put Chen Nan on her sister's bed.

After doing this, she sat at the table, poured a glass of water, and then looked at Leng Qingmei: "Sister, is Chen Nan really as unbearable as you say, is it a waste?" Facing

her sister's inquiry, Leng Qingmei looked a little nervous: "When he was in the Leng family, he did not show such talent. Although his intelligence is still excellent, he is just an ordinary person, and he has always hidden his strength.

"And you know, I don't want to get married."

"That's why after my father died, I took a break from the book."

Leng Yinyin snorted lightly: "I don't know what happened between your husband and wife, but Chen Nan fought desperately to open the floodgates of Tongcheng yesterday, rescued Tongcheng, and avoided the end of Tongcheng being flooded."

"Today, I fought to the death again and killed the Taixuan Lake monster with the power of heaven."

"He cares about the sky, I really can't imagine that he is so cruel to you."

"Even if that's the case, you should think about whether you're doing something wrong."

On the way back, she thought a lot.

It's hard to believe that a man who dares to be the first in the world would abuse a weak woman like that for no reason.


She had to stand in a neutral position and seriously consider the grudge between Chen Nan and her sister.

Leng Yinyin continued, "Also, you shouldn't impose your father's death on Chen Nan's head.

"I know your character, even if Chen Nan told you the truth before the fox demon killed his father, you wouldn't believe his words."

"Even if you don't like Chen Nan, you shouldn't leave him after he gave his father a funeral."

"He is extremely righteous to my Leng family, you definitely shouldn't be so desperate."

A man was inexplicably suspended by his wife!

This is difficult for any man to accept.

Not to mention before that.

Chen Nan also helped the Leng family do so many things.

Even if there is no credit.

There is also hard work.

After the fact, a paper was suspended and the book was directly suspended.

Who can endure this?

Leng Qingmei didn't say a word.

In front of her sister, she did not have the majesty that a sister should have.

Because without Leng Yinyin, she couldn't become a cultivator at all.

It's just that.

She was very aggrieved in her heart.

Are all faults caused by me?

Isn't there anything wrong with Chen Nan?

The maid's voice came from outside the door: "Miss, Second Miss, hot water is here!"

Leng Yinyin said indifferently: "Come in!"

Chunmei and Xia Lan struggled to carry a bucket of hot water.

Leng Yinyin: "Go down!" "


The two left obediently.

Leng Yinyin looked at Leng Qingmei and said lightly: "Chen Nan fought with water monsters in the rainy night before, and his body has been wet by the rain, you take off his clothes and wipe his body!" "

Being wet by the rain is nothing to a cultivator.

But now Chen Nan fell into a coma because he was too tired, and his resistance was very poor.

So you need to take a hot shower and change into clean clothes.

"I won't wipe him!"

Leng Qingmei couldn't wait for Chen Nan to die.

How can you help him wipe his body?

"You..." Leng Yinyin didn't expect her sister to be so stubborn, and said, "Since you don't help him wipe his body, then it's up to me!" Saying that, he got up and walked to the bed, reaching out to give Chen Nan a wide coat.

Where else can it be accepted to see the coldness?

Immediately stepped forward: "You are a yellow flower girl, how can you help a man undress and wipe his body?" Or I'll do it!

Although she didn't want to help Chen Nan wipe her body.

But I don't want my sister to do this.

If it really spreads, how will she behave in the future?

Leng Yinyin didn't force it.

Stand quietly on the sidelines.

Leng Qingmei raised her eyes to look at her sister: "Why don't you go out?" Don't you feel like it's inappropriate to stand here?

Leng Yinyin shrugged: "I'm afraid you will kill him."

"Your master has spoken, how dare I kill him?" Leng Qingmei shook her head helplessly: "Go out, you are a yellow flower girl, it is not suitable to stay here."

"Chen Nan fell into a coma, life and death are uncertain, I must stay by his side at all times, just in case!" Leng Yinyin turned around and sat back at the table, turned her back to her sister, poured a glass of water and drank.

Although she did not turn to look.


The soul power spread silently.

When I saw the scene where my sister helped Chen Nan take off her clothes.

The tea in her mouth suddenly spurted out.

Oh, my God!

Is he a man, or a donkey?

How could it be so terrifying???

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