"Quick, quickly take me to Song Ziwei!"

Chen Nan's face turned pale, and he directly grabbed the gray-white little mouse and quickly walked towards the north city gate under its leadership.

In fact, Chen Nan did not think about the relationship with Song Ziwei.

Because in his heart, Song Ziwei is his sister.

It is an integral part of one's own life.

Although she loves money.

I also like to drive without saying a word.

But it still can't affect Song Ziwei's status in his heart.

Her status in the host's heart is second only to that of her mother.

Even Xia Youwei can't compare.


I learned that Song Ziwei was in trouble.

Chen Nan suddenly had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

He raced through the streets.

Finally, a luxurious carriage was seen inside the North City Gate.

Two tall horses, unusually burly and handsome.

The carriage was tall and spacious.

There were also eight cultivators on horseback around him.

Their strength is very good, and they are all in the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

Seeing that the carriage was about to leave the city, Chen Nan shouted: "Come, stop that carriage for me!" The

soldiers guarding the city gate naturally knew Chen Nan.

After all, this is a celebrity in Tongcheng.

A lot of miracles have been done.

Who dares not to give him face?

What's more, his expression at this time was still so angry.

After hearing his words.

The two soldiers immediately pulled out their sabers and stopped in the middle of the road: "Chen Chao quickly won't let you go!"

"Young Master save me!"

The curtain of the carriage was lifted by the panicked Song Ziwei, and she shouted to Chen Nan for help.

"Langlang clear sky, Er Wait dares to kidnap the woman of the Liang family?"

The two soldiers were furious, and some even directly released a cloud-piercing arrow.

Kidnapping a woman from a good family on the street.

This in itself is a capital offense.

Not to mention that the other party kidnapped Chen Nan's maid.

If only the other party ran away.

Where else are the faces of these defenders of the city?

Where will the faces of the 13 million people in Tongcheng fall?

After all.

They kidnapped the god-hunting maid of Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of amazing killing intent: "No matter who you are, if you dare to kidnap my relatives, I will let you live better than die!" The

words fell.

He appeared in front of a middle-aged man with a brisk stride.

"Just because of you, you also want to challenge me?" The middle-aged man had a disdainful expression.

He didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all.

His cultivation is not strong though.

But it has also reached the fifth layer of the Yin Realm.

He didn't believe that this handsome man in front of him could beat him.

But just when he drew his long sword.

The horse below let out a scream.

Immediately, his vision was distorted.

"Not good!"

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Nan to knock down his horse with one punch.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Just before he could react.

Even the man with the horse fell directly and heavily on the ground.

Chen Nan snatched the long sword in his hand.

The long sword pierces the heart.

Let him drink hatred on the spot.

This scene only happened between the electric flint.

So much so that the other seven people showed shocked eyes.

I never expected that a young man who had not dried up the smell of milk would be able to kill a strong person in the fifth layer of the Yin Realm in seconds.

"Young man, your strength is not bad."

"But you shouldn't stop us."

"You shouldn't have killed our people!"

Accompanied by an incomparable voice.

An old woman in her sixties came down from the carriage.

She is small and thin.

It looks like it's about one meter six.

Silver-haired, hunched-backed, and on a black crutch.

Wearing a pink robe.

It looks old and tender.

It gives a strong visual impact.

Especially the wrinkles on her face like basket balls, Chen Nan was very disgusted to look at.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "Today I will not only stop you, but even correct all of you!" "

He didn't know who the other party was.

Don't want to know either.

Because he only knows one thing.

He did not allow anyone to forcibly take Song Ziwei away.

If you can't even protect your loved ones around you.

How can we talk about protecting the world?

"Young man, you are too blind! Today I will teach you a lesson, a man who does not know the height of the sky! A

middle-aged man jumped up and killed Chen Nan with a long sword in hand.

The cultivation of the fifth layer of the Yin Realm is not weak.

Especially his quick stature.

It's like a shock.


Chen Nan was not afraid of him.

A sword cut out.

A mist of blood splashed in the air.

Two bodies fell in the air.

The middle-aged man let out a terrified, desperate scream.

I didn't expect that I would be cut off at all.

The old woman's eyes also flashed a cold light: "Young man, you kill people if you don't agree with each other, but there is still a royal law in your eyes?"

"When you rob people and women in the streets, do you have a royal law in your hearts?" Chen Nan drank angrily.

Even if the opponent is very strong.

The momentum is terrifying.

He is also fearless.

The old woman snorted coldly: "Sharp teeth, why do you have to explain to you what the old immortal does?" You are so ruthless and careless about people's lives, and today the old immortal will destroy you for the Tianxing Dao! When

the words fell, she was about to hit Chen Nan with a palm.


A group of catchers carrying long knives rushed over with great momentum.

It was Wu Jiu and others.

Wu Jiu's eyes widened angrily: "Old thing, you murdered the county official on the street, but you ate the bear heart leopard bile?" Fool me into no one in the city?

The old woman frowned slightly: "Is he catching fast?"

"Nonsense, he's a famous divine catcher in our city."

"Yes, he is the county catcher fast."

The people in the distance spoke one after another.

For Chen Nan, many people know him.

Chen Nan said coldly: "Release my relatives, take the initiative to go to the county to turn yourself in, I can let you have a way to live!"

Disdain appeared in the old woman's eyes: "Even if you are a county governor who catches fast?" Do you know who we are?

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "I'll let you go!"

The old woman asked calmly, "What if I don't let go?"

"Then I'll kill you!" Chen Nan's killing intent rushed into the sky, like a killing god, erupting with terrifying killing intent.

"Just because you are an ant, you also want to kill me? Today I will kill you, an honorless elder!" The old woman slapped Chen Nan with a volley.

A terrifying yin qi gushed out in her palm.

Even if Chen Nan has the space domain.

Even if he reached the sixth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

It is also impossible to dodge the opponent's attack.

It felt like I had been hit head-on by a speeding truck.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth and flew out uncontrollably.

Not an opponent.

Chen Nan was no match for her at all.

Even if she slaps at will, it is not something that Chen Nan can resist.

Song Ziwei burst into tears and cried: "Can't I go with you?"

"Please don't kill the young master, don't kill the young master."

"If you want to kill him, I will bite my tongue and die in front of you now!"

The old woman looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "Since the young lady has spoken, then I will let you live." But remember, from now on, the young lady has nothing to do with you, if you dare to disturb her life.

"Don't blame me for not giving the young lady face."


Han Zongyuan's angry voice was like a heavenly thunder roaring through the sky: "Who dares to be so arrogant in the jurisdiction of this official by borrowing your dog's guts?" "

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