Hear Sun Jian's words!

Steward Wang's pupils trembled violently.

Ouch lying groove~!

I was pitted by Chen Nan, the dog!

This guy walked away with empty gloves and two hundred flowers!

Steward Wang trembled with anger.

Want to hit someone at the same time.

I feel extremely aggrieved.

Thanks to him, he also helped Chen Nan to say good things before.

It is said that he is sincere and fisted, and the sun and the moon can be learned.

Now it seems.

Or is he too simple.

He will never be able to get out of Chen Nan's routine.

After all.

Those two hundred flowers were not those two hundred flowers that he asked Chen Nan to help refine medicines.

Instead, Chen Nan wanted to buy these medicinal herbs.

Although he offered to compensate Qingyunlou for one hundred and twenty Caiyin Pills.

But that's not the same thing at all!

That's not how business works.

"Chen Nan of the dog, I have endured your repeated wool, and now you actually want to kill the sheep?"

"Are you still human?"

"Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Steward Wang was furious, and at this moment, he had the idea of killing Chen Nan.

"Steward Wang, shall we recover those two hundred flowers?" Sun Jian asked cautiously.

Two hundred flowers is not a small number.

Steward Wang's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "You think the old man doesn't know that guy is a white wolf with empty gloves?"

Sun Jian's face was stunned: "Huh? Did you know? "

Huh!" Steward Wang sneered: "How can his little trick hide from the eyes of the old man?"

"The reason why the old man promised him was nothing more than to be a favor and earn twenty more Caiyin Pills by the way."

He must not admit that he was negligent.

Otherwise, even if he stepped into the Avatar Realm, he would be remembered greatly.

At that time, it will be impossible to go to the Guangling branch at all.

Looking at General Sun Jian's suspicious gaze, Wang Guan said, "One Yin Harvesting Pill can be worth one million taels of silver, while twenty Yin Harvesting Pills are worth 20 million taels of silver.

"I would like to ask you, how long will it take for our Qingyun Building to make a net profit of 20 million taels of silver?"

Sun Jian thought for a while and said, "If the business is good, you can almost earn 20 million taels a month." "

Isn't that enough?" Steward Wang chuckled: "I made a boat pushing along the water, and I made a net profit of 20 million taels, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!" Speaking

of this, he burst out laughing.

This laughter comes from the heart.

Lao Tzu is too clever.

Finally there is a valid reason.

The previous mistake is rounded back.

Or it will be unimaginable.

It's just that.

That forced should not pit itself, right?

If he doesn't take Yin Pill for himself.

Then he was killed by him!

Five days!

Up to five days.

Once more than five days, even if he fulfilled his previous mistakes.

The people above will not let him go either.


went to buy the auxiliary medicinal materials needed to refine the Yin Pill.

Chen Nan returned home.

This time, it was a white with 200 flowers.

Each other flower has six flowers.

That is to say, 1,200 pieces can be refined.

Even if it is returned to Qingyunlou one hundred and twenty pieces.

He also got one thousand and eighty.

"With the medicinal effect of this thousand and eighty Yin Pills."

"It can completely allow me to step into the seventh layer of the Yin Realm."

Chen Nan was in a good mood.

Another problem arises.

The further you break through, the more pills you need.

Although refining the medicinal materials of Cai Yin Pill is not cheap.

The speed at which he can make money now can be afforded.

But if you refine the Soul Gathering Pill after breaking through.

He may not be able to afford the cost required.

Unless penicillin is popularized.

"First become a yin difference, and when it becomes a yin difference, find a way to destroy the Ma family and popularize penicillin as soon as possible!"

It's hard to move without money.

This is true of both the sun and the underworld.

In the blink of an eye, three days later.

Chen Nan's cultivation also stepped into the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm in these three days.

Of course.

All thanks to those Cai Yin Dan.

He refined twelve hundred Caiyin Pills.

After swallowing one thousand one hundred and fifty pieces, he stepped into the seventh layer of the Yin Mining Realm.

Although happy.


What do you say?

There is no way to give Wang Guan one hundred and twenty Yin Pills, which is quite embarrassing.

After all, I had promised people before that I would give people one hundred and twenty Yin Pills.

Now if you can't take it out, how can you save face?

No way.

He is also a man of face.


He can't take care of this at the moment.

Release the day of the list.

Eat breakfast.

Chen Nan immediately came to the notice board at the gate of the county office.

Although he is confident that he can advance to the third level of martial arts.

Not before the list.

He was also faintly uneasy.

It's a pity.

The county gate is crowded with people.

Even if he came early.

It can't squeeze the front.

You can't see the list of promotions on the bulletin board.

But he didn't panic.

He has connections!

He himself is the prefectural catcher.

You can go to the prefectural office and ask.

This does not.

Just entered the prefecture.

Wu Jiu and the others ran out excitedly.

"You kid, you actually stood out in the assessment of 100,000 people, and scored nine points in the first two rounds of the exam, becoming the second place!"

I took two exams before.

After that, the prefectural magistrate will give a score based on the contents of the paper.

Chen Nan's overall score is nine points.

Chen Nan didn't expect that he was the second place.

Thanks to No. 3, he revealed the exam questions to himself in advance.


With their own abilities, they simply cannot enter the third round.

"Who's number one?" Chen Nan asked casually.

The expression on Wu Jiu's face changed, and he said solemnly: "You have seen the first place, and you even hit him."

Chen Nan frowned: "Are you talking about the young master of the Ma family?" What is his name? Horse, no, Ma Jun, right?

Wu Jiu snorted.

They also heard from their wives that the Ma family was playing penicillin.

I also know that Chen Nan has hit Ma Jun with his hands.

Although they did not think that Ma Jun dared to kill Chen Nan.

But one thing is obvious.

This Yin Poor Selection.

Ma Jun will definitely be Chen Nan's strongest opponent.

"I heard that Ma Jun is a young man who does not learn and has no skills, and he can get high scores in two literary exams this time, which is very abnormal." Wu Jiu said in a low voice.

Chen Nan frowned: "You mean, he knows the exam questions in advance?" Wu

Jiu: "The Ma family has a lot of influence in the capital city, and it is not difficult to know the exam questions in advance."

"In addition, those scribes who read the papers this time are also very optimistic about Ma Jun's article."

"It is precisely because of this that he won ten points and became the first place in the literary examination."

"And I'm a little worried."

"This Ma Jun most likely knows the assessment content of the martial arts test, and he should be practicing hard these days."

This moment.

Chen Nan's expression was also much more solemn.

If Ma Jun really learned the assessment content of the martial arts test.

Plus he has so many supporters.

In this Yin Poor Selection, he will definitely stand out.

"Chen Chao quickly, I advise you to take the initiative to give up the martial arts test!" Ma Jun held a folding fan, walked in with elegant steps, and walked in with a playful smile: "I can tell you very responsibly that the quota of Yin Poor in Tongcheng has long been determined by me."

"With you as a grassroots, what can you fight me?"

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