Chen Nan looked at Guo Yu incredulously.

I didn't expect that he would actually help him protect the Dharma.

If his archery skills were really as powerful as he said.

I have every chance of winning the first place.

This is a great opportunity for him.

Although he also thought about using the space domain to cheat before, Sister Du Yuan once said.

Your own field cannot be used in front of outsiders.

In particular, Duan Kun and the others came from the capital city.

Strength is transcendent.

In case they notice that they have used the field, they are very likely to face the scourge of death.

Okay now.

With Guo Yu's help, he can still fight.

Chen Nan said solemnly: "I owe you a favor, and I will pay it back in the future."

Guo Yu's face flushed with shyness, and he nodded solemnly: "Good."

Chen Nan was stunned.

Oops, lying groove.

It's not...

Good is good.

Why are you so shy?

"Chen Chao is fast, it's your choice!" A servant said politely.

"Oh good." Chen Nan came back to his senses and chose a curved bow on the bow stand.

Seeing that the three of them had finished selecting their bows and arrows, Han Zongyuan said, "Now I announce that the assessment of the third level has officially begun. The

words fell.

The ten scarecrows two hundred meters to the south moved.

Ma Jun looked at Chen Nan and gave him a disdainful look: "The surname Chen, look at it, this time Xiaoye will still get full marks!" Saying

that, he took out an arrow from the barrel.

Take the arrow, pull the string in one go.


The arrow burst out of the air and flew towards a scarecrow two hundred meters away.

And just when the arrow is about to hit a scarecrow.

A faster arrow came quickly.

Shoot it down.

This scene shocked many people.

Moving the target itself is not easy to shoot.

Not to mention.

He also shot a flying arrow.

This archery is truly extraordinary.

Watch as your own arrows get shot down.

Ma Jun was furious, and he looked at Guo Yu angrily: "The surname Guo, you are looking for death, right?"

Guo Yu looked a little embarrassed: "It's just a coincidence." "

At the same time.

Chen Nan decisively pulled out the bow and arrow.


Two arrows burst out of the air at the same time and hit the moving scarecrow.

The onlookers applauded.

He also marveled at Chen Nan's ability to shoot two arrows at a time, and all of them hit.

It can be seen that his archery skills are also outstanding.

"You're happy too soon!" Ma Jun snorted coldly, took the arrow, pulled the string, and shot the second arrow again.

Just as he shot this arrow.

Guo Yu also shot an arrow.

The arrow was extremely fast, and once again shot down Ma Jun's arrow in the air.

The two arrows shot out in succession were shot down, which deeply angered Ma Jun, who roared at Guo Yu like a mad lion: "Cao Nima, do you dare to say that this is a coincidence?"

Guo Yu: "No, I did it on purpose.

Ma Jun's face was stunned.


Don't you hide your thoughts all this?

Too much deception!

It's a deception!

After coming back to his senses.

He cursed angrily, "I'm a member of the Ma family.

"How dare you target me in a competition?"

"Are you bullying our Ma family?"

"Are you really tired of living?"

Guo Yu did not make a sound.

But gave him a look of disgust and contempt.

The people in the distance also scoffed at Ma Jun.

He asked Guo Yu in public whether he was tired of living, which was very much in line with the arrogant and domineering character of the young man.

But ironically.

This is a selection of yin differences!

Can a person with this kind of disposition become a yin?


on the bench.

Duan Kun's eyes were indifferent: "Master Han, that one named Guo Yu violated the law!"

Han Zongyuan asked calmly, "Where did the violation go?"

Duan Kun frowned and said displeased, "Didn't you see that he shot down Ma Jun's arrow?"

Han Zongyuan: "See, what's the problem?"

Duan Kun endured the anger in his heart and asked, "Don't you feel, isn't this fair to Ma Jun?"

Han Zongyuan asked respectfully, "Take the liberty to ask, what is fairness?"

"Is this Yin Poor Selection fair?"

"You..." Duan Kun's stunned face turned sallow and speechless.

He didn't expect Han Zongyuan to dare to question himself.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "I will report your performance today to Wang Ye."

"You feel free!" Han Zongyuan looked disdainful.

He wished that Duan Kun would report this matter to Wang Ye.

Because it was definitely not he who was punished.

Of course.

He is also not afraid of being punished.

Anyway, he entered the career path just to hide his other identity.

To put it bluntly, it's just playing.


brush brush brush!

Chen Nan quickly pulled away the curved bow, and the arrow burst out of the air.

He still had a gap of more than thirty points with Ma Jun before.

Can go over time.

Scores are also shrinking rapidly.

"Even if you two are in cahoots, you still want to defeat me!"

Ma Jun was deeply enraged.

The arrow was infused with yin qi.

An arrow is fired.

The arrow instantly hit a scarecrow.

With the blessing of Yin Qi.

Even if Guo Yu is not empty, it will be difficult to shoot down his arrows.

But just as he shot again.

Guo Yu also shot an arrow at almost the same time.

This time.

He also instilled Yin Qi.

It's just instilled in the bowstring.

Seeing that the score is about to be equalized.

Duan Kun secretly shouted in his heart that it was not good.

If this goes on.

Ma Jun's score had to be overcome.

At that time, won't everything that was done before be lost?

Think of this.

He pinched it with one hand.

A rune that was imperceptible to the naked eye quickly disappeared into the curved bow in Guo Yu's hand like lightning.

Guo Yu did not see the rune.

But he clearly felt that there was decay inside the curved bow.

He looked angrily at Duan Kun on the referee's bench.

I saw that the other party had a malicious smile on his face.

He scolded the other party in his heart for being mean.

Immediately, Yin Qi was instilled on the bow body.

I thought about using this to strengthen the hardness of the bow body.

But just when he pulled away the curved bow, the arrow had not yet been fired.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

The curved bow in his hand suddenly shattered into slag!

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

No one expected that the curved bow in Guo Yu's hand would suddenly shatter.

And at this time.

Even if the arrows in Chen Nan's hand all hit the moving scarecrow.

As long as Ma Jun does not make mistakes.

Then his cumulative score still cannot be achieved.

"I'm sorry Brother Chen, I can't help you!" Ma Jun lowered his head and put down the broken bow in his hand, his eyes full of frustration.

He wanted to give it one last shot.

Help Chen Nan get the first.

But he didn't expect that the world would be so gloomy.

Those big people didn't give them a chance to resist at all.

In the eyes of those big people,

they don't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all.

Think of it as an ant toying with applause.

No matter how hard they try.

It is difficult to change the final result.


Extremely disappointed!

Chen Nan glanced at Ma Jun, who was full of schadenfreude, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry, I can defeat that guy, and I will never let your previous efforts go to waste!" "

He wasn't going to use the space domain.

But now.

Does he still have a choice?

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