"Sixth-level yin difference is not uncommon in the capital city."

"But in a state capital, he is one of the biggest people."

Han Zongyuan continued: "As far as I know, there are many people in the dynasty who are dissatisfied with the Ma family's control of the navigation of the Guangling River, if you can take the opportunity to bring down the Ma family.

"It can completely become a sixth-level yin difference, and even be favored by many ministers in the DPRK."

"You should know that there are two factions in the DPRK."

"In addition to the radicals uniting."

"Conservatives are not as united as they seem."

"There is a constant fight in the dark."

"They themselves want to take the navigation of the Guangling River to strengthen the strength of their faction."

"However, the navigation of the Guangling River is controlled by the Ma family and the person behind them."

"Do you think conservatives will still be so united?"

"Guangling River is a very important pawn."

"If used properly, it can tear their camp apart."

"Even completely dismantle the power of conservatives in the capital city."

"Oh, right."

"Song Daotai didn't like it very much that the Ma family won the shipping rights."

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

I never expected that Guangling River would have such great value.

It's just that.

Isn't Han Jongwon a conservative person?

Why did he say so much to himself?

Could it be that he is against the water?

Curious though.

But Chen Nan didn't ask more.

He could feel that Han Zongyuan did not have a bad heart for him.

"Thanks to the adult's advice, I know what to do!"

This moment.

Chen Nan has already determined the next plan.

Instead of blindly entering Guangling Mansion.

It is better to continue to stay in Tongcheng.

If you can take down the Ma family.

After entering Guangling Mansion, he made a lot of achievements.

The key is to please Song Ziwei's father.

Chen Nan then bid farewell to Han Zongyuan.

Just came out.

Wu Jiu and the others couldn't wait to come over: "How is it?" "

Did Lord Han transfer you to another department?"

Although Chen Nan became a yin difference.

But the five-level yin difference is a height that is difficult for them to reach in a lifetime.

They were curious to know which department Chen Nan went to.

"The biggest official in the entire Tongcheng is the county order, and now that I am on the same level as Lord Han, how can he mobilize me?" Chen Nan smiled: "Don't worry, from now on, we will patrol together." Wu

Jiu and the others were lost at the same time.

I can't help but be happy.

The loss is that Chen Nan was not reused.

But Chen Nan is also right.

He and Han Zongyuan are both fifth-level Yin Difference and belong to the same level.

Han Zongyuan was not qualified to transfer him at will.

Happy because their brothers can fight side by side again.

"Not on duty at night, right?" Chen Nan said: "What, call my wife and children to my house at night, let's have a drink." Several

people readily agreed.

Chen Nan left the county.

I saw Guo Yu waiting here at the gate of the county office.

When he returned, he asked Guo Yu to wait for him here.

After all, he offended the Ma family today.

It will definitely be retaliated by the Ma family.

It's safer to stay around.

Of course.

He also likes the character of this guy Guo Yu.

He took Guo Yu towards Xia's house, and said as he walked: "If you don't dislike it, stay by my side in the future." "

It's too vulgar to say silver."

"If you covet a comfortable life, you don't want to be a yin."

"What I can give you is to let you develop your ambitions and live a life with passion."

"Follow me."

"You will encounter a lot of danger."

"But I will improve your cultivation as much as possible and let you grow."

"Because only absolute strength can clear the clouds."

"And before that, all you have to do is trust me unconditionally."

"Whatever I ask you to do, you will obey."

Guo Yu blushed and said, "I'll with you!" "


Xia's family has heard about Chen Nan becoming a fifth-level yin.

All happy.

Even Xia Hou didn't expect Chen Nan to become a fifth-level Yin difference.

Because in his eyes, Chen Nan is a powerless grassroots.

Except for a little cleverness.

In addition to being good at writing H books.

With a hot head, it is easy to make some bold acts outside.

Nothing else.

But now.

This grassroots has completed the most gorgeous counterattack.

From an ordinary person to a fifth-level yin.

To put it bluntly.

He has no power though.

But now he is power.

Those who once looked down on him.

will regret it.

Thankfully, he wasn't carried away by profit.

Didn't fall into the hole when this guy was at his worst.


He drank quite a bit.


Xia Youwei and his wife went to the kitchen to boil the decanting soup.

Xia Hou blushed and said drunkenly: "Chen Nan, no matter what your future achievements are, in front of me, you will be a junior after all.

"So, don't put up an official shelf in front of Lao Tzu."

"Others may be afraid of you, but Lao Tzu is not afraid."

Chen Nan said with a smile: "This is inevitable, don't say that I am now a fifth-level yin difference, even if I become a ninth-level yin difference, it is also a junior in front of you." "

The respect for Xia Hou comes from the heart.

Hearing him say this, Xia Hou showed a smug smile: "This is almost the same." His

voice suddenly changed, and he said seriously: "Also, you should have some hobbies."

"For example, doing what you're good at and enjoy."

Chen Nan was a little confused.

Do I have any hobbies?

Am there anything I'm good at?

Looking at Chen Nan's dazed expression, Xia Hou snorted and said displeased: "I didn't expect you to look so smart, but in fact it is an elm pimple."

"Aren't you good at writing books?"

"Keep writing!"

"Could it be that you want to seal the pen after you finish writing Teacher Bai?"

"You're a best-selling author."

"Do you know that many people are expecting your new book?"

"You can't lose your mind with a plaything."

"You have to be accountable to your readers."

"You are where you are today thanks to their support."

"You have to keep in mind that they are your food and clothing parents, understand?"


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

The old man urged the change in person?

That's outrageous.

It's also embarrassing.

If it were not for the lack of start-up capital at the beginning.

He definitely won't make money by publishing books.

Which Cheng thought.

The old man labeled himself a best-selling author.

"I'll try my best!"

What can Chen Nan say?

The old man urged him to change it in person.

He must not give an attitude?

Although Teacher Bai's story is over.

But there is also a Bingo that is comparable to Teacher Bai in Yangma.

And Bingo's story is longer.

Although a lot of storylines were forgotten.

But the direction of the story, and the overall framework structure, he can still recall.

"Not as much as possible, but must." Xia Hou said with a straight face: "Give you three days, you must write an episode of the manuscript, and then send it to me, and I will help you review the manuscript."

Chen Nan wanted to scold him for being smelly.

But he didn't dare.

Met tea.

Chen Nan and Guo Yu left the Xia family.

Just as the two arrived at the intersection of Main Street, a luxurious carriage stopped in front of the two.

Ma Sanyuan walked out of the carriage and said with a smile: "Chen Chao is fast, meeting is fate, can we take a step to talk?" "

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