A hint of disappointment flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Between us, is there only business left?"

"Why did you ask me for pills when you met?"

"You don't trust me?"

Steward Wang cursed in his heart.

Do you feel, should I trust you?

That being said.

But he did not dare to speak out from his heart.

He smiled and invited Chen Nan to enter the Qingyun Tower: "Chen Daoyou, I naturally trust you."


"I'm just a small steward of Qingyunlou."

"To put it bluntly, I'm just a migrant worker."

"A lot of times I can't help myself!"

He sighed deeply and said helplessly, "If Qingyun Lou is my private property, why not give you those two hundred flowers?"

"But now, the branch has been asking if the two hundred flowers have ever been sold."

"If it doesn't sell, move back to the branch because someone wants to buy it."

"If it has already been sold, send back the money spent on the other side of the two hundred plants back to the branch."

"You said I don't see the money now."

"Those flowers are not in my hands either."

"If the division blames it, I'm finished!"

"What, don't take one hundred and twenty Yin Pills, you can give me a hundred according to the original price."

He no longer had the luxury of asking for twenty more Yin Pills.

Because every time Chen Nan appeared, he had a sense of foreboding.


Scared by the pit!

Chen Nan asked calmly: "Let's not talk about the matter of picking Yin Pill, what I want to know is, what is the price of Soul Gathering Pill?" Steward

Wang was stunned for a moment.

I don't understand why Chen Nan asked about this.

But he still said: "The price of the Soul Gathering Pill is definitely more expensive than the Caiyin Pill, and the lowest price is two million taels of gold, and if you meet a rich person who urgently needs this pill, the price will have to at least double." "

Caiyin Pill and Soul Gathering Pill are not a grade of pills at all.

If it weren't for his need for the Soul Gathering Pill to break through, he would definitely sell the pill in his hand.

After all.

The value of a hundred Yin Pills is only 100 million taels of silver.

Converted into gold, it is one million taels of gold.

However, the price of the Soul Gathering Pill was far above a hundred Yin Pills.

It is several times the size of a hundred Caiyin Pills.

After learning the price of the Soul Gathering Pill.

Chen Nandi was full of anger.

After all.

He couldn't fulfill his previous agreement and gave Wang Treasurer one hundred and twenty Yin Pills.

Don't say one hundred and twenty.

Even if it's a hundred, he can't take it!

Chen Nan asked, "Wang Treasurer, we can be considered friends, right?" Wang

Treasurer's heart trembled.

Oops, lying groove.

What the hell are you?

Do you want to dig a hole for me again?

Wang Treasurer was afraid.

With his knowledge of Chen Nan.

As long as Chen Nan said that they were friends, he would give him a set.

It's just that.

What should he do now?

Say not friends?

If so, Chen Nan would definitely backtrack and not return the hundred Caiyin Pills that belonged to him to him.

But if you talk about friends.

What if he still sets himself up?

Help me!

Who can come to my rescue?

Wang Treasurer was panicked.

I don't know how to answer Chen Nan's question.


Chen Nan took out a Caiyin Pill: "Don't hide from the king's treasurer, I only have this Caiyin Pill left in my hand, and the rest have all been taken by me."

Wang Treasurer's face turned pale, without a trace of blood: "Chen Daoyou, my heart is not good, don't make such a joke!" "

Don't worry."

Chen Nan said, "Although I only have one Yin Gathering Pill, I still have a Soul Gathering Pill. Saying that, he took out a Soul Gathering Pill.

Wang's eyes lit up.

His breathing became rapid.

He seemed to understand what Chen Nan meant.

"You said before that the market price of a Soul Gathering Pill is two million taels of gold, and it may even double it, right?"

"In that case."

"Then this Soul Gathering Pill will be sold to Qingyunlou."

"Let's each take a step back, three million taels of gold."

"Cut off the hundred Caiyin Pills that were owed to Qingyunlou before."

"You need to pay me two million taels of gold."

"Single-digit addition and subtraction, this account, I should not be wrong, right?"

Steward Wang said excitedly: "Chen Daoyou's account is very clear, the head is the Dao, yes, I will..." Speaking of this, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face: "What, our side can't get so much money in a short time."

"How about we use the other side to pay off your debt?"

"According to 500,000 taels of silver, one other shore flower."

"We should give you four hundred flowers."

"But it's business."

"In addition to business, don't we have to have some friendship?"

"In this way, I am good at advocating and adding an additional twenty flowers to Chen Daoyou."

Twenty flowers on the other side may not seem like much.

But it is worth ten million taels of silver.

One thousand taels of gold.

Who expected that Chen Nan was not happy when he heard this: "The friendship between us is worth twenty flowers?" "

Why did I sell the Soul Gathering Pill to Qingyunlou for only three million taels of gold?"

"Why didn't you ask for four million, or even more?"

"Isn't this just for your face?"

He smiled wryly and shook his head: "I really didn't expect me to consider you a friend."

"In your eyes, our friendship is only worth twenty flowers."

"Knowing this, wouldn't it be easier for me to sell you four million taels of gold?"

Steward Wang was speechless.

If Chen Nan sold the Soul Gathering Pill to them for four million taels of gold.

He will definitely accept it without hesitation.

After all, this thing is really rare.

Although the profit of four million is not very large.

But it can consolidate the status of Qingyunlou.

Chen Nan sighed and said in an old-fashioned manner: "Wang Guan, business is not a financial transaction, business is a matter of human affection!" Steward

Wang was full of shame: "What Chen Daoyou said is that I underestimated our friendship.

"What, I'll give you my maximum permission and give you an additional fifty flowers."

"How about four hundred and fifty plants in total?"

Chen Nan made a hoarse voice: "If you give me four hundred plants, I have nothing to say." Since you have given me four hundred and fifty plants, how can I live up to your kindness?

"Just do as you say, and get the other side flower as soon as possible."

"I'll come and get the medicine in three days." Said getting up and leaving.

Chen Nan currently possessed the cultivation of the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

If all four hundred and fifty flowers were refined into elixirs, two thousand seven hundred could be refined.

If you are lucky, you can completely step into the Soul Gathering Realm with the help of so many pills.

"Chen Daoyou go slowly!"

Steward Wang chased to the door, the smile on his face was as bright as a chrysanthemum, and waved his hand towards Chen Nan's back.

This time.

They really made a lot of money!

After all, the cost price of two hundred flowers is not high.

Exchanging two hundred flowers for a Soul Gathering Pill is a very cost-effective deal.

He excitedly picked up the glass bottle containing the Soul Gathering Pill and poured out the pill inside.

After looking.

Steward Wang's face suddenly became a little solemn: "Why is it exactly the same as my Soul Gathering Pill?" "


"These two pills shouldn't be from one pot, right?"

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