The cold and beautiful heart was suddenly confused!

After Chen Nan became a fifth-level yin.

She could clearly feel that Chen Nan's attitude towards her had changed.

I never gave her any good face when I saw her before.

And toyed with her again and again.

Don't treat her as a human being at all.

Can become a five-level yin difference.

Not only the attitude towards her has changed.

He even gave her a priceless Soul Gathering Pill.

Not to mention that it was so hard work at this time.

Just to let the Leng family win the project of building a water transport terminal.

It is said that the human heart is made of flesh.

What Chen Nan did, how could she be indifferent?

Even though he has a thousand bad things.

But as my sister said.

Everything is caused by yourself.

She was very confused.

Even when the draw ended, Chen Nan announced that the Leng family had been awarded the construction of a water transport terminal.

It's all just forced laughter.

Because she has joined the Anti-Heaven Sect.

When everyone dispersed, Chen Nan called Leng Qingmei to the county office and said seriously: "The imperial court allocated two million taels of silver to build a water transport wharf, and the construction period is three months.

"In any case, the Leng family will be completed within these three months."

Leng Qingmei said a little nervously: "The three-month construction period is a bit short, because we don't have the drawings of the water transport terminal yet, and even if we design it, we have to win the approval of the government..."

The quasi-word is not finished.

Chen Nan took out a blueprint of the drawing.

It has not only the shape of a water transport dock on it.

The material used is also indicated.

Unusual verbosity.

"This is what I drew last night overnight, as long as you build it according to this."

"I can still complete this task in three months."

"Also, I helped you contact a construction team."

"They've done so well in digging rivers before, and you can connect with them directly."

Chen Nan did everything in detail.

Reduces the worries of being cold and flattering.

It also made her feel a touch of warmth in her heart.

A trace of warmth that had never been felt in Chen Nan.

Her eyes were red, and she couldn't help but say, "You... Why are you suddenly so nice to me?

Chen Nan sighed: "After suffering a flood in Tongcheng, after I was unconscious by lightning, I gradually understood a truth.

"Since you are alive, you have to live well."

"Especially when I became a yin."

"I realized one thing more clearly."

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"If I can't even protect the woman I love so much."

"Why talk about protecting the world?"

Leng Qingmei lowered her head: "However, I have thought about killing you more than once."

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said slightly embarrassed: "Actually, I also thought about killing you."

"But I can't get my hands off."

"Love is fine."

"Hate it."

"Our destinies have long been closely linked, haven't we?"

"If that's the case, why can't we live in peace?"

"Why fight and kill?"

"Okay, don't talk about it."

"If there is anything that cannot be solved, come to me at any time."

"Let's be husband and wife, don't be so restrained."

Speaking of this, Chen Nandu felt a little disgusted.

With his yang character, he would definitely not say such humble words.

But the host itself has too deep an obsession with Leng Qingmei.

Since he chose this body.

Nature bears a series of causes and effects.



Chen Nan came to Qingyun Tower wearing a black cloak and a golden mask.

Steward Wang seemed to have calculated that Chen Nan would come today.

Purposely seated in the ground floor seating area.

Drinking tea and humming a song in his mouth.

It looks very pleasant.

He has successfully stepped into the Metamorphosis Realm and become a powerhouse in the Transfiguration Realm.

Moreover, he declined the invitation to serve in the branch of Guangling Prefecture.

The reason for this.

It's nothing more than because of the Ma family.

He wanted to stay here and continue the wool of the Xue Leng family.

Although during this period, it is inevitable that Chen Nanxue will be wool.

But he can learn from experience.

Moreover, Chen Nan is a distinguished guest of Qingyun Lou.

Working with him he gets a lot of cuts.

"Steward Wang is in a good mood today!"

Heard Chen Nan's voice.

Steward Wang subconsciously stood up.

Although he learned a lot of tricks from pit people with Chen Nan.


Hearing his voice, he felt longing.

There is an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Because he didn't know when Chen Nan would start tricking himself.

Instinctively resisted.

Chen Nan asked, "Have those flowers I wanted been delivered?" Steward

Wang took out a storage bag: "Four hundred and fifty flowers are all in it, Chen Daoyou can check and check!"

Chen Nan took the storage bag and didn't look at it: "Just based on our relationship, can't I trust you?" Steward

Wang snorted.

The secret shouting in the heart is not good.

There we go, it's going!

Once this guy is close to himself!

Then it's time to start tricking yourself!

I just hope that his set can be oily and not so stiff!

This way I can also learn some valuable lessons!

Chen Nan asked, "Steward Wang, does Qingyunlou still want to gather soul pills?"

Steward Wang didn't think about it: "It must be!" "

The Soul Gathering Pill is a panacea that allows people to step into the Transformation Realm.

And he had received news from headquarters before.

If there is a Soul Gathering Pill, buy it at a high price as soon as possible.

Chen Nan took out the Ma family's Soul Gathering Pill: "Hey, this Soul Gathering Pill will be sold to Qingyunlou!"

"As for the price..."

"Look at it!"

"I believe that with our feelings, you will not pit me."

Steward Wang scolded his mother in his heart.

I won't pit you.

But you didn't pit me!

And also!

Can't you clearly mark the price and ask for the number?

Why make me look giving?

I gave less to you and said that our feelings are not worth anything.

If I give more to the headquarters, it will not be easy to explain it.

This is clearly embarrassing me.

He endured the resentment in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said, "Otherwise, how about three and a half million taels of gold?"

After speaking, he heard Chen Nan 'heh', and there seemed to be a trace of disdain in his tone.

As if disgusted that the price is too low.

Steward Wang smiled bitterly: "Forget it, one price, four million taels of gold." "

If you feel that this price is right, we will accept this pill in Qingyunlou."

He regretted it a little.

He shouldn't have been so excited when Chen Nan proposed to sell the Soul Gathering Pill.

If it weren't for this.

Chen Nan will not dislike the price is too low.

When Chen Nan saw it, he accepted it: "Okay, just four million taels of gold."

"It's still the old rule, let's exchange it all for flowers on the other side!"

Steward Wang was overjoyed: "Okay, you will come to pick up the flowers on the other side in three days."

"Cheng, then you are busy first."

Chen Nan didn't stay too long and got up to leave.

Steward Wang got up and sent them off.

Waiting to watch Chen Nan disappear into the night.

He suddenly frowned.

Wait a minute.

Why do I always feel like something is missing?

Immediately, he slammed his spirit!


Is Chen Nan transgender today?

He didn't even pit me?

And also!

It's obviously good that he doesn't pit me.

But why does it feel so awkward?

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