Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

What can be called a treasure by the Di is definitely not a mortal thing.


He had to follow the caravan of Wang Lan and the others.

Of course.

He could also feel that Wang Lan parted ways with them for the sake of their lives.

You have to find a reasonable excuse to continue following them.

"Thank you Miss Wang for your kindness." Chen Nan said, "Although our brothers don't want to die, we want to fight."

"That's what I thought."

"The caravan itself is understaffed."

"Or our brothers and the caravan will continue on their way."

"One more person can also deter the thief one more point."

He continued, "If Luoyan Mountain doesn't meet the mountain thief, we will continue to follow the Wang family caravan.

"If we really meet, our brothers can also contribute."

"But I have one condition."

"If only our brothers survived."

"You give each of our brothers five taels of silver."

"These five taels of silver should be our money."

"If our brothers die."

"You find a place to bury our brothers on the spot."

Wang Lan didn't expect Chen Nan to say this.

In particular, the five taels of silver sharding money poked the softest place in her heart.

If not forced by life.

Whose life will be so cheap?

After a moment of silence, he said, "Your life is far more than five taels of silver.

"So be it."

"If everyone can leave alive after encountering the thief, I will give each of you fifty taels of silver."

As Chen Nan said, their caravan was understaffed.

Two more people can also deter the thief of the falling Yanshan Mountain.

After all, both Chen Nan and Guo Yu gave people a strong feeling.

Chen Nan was flattered and said, "Isn't fifty taels too much? "

Not much." Wang Lan: "Then follow what I said before." Saying that, he rode to the front of the caravan and beckoned everyone to go towards the Falling Goose Mountain.

They are going to cross the Falling Goose Mountain.

Although it will take an extra day of travel.

But it will not delay the delivery time.

This is a last resort.

"Big brother, I feel a little dizzy in my head!"

Just as you enter the Falling Goose Mountain.

Guo Yu's face became haggard.

"Sick? It shouldn't be! Chen Nan frowned, although Guo Yu's strength was not strong, he also reached the sixth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

And becoming a cultivator will be invincible.

Guo Yu looked solemnly at the majestic mountain range in front of him and said, "I feel that something on this mountain is calling me, and I also feel that someone wants to take away my body."

"Forcibly insert a memory that does not belong to me into my head!"

"Forcibly insert these four words and circle them, and you will have to take the test later." The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "Don't you be so colorful, okay?"

He looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, and tears of humiliation appeared in his eyes, like a little widow who had been wronged: "I have also been pure!" "

Chen Nan is too lazy to take care of him, this colored dog is more shameless than him.

Guo Yu's face was full of pain: "Sun!

"There are ten suns in the sky!"

"I see ten suns in the sky!"

"Heaven and earth are desolate, and there is no grass!"

"I really want to them!" Speaking of this, Guo Yu's eyes revealed endless anger, he clenched his fists, and his facial features were hideous.


A simple word.

A thick layer of goosebumps instantly rose on Chen Nan's body.

Guo Yu is good at archery.

There are no arrows.

He knew that.

He thought that this was a skill that he had practiced hard the day after tomorrow.

But now it seems.

It didn't seem like it was what I imagined.

He thought of a terrifying being in mythology.

Even in the divine genealogy, it is very high.

I just don't dare to be sure.

He looked at Di Ting with an inquiring gaze.

Di listened to Chen Nan's gaze, and the soul transmitted: "You guessed right, Guo Yu is not Guo Yu, to be precise, he is the present life of Zongbu Shenyi!" Chen

Nan's scalp was numb.

He thought of the record of Houyi in the "Huainanzi Yun Treatise".

"Eliminate the evils of the world, and die as Zongbu".

The story of Houyi Shooting Day is well known.

But very few people know.

Houyi has three images: people, gods, and ghosts.

He was a demigod and a half-human god before his death.

After death, he became a half-ghost, half-god ghost king.

He is the supreme existence at the peak of the Ghost King Realm.

On strength.

Only the Houtu Niangniang in Hades can overcome him.

Even the Emperor Yudu was not his opponent.

He does not belong to Hades.

But it also belongs to Hades.

Because he is a terrifying being that is half ghost and half god.

You can enjoy the three worlds.

This is except for the saints.

Very few people have been able to do it.

After all, there is a difference between yin and yang!

It's just that.

Chen Nan couldn't believe it.

Guo Yu turned out to be the reincarnation of Houyi.

And he became his own little brother...

This is the supreme being that shoots out the nine suns.

Of course.

He doesn't trust others.

But I still believe in the truth.

Even if this guy is getting more and more colorful.

But it is also the first divine beast in the underworld.

After the shock, Chen Nan sent a message to the truth: "That is, the treasure on the Falling Goose Mountain belongs to Guo Yu?" "

Listening to the truth: "Falling Goose Mountain has the bowstring of the bow of the Sun God.

"After it felt Guo Yu's breath."

"Will forcibly insert the memories of Guo Yu's previous life into his mind."

"However, this cannot awaken Guo Yu's memories of his previous life."

"Unless you can find the bow body of the Sun-shooting God Bow."

Chen Nan secretly swallowed.

I never expected this little Falling Goose Mountain.

There is even the bowstring of the Sun-shooting God bow.

"If I transform into a golden-winged bird and fly directly to Guangling Mansion with Guo Yu and Di Ting, wouldn't I miss the opportunity here?"

"Destiny, it is really difficult to figure out how to create this thing!"

Seeing that Guo Yu fell into a coma due to pain, Chen Nan asked: "After Yi died, he became a half-ghost, half-god existence, but why did he reincarnate and recultivate?"

"A long, long time ago, Yi left Hades, and after that he never returned.

"It was also after that that Hades ushered in many powerful reincarnations."

"I heard that there was a vicious battle in the Divine Realm."

"If nothing else, Yi should have participated in that battle."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

Houyi is an existence with a heart attached to life.

Otherwise, he would not shoot the sun for the sake of the world.

He must have been involved in that battle.

Thinking of Houyi Great God being reduced to his own little brother.

Chen Nan felt a little excited.


He also raised a burst of anticipation.

If you find the reincarnation of the ancient god in the sky.

And take them as little brothers.

Wait until later?

"Let this guy sleep first, I Chen Nan won the chance of Falling Yan Mountain!"

"In any case, get the bowstring of the Sun Shooting God's bow."

Chen Nan's eyes looked firmly at Luoyan Mountain.

The carriage moved slowly.

Soon the sun was setting.

Wang Lan asked the caravan to stop in an open place.

Twelve carriages formed a circle, and everyone rested inside.

If you really encounter an attack from a thief.

They also have bunkers.

It may be that I smelled the rice.

Guo Yu, who was originally sleeping, also opened his sleepy eyes.

Wang Fu asked people to send some broth to Chen Nan, Guo Yu, and Di Ting.

There are also some air-dried meats, as well as dry food.

Just take a bite.

Chen Nan frowned.

Is it poisonous in food?

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