After learning that Chen Nan single-handedly crushed the entire Demon Town.

After learning that Chen Nan had killed a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse.

Song Linhui regarded it as a plague.

Just want to send him away as soon as possible.

He was afraid of accidents.

In case someone accidentally broke the wine glass and led Mu Yifeng out.

That's troublesome.

But he didn't expect it.

The worst fears happened.

Chen Nan accidentally broke a wine glass.

"It seems that Lord Chen still hasn't drunk well!" Wei Shengjin said with a smile: "In my opinion, it's not too late today, or let's drink a little more..."

The words are not finished.

A powerful aura descended on heaven and earth.

Mu Yifeng quickly struck and stood murderously at the door of the banquet hall: "Song Linhui, our husband and wife are loyal to you, but they just got some benefits outside because of your reputation."

"But you swept our husband and wife out of the house and made us the laughing stock of the cultivation world."

"I'll kill you today, shame before snow!"

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

No one expected that someone would dare to come to Daotai Mansion to assassinate Song Linhui.

Although his cultivation is not high.

But it's a sixth-level yin difference in the imperial court!

Song Linhui's face was sallow.

He wanted to send a message to Mu Yifeng and let him escape from here as soon as possible.

Because he had a hunch.

Chen Nan seemed to know his plan.

He seemed to accidentally break the wine glass, but he actually deliberately wanted to lure Mu Yifeng out.

I wanted to kill my right-hand man in front of myself.


He did not dare to use the soul to communicate.

If Chen Nan's strength is really that strong.

He will definitely be able to detect the conversation between himself and Mu Yifeng.

He could only keep making eyes towards Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng naturally noticed Song Linhui's eyes, but he ignored them.

The thief who killed his own Taoist is right in sight.

In any case, kill him to avenge his Daoist partner.

"Uncle Song Bomo wants to panic, junior will help you kill this person!" Chen Nan appeared in front of Song Linhui.

This scene impressed the patriarchs of the three major families.

Such a dangerous situation can also stand up to protect Song Linhui.

It is really worthy of Lord Song's cultivation!

Chen Nan looked at Mu Yifeng with indifferent eyes: "You really have the audacity to sneak into the Daotai Mansion to commit murder."

"Do you know what the crime of murdering a high-ranking minister of the imperial court is?"


Mu Yifeng was a little confused.

He originally wanted to kill Chen Nan while the chaos was in chaos.

But I didn't expect that the other party took the initiative to send people's heads.

It was quite unexpected.

It saved him a lot less unnecessary trouble.

Right at this moment.

Song Linhui's voice sounded: "Elder Mu, for the sake of our acquaintance, I am willing to give you a chance."

"As long as you leave now, I'll act like nothing happened."

"I hope you don't lose your senses."

Song Feiyang also said: "Yes, my father is a sixth-level yin in the imperial court, if you dare to make a move against him, it is tantamount to tantamount to rebellion, do you really want to be accused of treason?"

"Do you know that if this happens, there will be no place for you in the whole world?"

They don't know about the conspiracy of their father and Mu Yifeng.

But they knew that Mu Yifeng's strength was very strong.

"Since I dare to show up, I naturally thought of a way out!" Mu Yifeng didn't expect Song Linhui to say so many lines, but he still said to Chen Nan: "Young man, I advise you not to be nosy."

"Get out of here."

"Otherwise, today next year will be your festival."

He wanted to pretend that he came today to assassinate Song Linhui.

Killing Chen Nan was just a way to go.

After all, this can clear Song Linhui's suspicions.

Song Linhui spoke again, and he snorted coldly: "Mu Yifeng, I hope you turn back to the shore, don't get lost."

"My virtuous nephew's strength is very strong."

"It's more than enough to kill you."

Mu Yifeng showed surprise.

How can a big person like you, who is not smiling, also like acting?


In Mu Yifeng's eyes.

Song Linhui's move is acting.

Because he appeared today to listen to Song Linhui's arrangement.

If Chen Nan's strength is really that terrifying.

How could Song Linhui arrange for him to kill Chen Nan?

After returning to his senses, he chuckled: "It's just a cultivator of the ninth layer of the Transformation Realm, who is like an ant in my eyes, and I can kill him with one hand." "

Kill me?"

"You deserve it too?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth.

"Then I'll kill you!" Mu Yifeng roared angrily, and a sword stabbed into Chen Nan's chest.

He is quick.

The momentum is amazing.

A sword pierced through Chen Nan's chest.

But there was not the slightest splash of blood.

There was a flame burning at the wound, withstanding all the attacks.

Everyone present gasped.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to have this kind of means.

Mu Yifeng was even more taken aback.

A sense of foreboding arose.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

Chen Nan threw out a fire fist!


The fist that exudes high temperature carries the power of destruction and decay.

It slammed heavily into Mu Yifeng's chest.

"Not good!"

This moment!

Mu Yifeng sensed the aura of danger.

He instinctively withdrew his sword and mounted it in front of him to block.

Although the long sword resisted Chen Nan's fire fist.

But the next second.

The long sword instantly turned fiery red.

It immediately turned into liquid and fell to the ground.

See this scene.

Everyone gasped.

How could the flames above his fist be so terrifying?

Unexpectedly, a long sword forged from stainless steel melted in an instant?

Mu Yifeng's face was sallow.

He subconsciously took several steps back.

Only then did he avoid Chen Nan's terrifying blow.

Heart palpitations.

Trembling and frightening.

Thanks to the timely retreat of himself.

If Chen Nan smashed a punch on his chest.

It would kill him in an instant.

He didn't think his body could compare to a steel sword.

"Give me death!"

Although marvel at Chen Nan's terrible.

But Mu Yifeng did not escape.

The soul detached from the body and took a soul attack.

I want to enter Chen Nanzhihai.

Destroy his soul.

Take His flesh!

It's time for a minute.

A flame instantly bloomed in Chen Nan's body.

The whole person seemed to be set on fire.

Directly resisted Mu Yifeng's soul attack.


Mu Yifeng's soul let out a heart-rending scream.

He quickly returns to his body.

The face was pale to the extreme.

"Did you get the chance of the Vulcan Sect?" Mu Yifeng looked at Chen Nan with trepidation.

There is only one flame in the world that is extremely domineering.

Over there is the chance of the Vulcan Sect.

"Now can you believe Uncle Song's words? It's really easy for me to kill you. An intriguing smile appeared on Chen Nan's face.

Mu Yifeng looked at Song Linhui with anger on his face.

I felt like I was being pitted by him.

You can see Song Linhui's ashamed eyes.

He knows.

Even Song Linhui looked down on Chen Nan.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on his face: "Even if the old immortal can't kill you, if you want to leave this place, how can you stop it alone?" As

soon as the words fell, he instantly flew out of the banquet hall and flew into the distance.

Song Linhui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Mu Yifeng is kind to the Song family.

He didn't want Mu Yifeng to die in Chen Nan's hands.


Chen Nan's voice suddenly sounded: "Uncle Song should be discouraged, the junior will definitely help you kill this person!" With that, he strode out.

Song Linhui had tears in his eyes.

Your mother!

Which of your eyes sees me discouraged?

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