
Seeing a Transformation Pill appear in Chen Nan's hand.

Someone couldn't help but gasp.

"The Transformation Pill is not cheap."

"I once heard that the Qingyun Tower in the capital city once sold this item."

"One Transformation Pill is worth 500,000 taels of gold!"

"Although the value is not very expensive."

"But there is no market for it, and ordinary people can't buy it at all."

There was a lot of discussion on the spot.

Many people's eyes were full of doubts when they looked at Chen Nan.

How did this person possess the Avatar Pill?

"Tuo Kai, now Big Brother Chen should be eligible to enter the game, right?" Song Feiyang's face was full of pride.

In fact, they also want to raise money to let Chen Nan enter the game.

But they simply can't come up with so much money in a short period of time.

Otherwise, he would never have embarrassed Chen Nan so much before.

"Then come on!" Tuo Kai didn't expect Chen Nan to take out this kind of treasure.

But he's confident.

Hope for victory.

At that time, this Transformation Pill, and one million taels of gold will be his!

"Lord Chen is rich!" Tao Jun also smiled, determined to get this Transformation Pill.

He had already heard that the headquarters of Qingyunlou had a Transformation Pill for sale.


With the influence of the Tao family, it is still impossible to buy it in a short time.

Because the conditions for purchasing the Avatar Pill are very harsh.

You need to spend 20 million taels of gold in Qingyunlou every year to be eligible to purchase the Transformation Pill.

"However, the rules of the game need to be changed." Tao Jun said, "This time, the first prize is set as the Transformation Pill, and the second prize is one million taels of gold. "

Third prize 200,000 taels of gold!"

"One more fourth prize."

"You can't let the first prize get both the Transformation Pill and the one million taels of gold."

"That's so unfair!"

As soon as the words came out.

It was immediately recognized by many people.

Chen Nan was also impressed by Tao Jun.

I really didn't expect this guy to have such high emotional intelligence.

"Since Lord Chen is participating in our game for the first time, let me talk about the rules of the competition!" Tao Jun continued: "The rules of the competition are very simple, I will order people to release the raised beasts and demons later!" "

Twenty arrows each."

"Shoot a beast and get one point."

"Shoot a demon for ten."

"The one with the highest score wins!"

"What questions does Lord Chen have?"

Chen Nandao: "If several people shoot a monster at the same time, how should the score be calculated?" "

Mo said he wanted to shoot a youkai with one arrow.

Even if you shoot an ordinary beast, no one dares to say that you will kill with one arrow.

And it's even harder to shoot monsters.

Tao Jun said, "Hit the monster to get one point, fatally wounded ten."

"And hitting ordinary beasts is not scored."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

The rules of this competition are still very easy to understand.

He said again: "My archery skills are mediocre, but my brother has excellent archery skills, can he participate in this battle for me?" "

He really wasn't interested in archery with these people.

And it just so happens that Guo Yu is good at archery.

Even if the cultivation is inferior to these people.

But it's also definitely a victory.

"Naturally, you can." Tao Jun had a shallow smile on his face.

An ant that picks the seven layers of the Yin Realm.

Not enough to get into his eyes.

"Let Tao Jun get first, you get second!" Chen Nan sent a message to Guo Yu.

The Transformation Pill was refined by him.

He is not rare.

It is far better to give Tao Jun a shunshui favor.


That one million taels of gold is not comparable to the incense of the incarnation?

If you take this million taels of gold to Qingyunlou to buy medicinal herbs.

He could refine at least ten Transformation Pills.


Guo Yu didn't know why Chen Nan arranged it this way.

But he knew that Chen Nan definitely had his own plans.

He walked one step and looked at ten steps.

I couldn't guess what he was thinking.

The only thing he could do was to obey Chen Nan's arrangement.

With his skills.

Whoever wants to be first, is first.

After Guo Yu, Song Feiyang, Song Feipeng, and Song Feiheng each chose their bows and arrows.

Tao Jun directly ordered: "Open the cage and release the beast." "

The people in the hunting ground directly opened the cage.

I saw dozens of hungry wolves and ten demons rushing out.

Rushing towards them.

They grinned and glared fiercely.

I can't wait to tear these people to pieces and eat them.

And those people also pulled out their bows and began a hunt.

Of course.

Except Guo Yu.

He hurried towards the hill on the right.

He wants to find the high ground.

This gives a panoramic view.

And once you take the high ground, you control the victory of this game.

It was a valuable lesson he had drawn from those strange memories in his head.

As for Chen Nan, he and Song Feilong went to a wooden elevated shelf, where they could avoid the attack of wild beasts.

Chen Nan casually asked, "Why don't you go to participate in the hunt?"

Song Feilong smiled and showed a shy smile: "I don't like archery!"

Chen Nan rolled his eyes.


Feelings are also an old color batch!


Why am I surrounded by some unorthodox guys?

"Is the Tuo family very powerful in Guangling Mansion?" He diverted from the subject.

Song Feilong nodded solemnly: "Tuojia hereditary county order, you can say that it is not strong!" "

Hereditary county order?" Chen Nan frowned: "I have only heard of hereditary titles, but I have never heard of hereditary county orders, where does this matter begin?"

Song Feilong scratched his head: "I don't know, it is said that ten thousand years ago, the anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled, and the ancestors of the Tuo family and the ancestors of the Tao family came forward at the same time." "It's

just that the ancestor of the Tao family has a closer reputation, so the emperor of the capital city rewarded him for his merits and gave him the position of duke of the Tao family."

"But a provincial capital can only have one duke."

"So he made an exception to make the ancestor of the Tuo family become the county order."

"After that, the Tuo family will firmly sit in the position of the county order."

"To put it bluntly, the influence of the Tuo family in Guangling Mansion is no worse than that of Tao Guo."

"Even Yuan Zhifu and my father don't dare to move and expand easily."

Chen Nan did not doubt this.

Although the Duke of Tao Guo has the title of duke.

But it's just a knighthood.

There is no real power in the court.

Although Yuan Zun and Song Linhui are both level six Yin differences.

It is one of the best existences in Guangling Prefecture.

The hereditary county order of the Ketuo family.

People don't need to look at their faces at all.

To put it more laymanly.

The Tuo family is the head snake of Guangling Mansion!

The situation here is also much more complicated than Chen Nan imagined.

Song Feilong couldn't help but ask, "How can Big Brother Chen care about the Tuo family's affairs?"

Chen Nan smiled: "When I first entered Guangling Mansion, I can't understand the situation here?"

Song Feilong smiled and stopped speaking.

Then look at the figures hunting in front of you.

One after another, the beasts fell.

A miserable, desperate scream came out of his mouth.

And those young men enjoyed the mournful cry of these beasts before they died.

Not only without any sadness.

Even enjoy the thrill of adrenaline.

They love this feeling of being in control of life and death.

Although cruel.

But the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest.

This is the immutable law of survival between heaven and earth.

Song Feilong suddenly said, "Brother Chen, you are a good person. "

Thank you for helping us refine the elixir."

"No matter what, we owe you a favor!"

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment.

I just dug another hole and buried the four of you.

You are a big wrongdoer but thank me?


Don't say anything!

You deserve to be pitted by me!

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