Why was Chen Nan able to become the Lord of the Immortal Realm?


Or character?


The reason why he can become the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

It was also by chance.

I want to sacrifice myself and incarnate the power of the law to make up for the sky.

Then the mistake and the laws of the heavenly path of the immortal world merged into one.

This became the supreme existence of the immortal world.


The reason why he was able to become the Supreme of the Immortal Realm.

It relies on the seven laws of yin, yang, metal, wood, water, fire and earth.


He knew how powerful the power of law was.

How amazing it is.

How many magic uses.

Now the whereabouts of the Wood Law have been discovered.

You have to get anything to say.


If he collects more law power.

Even if you don't become a ninth-level yin, you can reach the eighteenth level of hell.

Seeing Houtu Niangniang, she returned the human road and animal road to her old man.

I heard that Chen Nan was going to Jinyang Mountain.

The three of them were full of excitement in the seven nights.

They knew Chen Nan's strength.

Shot by Chen Nan.

Maybe you can kill that man-eating vine.

Don't think about it.

Seven nights released a jade gourd.

Pinch with both hands.

The gourd instantly grew larger.

Carrying four people appeared above the sea of clouds, driving towards Jinyang Mountain like soaring clouds.

Drove for almost an hour.

Ahead, a mountainous and tree-lined mountain has appeared.

Overlooking from above.

The mountain range resembles a ram.

Therefore, it was named Jinyang Mountain.

Now the sun has set.

The mountains are silent.

Chen Nan's soul power spread out.

Covers half of the Golden Sheep Mountain.

But he did not find the breath of the man-eating vine.

The madman spoke: "That man-eating vine must have felt the divine power of the adult, so it was scared and hidden."

Chen Nan glanced back at him: "Have you always been so good at licking?"

The madman endured the embarrassment and said, "This may be a talent, but you are activated when you meet an adult!"

"Hello can lick!" Seven Nights gave him a roll of his eyes.

Chen Nan didn't say anything more, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In a flash.

Jinyang Mountain instantly turned into a sea of fire.

Countless birds and beasts fled in all directions.

Although the man-eating vine hid its breath.

But it can be forced out.


"You managed to provoke me!"

"Do you think you can kill me with the strength of your three-legged cat?"

"Don't measure yourself!"

Accompanied by an angry roar.

A green glow appeared in the sea of fire.

Green vines burst through the air like chains.

A green glow stained the flames.

Looks dazzling.

"You guys closely monitor the movements of the man-eating vine, don't let it escape!"

Chen Nan ordered the three.

Then he went directly in the direction where the green vine attacked.

At the same time, terrifying flames erupted in the body.

It's like a god of fire reborn.

Let the vines penetrate his body.

No harm was done.

Not only that.

The vines that ran through his body burned into ashes in an instant.

"The Law of Fire?"

"This is the law of fire?"

There was a piercing scream from the Golden Sheep Mountain.

It's clear.

This man-eating vine also realized that Chen Nan was not casting a fire spell.

It's the terrifying law of fire.

"It's too late to know now!"

Chen Nan's eyes froze, and he had already locked onto the big tree in the mountain.

It is the essence of the man-eating vine.

Above the trunk there is a human face.

"Even if you control the laws of the fire system, you don't want to leave alive!" The man-eating vine was deeply enraged, and a thunderous roar came out of its mouth.

In a flash.

Countless vines emitting green light shrouded this space and swallowed towards Chen Nan.

The spectacle is spectacular.

Even Qiye and the others held their breath.

They had seen the horror of cannibalism.

Qiu Shui was injured because of this blow.


Blazing flames erupted from Chen Nan's body.

The scalding heat ignited the air.

It also ignited the firmament.

It gives a strong visual impact.


Chen Nan let out an icy note.

In a flash.

Fireballs with a diameter of tens of meters are like extraterrestrial meteorites.

Dragging a long tail of fire.

Exudes the breath of annihilation.


When the emerald green vine and the fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters collided together.

A deafening loud noise suddenly erupted between heaven and earth.

It's like the sky is falling apart.

Makes people's eardrums tingle.

Blood and gas rushed.

"The strength of the adult is too terrifying!" The madman looked at the figure in the distance with awe: "I have a hunch that if I compete with adults..."

"One move, only one move."

"He will beg me not to die!"

Seven Nights and Autumn Water did not refute it.

Because they could feel Chen Nan's strength.

Even if they give it their all.

It definitely can't catch Chen Nan's move.

If it's a competition.

Do you not beg them not to die?

The man-eating vine's eyes bloomed with an astonishing cold light: "It's me who underestimated your strength.


"Just by the strength you have shown so far."

"It's not enough to kill me."

"And I'll kill you."

"It's easy!"

The words fell.

Countless vines broke through the soil and directly shrouded this small world.

Weaving into a huge cage, trapping Chen Nan in it.

The cage is closing fast.

As if he wanted to trap Chen Nan completely.


Chen Nan was also keenly aware that sharp vine leaves appeared on those vines.

Like a sharp blade, even he felt a sense of crisis.

"I'd rather see if you can trap me!"

Chen Nan's eyes burned with a high fighting intent.

The next moment.

A black iron bar appeared in his hand.

Exactly the coiled dragon stick!

He held the coiled dragon stick, injected Yin Qi, and the murderous aura directly slammed into the cage in front of him.


After one hit.

The cage simply came loose.

But it was never broken.

"What amazing tenacity!"

Chen Nan's expression was also much more solemn.

The strength of this man-eating vine was much stronger than he thought.

Right at this moment.

More than ten vines instantly wrapped around the coiled dragon stick in his hand.

How could Chen Nan let the other party plunder his weapons.

He opened his mouth and blew.

The raging flames instantly turned the coiled dragon stick a fiery red.

The more than ten vines that were wrapped around the coiled dragon stick also loosened instantly, not daring to entangle.

Chen Nan quickly retreated.

But it was shrouded in vines on all sides.

There is no way back.

The area of sight is still shrinking.

Chen Nan realized that the strength of this man-eating vine was very strong.

With his current strength alone, he is not his opponent at all.

Only a breakthrough can completely suppress it.

Thinking of the breakthrough, I can't put my arms around the Lu family sisters to sleep together.

A strong anger rose in his heart: "You really deserve death!" The

words fell.

He directly took out a hundred Soul Pills and swallowed them into his abdomen.

"Want to take advantage of the opportunity to break through?" Man-eating vine sneered: "Although I am not a human, you can't treat me as a fool!"

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to break through?"

The words did not fall.

Under the terrified eyes of Qiye and the others, the cage instantly shrunk into a round ball with a diameter of about one meter.

Completely compress Chen Nan in it.

Cannibal Vine laughed: "Young man, you should have no other means, right?" "

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