Song Linhui knew the deep horror of Chen Nancheng Mansion.

Even he did not dare to have a deep friendship with him.

I was afraid that one day I would accidentally be pitted by Chen Nan and say that he was good.

It was precisely because of this that he explicitly forbade his four sons not to get too close to Chen Nan.

Who ever thought.

The worst fears happened.

This time.

Chen Nan completely pinched his weakness.

Let him have no way to fight back.

"In terms of insidious level, no one can surpass Chen Nan!"

"I wondered, why didn't people like him die?" Song Linhui's body trembled with anger, and he couldn't wait to unload Chen Nan into eight pieces.

Song Feilong said angrily, "Father, I don't allow you to slander Big Brother Chen like this.

"He's a good guy, not as sinister and cunning as you say!"

"You are a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain!"

"Son, I am your father, I am your father!" Song Linhui's eyes widened angrily, and he was incoherent in anger: "I am your father, your father, how can you say that I am a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain for the sake of an outsider?"

Song Feilong was fearless: "I know you don't like Big Brother Chen, but tell me, where is Big Brother Chen sinister and cunning?"

"Is he dedicated to the good of our four brothers?"

"If he hadn't given us the elixir, how would we all break through?"

The more he spoke, the more angry he became: "Father, I know that you are a person who values face very much.

"But you can't slander Big Brother Chen just because you lost to him."

"I feel that acknowledging the excellence of others is a noble character."


"That's right."

"You just don't want to admit that Big Brother Chen is more yin than you... The city is deep. Song

Linhui's body trembled with anger, and he was directly speechless.

He didn't expect that his young son, who was originally honest, could say such words.

He sighed deeply: "Father likes your simple and kind heart, there are some things that should not be said, but I must let you know how sinister this world is."

"Let you know how dark and cruel the human heart is."

"Let me guess!"

"When you went hunting that day, did Chen Nan also go?"

Hear this.

The four brothers showed curiosity on their faces.

Unexpectedly, my father guessed this.

Song Linhui continued: "Not only did he go, but he also participated in the hunt, and also took out some kind of elixir as a bet.

"And also helped the Tao family win the first place."

He was still wondering before.

Why did Tao Guogong help Chen Nan speak when he was in the execution ground.

Why treat him so politely.

Now he has all realized!

Because the Tao family got the benefits of Chen Nan.

Song Feiyang was taken aback: "How does my father know what happened that day?" The

other brothers also had incredible expressions on their faces.

If they hadn't seen their father in the hunting ground, they would have thought that he had gone to the hunting ground to watch the battle!

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to know so clearly about the events of the day.

"You have all been used by Chen Nan!" Song Linhui sighed deeply, his eyes full of bitterness: "Why did Chen Nan help the Tao family win the first place?" "

Is it just that simple as showing favor?"

He shook his head: "One-sided!

"He is trying to provoke Tuo Kai by showing favor to the Tao family."

"The real purpose is to beat you with Tuo Kai's hand."

"The reason for this is because you will definitely complain to me when you return."

"And once you complain to me."

"I will definitely forget about Chen Nan's gift of your elixir."

"And when I see you being beaten, I will be angry and even call you waste."

Song Feilong pouted: "Isn't that it?"

Song Linhui smiled bitterly: "So, things have come to that extent."

"The four of you will definitely feel aggrieved, even grievances."

"Thus ignoring the matter of Chen Nan giving you pills!"

"Even if I think about the elixir."

"You won't tell me about it."

"You will take those pills to improve your cultivation."

"Prove before me that you are not waste."

Song Feilong continued to pout: "Isn't that it?"

Song Linhui gritted his teeth: "Do you know that Laozi especially wants to beat you now?"

Song Feilong obediently closed his mouth.

Old Third Song Feiheng couldn't help but say, "As my father said, what is the purpose of Big Brother Chen in giving us the elixir?"

"Obviously, we begged him to help us refine the elixir in the first place!"

Song Linhui gritted his teeth and said, "He wants to break the curse of the head of the Demon Suppression Division who will die after half a year in office.

"He wants me to help him find clues!"

"If I refuse to help him."

"I'm afraid the realm of your four brothers will end here!"

He wants his son to become a dragon.

I hope that my son can become stronger and more productive.


He really didn't want to be in the same league as Chen Nan.

Afraid of being pit by Chen Nankeng.

But now.

Chen Nan was extremely simple and rudely presumptuous.

Grabbed his weakness abruptly!

Song Feipeng said nervously: "Perhaps in the eyes of my father, Big Brother Chen is a despicable and sinister villain.

"But you taught us."

"Learn to eat with dogs."

"Learn to eat meat with wolves."

"Even if Big Brother Chen's purpose is not pure for us, we also want to follow him to exercise and exercise."

"Because you forgot one thing."

"He and Ziwei have grown up together since childhood, and they are not relatives but relatives."

"Now that Ziwei has returned to the Song family, how could Big Brother Chen harm us?"

"He just had to use this method to get you to help him."

"Why don't you fulfill him?"

A simple word.

Let Song Linhui have a feeling of empowerment.

Oh, yes!

Follow the dog to learn to eat.

Learn to eat meat with wolves.

I shouldn't have rejected Chen Nan so much.

If he befriended Chen Nan, he could make his four sons strong.

It can make them mentally mature.

So why care about the unpleasantness that happened before?

It's just...

Thinking of Chen Nan letting his son stand in his camp.

Persuade yourself to reconcile with him.

It's quite infuriating.

That guy really wasn't the son of man.

He doesn't do anything related to personnel.

"It's not rare for me to be in the same league as Chen Nan, but the four of you brothers have grown up, and I also have to respect your opinions!" Song Linhui finally compromised.

I can't bear that my sons' cultivation stops here.

"We are father and son, there is no need to make an unpleasant trouble for an outsider!"

"Didn't he want me to help him?"

"Give him a hand."

"I want to see if he can solve the case of the bizarre and tragic death of the director of the Demon Division." Song Linhui waved his right hand, and ten wooden boxes appeared on the ground.

He said, "These are the books I left behind when I revised the library, and although some of them have been burned beyond recognition, they still record a lot of secrets.

"There may be a clue in this that Chen Nan wants!"

"Go ahead."

"You sent these ancient books to Chen Nan for me."


"Help me relay him a word."

Song Feiheng asked curiously, "What words?"

Song Linhui gritted his teeth and said, "Please be a person!" "

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