Three days later.

Chen Nan, Guo Yu, Di Listen.

As well as Seven Nights, Madmaniacs, Autumn Water, White Feathers.

Six people and one dog rode out of Guangling Mansion and headed for the capital city, thousands of miles to the north.

Chen Nan completed the agreement with Steward Wang.

He was given fifteen thousand soul pills.

All the remaining pills were pocketed by him.

Although he now acquired the power of the four laws.

But to control more of the power of the law.

It is also necessary to improve the cultivation.

As the old saying goes.

The iron also has to be its own.

Although he still owes Qingyunlou a pill.

But Steward Wang gave him a summons token.

When Qingyunlou needed to refine the elixir, he would summon Chen Nan and give him the medicinal materials.

"Big brother, there is something I don't understand, why did you resign from your current official position?" On a horse, Guo Yu couldn't help but look at the curved bow in his hand.

This was forged with the help of the strong man of the Zhen Demon Division.

He also tied the bowstring of the Sun Shooting God's bow to it, and the power was very terrifying.

Chen Nan said casually: "If we enter the capital city with official positions, we will inevitably attract the attention of others."

"Before we can make a move, we will definitely be caught."

"At that time, the Heavenly Supervisor will die."

Although Chen Nan and others have resigned from their official positions.

But the yin order in their bodies still exists.

Resigning from the official position is only to cover up people's eyes and ears, and better develop the Superintendent Heavenly Division.

It takes seven days to ride a horse from Guangling Prefecture to the capital city.

During these seven days, they experienced violent storms and snow.

So much so that it took them nine days to reach the downstairs of the capital city.

Look at the black castle that looks like an ancient beast.

Chen Nan felt a strong sense of oppression.

After all.

This is the transit point for the entire Three Realms.

After death, all beings in the three realms will embark on reincarnation from here and be reincarnated as human beings.


There are also eighteen layers of hell below the capital city that make hundreds of millions of living beings in the three realms fear.

"Sir, we have entered the capital city, what are we going to do next?" Qiye looked at Chen Nan.

Chen Nan shook his head.

Although he was ordered to establish the Heavenly Supervisor.

However, he did not receive the will of the Emperor of the Capital.

For example, what to do next.

Right at this moment.

He felt a burst of energy fluctuations coming from the Son of Heaven Order.

The soul power entered the storage space, and after seeing the information transmitted by the Son of Heaven Order, he smiled slightly: "The Great Emperor has a purpose, let us destroy the Lu family first." He

was worried that he could not find the right opportunity to rescue the Lu sisters.

He Cheng wanted to destroy the Lu family.

This simply gave him a justified reason to destroy the Lu family!

The four of Seven Nights swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison.

Lay down a groove!

Just came to the capital city, and gave them a task to destroy the Lu family?

Although the Lu family is a family in the world.

But the head mother of the Lu family is the sister of Emperor Master Zheng Yu!

Isn't the Lu family knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger?

Think of this.

The four couldn't help but snort.

They seemed to know the true intentions of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

He didn't just want to destroy the Lu family.

I also want to destroy the backer emperor behind the Lu family!


This work is far more exciting than they imagined!

It's just exciting!

"Bai Yu, you go find a residence." Chen Nan said, "Seven Nights, Madman, Qiushui, the three of you go to find out the influence of the Lu family in the capital city, and which forces they are friendly with. "

Only by knowing oneself and knowing the other can one survive a hundred battles."

Since you want to move the Lu family.

Then you need to know the bottom line.

"Why did you ask me to find a place to live?" Bai Yu was a little unhappy with Chen Nan's arrangement.

It feels like Chen Nan is discriminating against women.

Chen Nan: "The three elders are definitely inferior to you in finding a place to live."

"Well, I believe in your vision."

"Definitely find a place to stay that will please everyone."

"This is the truth, not hard licking!"

Bai Yu directly gave Chen Nan a disdainful look, and then parted ways.

The three of them also entered the endless crowd to investigate the Lu family's social network.

As for Chen Nan, he and Guo Yu were wandering around the capital city.

Guo Yu has never seen the world.

Seeing the prosperous capital city, two eyes are not enough.

Look around.

He also bought a lot of snacks that he had never seen before, and he ate them like dates, and then found an abnormality in his hearing: "Brother dog, it is said that this is almost to your home, why are you not happy at all?" "

Dharma lives in eighteen levels of hell.

Now that he has come to the capital city, it is not too much to say that he is almost home.

The truth did not make a sound.

The eyes are very solemn.

Chen Nan asked with concern: "Brother dog, what happened?" "

It's nothing, just remembering some old things."

Chen Nan knew what Di Lian must have felt.

But he didn't want to say.

Then it is not convenient for him to ask.

"Big brother, where are we going now? You can't hang out in town, can you? Guo Yu asked.

Chen Nan said, "Go to Qingyun Tower..." Sell pills. "

He helped Qingyunlou refine fifty thousand soul-loving pills.

Thirty-five thousand were deducted.

Although he took some before.

But now there are more than 30,000 in hand.

He was going to buy some medicinal materials for refining the Body Grabbing Pill.

Although he can't take the Body Grabbing Pill yet.

But I also want to refine some elixirs.

Help Qiye and others break through the shackles and let them become strong in the Ghost Realm.

Only when the overall strength becomes stronger can the significance of the existence of the Superintendent Heavenly Division be brought into play.

Think of it as a small contribution to Hades.

Anyway, he was about to go deep into the eighteenth level of hell.

Wait to see the Houtu Niangniang.

Give her back the human path and the animal way, and she will return to the Yang world.

I only hope that Qinglong Namo won't cause himself big trouble.

It cost five thousand soul pills.

Chen Nan exchanged it for refining two hundred body snatching pills.

After doing this, he also received a summons from Bai Yu, informing him that he had purchased a property in Nancheng.

Chen Nan immediately took Guo Yu and Di Ting with him.

This house is not big.

There are only six rooms.

Fortunately, the house is fully furnished and meets the standard of moving in with a yang bag.

Seeing that night is approaching.

Guo Yu took out some ingredients from the storage magic weapon and began to prepare dinner.

And Di Lian is still listless.

Chen Nan was not idle either.

Stay in the room and try to refine the Body Grabbing Pill.

Danfang was what he asked the old guys of the Anti-Heaven Sect before.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Seven nights before the opening of the meal, the madman and Qiushui also came over.

Six people and one dog sat around the dining table, and Qiye said: "Sir, the relationship network of the Lu family has been clarified, and they have the closest relationship with the Zheng family."

"In addition, the Lu family also has a very secret personal relationship with the King of the Five Temples Yanluo."

"And this time the Lu family forcibly took away Lu Bailing, sister Lu Qingqing, to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill for King Yan Luo."

"It is said that King Yan Luo was seriously injured ten thousand years ago and needs to use the Taiqing Divine Pill to recover from his injuries."

Chen Nan's eyes suddenly became solemn.

He never expected it.

Behind the Lu family, there was King Yan Luo as a backer.

Destroying the Lu Family Yan King by himself will not necessarily cause trouble for himself.

But if he saves the Lu family sisters himself, will King Yan Luo spare himself?

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