Don't think about it.

Lu Yuan hurriedly asked, "Dare to ask Miss Wang, who bought that Putuo flower?"

Wang Qian'er said apologetically: "I'm sorry, our Wang family can't leak the buyer's information."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and got up and said, "In that case, then we won't bother, leave!" Saying that, he turned around and left the Wang family with his son.

Look at the figure of the father and son of the Lu family leaving in anger.

Wang Yunlong's gaze suddenly became much deeper: "If nothing else, they should be able to find Chen Nan's head."

Wang Qian'er nodded slightly: "Although Putuo flowers are rare, they can only refine the Taiqing Divine Pill. "

The Lu family just captured the pair of snake demon sisters, and Putuohua missed the Lu family."

"They can naturally find Chen Nan's head."

Wang Yunlong sighed lightly: "I hope Chen Nan can recapture the Lu family's forgetful grass."


"The situation seems to be a little chaotic!"

"Even if he recaptures the Forgetful Grass."

"But that pair of snake demons are controlled by the Lu family."

"It's not a big problem, I believe that Jiren has his own natural appearance."


Lu Zheng followed his father nervously: "Father, I am to blame for this." "

If I had agreed to the Wang family's conditions before, let the ancestors help them refine a hundred Body Grabbing Pills."

"Putuo flowers have long fallen into our hands."

"You won't be preempted."

Lu Yuan got into the carriage parked in front of the Wang family with a gloomy face: "Putuo flower is an extremely niche medicinal herb, and it seems that it has no other use except for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill."

"And it's so valuable, I don't believe the average person can eat it!"

"I have a hunch that our Lu family seems to be being targeted!"

"Father said Chen Nan of Guangling Mansion?" Although Lu Zheng is the eight major evils in the capital city.

But it's incredibly smart.

He instantly thought of Chen Nan.

After all, the pair of snake demons was captured by him in Chen Nan's house.

Lu Yuan nodded solemnly: "This son has extraordinary strength and outstanding ability, and it is said that he is also a master of alchemy.

"If I'm not mistaken, he most likely came to the capital city."

"Probably not." Lu Zheng gave his opinion: "Chen Nan is the director of the Demon Division of Guangling Mansion, and he is a sixth-level yin.

"If you are not summoned to Beijing, you will be complicit in rebellion."

"He shouldn't have done such a stupid thing."

Lu Yuan said disapprovingly, "But besides him, who else can eat the Wang family's Putuo flower in our hands?"

Lu Zheng was silent.

That Putuo flower is worth a lot.

The average family can't eat it at all.



"As for whether that person is Chen Nan, you will know as soon as you ask!" Lu Yuan took out a summons jade tablet and said, "Lao Zhang, please help me investigate something, Chen Nan, the director of the Demon Division of Guangling Mansion, is still in office now?" "

There is no call to Beijing to form an accomplice in rebellion.

is a capital offense.

He didn't believe that Chen Nan would be so stupid.

But if...

What about his departure?

Once he resigned, it would be proved that Chen Nan had arrived in the capital city.

It can also confirm all his previous conjectures.

A moment later.

Lu Yuan got the answer.

Chen Nan left his job ten days ago.

This incident caused quite a stir in the court.

Although Chen Nan is a sixth-level yin difference.

But looking at the entire netherworld, the sixth-level yin difference is only three digits.

This is still the first sixth-level yin difference to leave.

"It's really him!"

A sharp chill bloomed in Lu Yuan's eyes: "We were targeted by that guy." "

He must have known that we captured the pair of snake demons to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill."

"That's what I got the Putuo flower from."

"Hmph, he thought that after taking the Putuo Flower of the Wang Family, he wanted to stop us from refining the Taiqing Divine Pill?"

"How can there be only that Putuo flower in this world?"

His face was full of disdain.

In fact, the Lu family also found a Putuo flower.

It's just that the Putuo flower has not yet reached the age of 10,000 years.

It will take a year to pick and medicate at the earliest.

Lu Zheng seemed to have thought of something, and said with a face full of anxiety: "Father, if Chen Nan knows our intentions."

"Doesn't that mean that he already knows about our sending people to the northern wilderness to find the Forgetful Grass?"

Lu Yuan's pupils trembled: "You mean that he may go deep into the northern wilderness and rob the forgetfulness grass in the hands of our Lu family?"

Lu Zheng sighed lightly: "This person can resign the sixth-level Yin Difference for the sake of the two snake demons, what else under the sky does he dare not do?"

He felt that Chen Nan was a fool.

At a young age, he became a sixth-level yin.

There are no limits to what the future holds.

If you're lucky.

It is very likely to become a heavy minister of power and opposition.

But who would have thought.

He would actually give up his great future because of a pair of snake demons?

It's not too much to say it's silly.

"I wish he dared to go to the northern wilderness."

"That's it."

"We can get the Forgetful Grass and Putuo Flower at the same time!" An intriguing smile appeared on Lu Yuan's face.

He took out the transmission jade tablet and directly transmitted the message: "Send several worshippers from the clan to the northern wilderness.

"We must get rid of Chen Nan and bring back the Forgetful Grass and Putuo Flower!"

Lu Zheng was taken aback: "Father, sending the worshippers in the clan to deal with Chen Nan, isn't this a bit of a fuss?"

Lu Yuan said disapprovingly: "This son is powerful, I heard that the Zhen Demon Division has no opponent from him, so he must send an enshrinement in the clan." Lu

Zheng couldn't calm down in his heart.

You must know that there are not only earth ghost mirror powerhouses in the Lu family's worship.

There is even a Heavenly Ghost Realm junior powerhouse!


the void.

Chen Nan and Di Ting flew fast.

At his current pace.

Even if you reach the northern wilderness, it only takes two days.

Di Ting suddenly said, "The Lu family has already learned of your existence.

"Also deduced your plan."

"They have already sent experts to rush to the capital city."

"And they also summoned those strong people in the wilderness to act separately."

"A team with the Forgetful Grass takes a detour and does not come into direct contact with you."

"The other team hurried slowly, and the Lu family worshiped back and forth."

"I want to annihilate you in one fell swoop!"

Chen Nan was not surprised that the Lu family could deduce their existence and plans.

After all, Putuo flower is a very niche medicinal herb.


He did not feel the slightest sense of crisis.

Not only that.

A shallow smile even appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Even if the Lu family calculates everything, they don't know, you can probe their plan!"

Di Ting raised his head with a smug look, his eyes full of pride: "That's not it, the dog master can hear the existence of all the voices of the three realms!"

"Well, like the Yang thing."

"I heard someone throwing money at a bar."

"He also said: Beauty, I see that there is a bloody aura between your eyebrows, if nothing else, you will have a bloody disaster."

"But it's not a big problem, if you believe me, it only takes one night for me to save you from the bloody disaster in the next ten months!"

Hear this.

Chen Nan's expression instantly froze.

His eyes were full of consternation.

Did the green dragon really control his flesh body to pick up a girl?

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