"Rat senior, you dare to steal my treasure!"

Feel the blood spirit root stolen.

Willow suddenly became furious.

The sky is full of light.

Instantly transformed into an airtight prison cage.

With it as the center, it covers an area with a radius of 200 kilometers.

In its own right.

In order to prevent Chen Nan from escaping with the Blood Spirit Root.

Of course.

Willow is completely redundant.

Even if it doesn't hold this void.

Chen Nan also did not think of escaping.

He didn't just want to take the Blood Spirit Root.

And kill this willow tree.

Seize the wood system law in its body.

Although the strength of this willow tree is strong.


Nie Chu's strength is also very strong!

"Chen Nan, what treasure did you take from it?"

Feeling the monstrous anger of this willow tree, Nie Chu's eyes became solemn.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly: "You kill it first, and then kill me, don't you know what treasure I took from it?"

Nie Chu snorted heavily, and then looked at the strong man behind him: "Everyone, the strength of this willow tree is much stronger than I expected, in my opinion, I should work together to kill it."

Lu Jin looked at the willow tree with jealousy: "Senior Nie, didn't you say that you can kill it alone?"

Nie Chu's face changed.

I feel a hot pain in my face.

He thought.

You can cross the wilderness yourself.


No demon can stop it.


He didn't expect the strength of this willow tree to be so terrifying!

This is really not a pretense to be slapped in the face.

He forced himself to endure the anger in his heart and said, "Now is not the time to say this, we must join hands to kill this willow tree, or none of us will be able to leave alive!"

"Just listen to Senior Nie, at this time we must unite, only in this way can there be a possibility of survival." Lu Jiu sighed secretly.

In fact, he can see it.

The strength of this willow tree is very strong.

Nie Chu alone may not be able to kill it.

Although he pretended to punch in the face.

But they are grasshoppers on a rope.

To stay alive, you must join forces.

"I'll contain this willow tree, and you attack its roots!" Nie Chu's hands sealed again, and he saw a golden square seal slowly flying out of his body.

It exudes an ancient and terrifying atmosphere.

The Magic Seal.

This is an extremely terrifying magic weapon.

The Zhen Demon Seal soared into the sky.

At the same time, it instantly becomes larger.

It was like a huge mountain suspended in the air.

A masterpiece of golden light, sacred.

As if it can purify all the darkness and evil in the world.

It also released unparalleled gravity, making the void like a breeze blowing water.

There were ripples.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that the void is about to be annihilated at any time.

Willow was furious.

Emerald green light soared into the sky.

I want to break the magic seal of Zhen.

Because it feels the smell of danger on top of this town magic seal.

Others are pinching with both hands.

Control the long sword and slash towards the earth.

Although this willow tree is extremely strong.

It became what people call a monster.

But there is a fundamental difference between elves and people, as well as monsters.

Fairies have roots.

Destroying the foundation can seriously injure it.

Twenty-four strong people shot at the same time, and the scene was still very spectacular.

A roar was heard on the ground.

Bottomless cracks instantly appeared on the ground.

Chen Nan was quietly suspended in the air watching this melee.

There is no denying it.

The strength of Zhen Moyin is really strong.

Even he felt a sense of crisis.

If you encounter this trick...


It's not a big deal.

He has the laws of space, and he can instantly dodge the attack of the Zhen Demon Seal.

"It's useless, these attacks are useless."

"Even if these people hurt the roots of this willow tree, it can recover in a short time!"

"To cause fatal injuries, you need to hurt their origins." Listen to the opening.

Among the Five Elements Rule, the Wood System Law has the most limited attack methods.

Although the wood system law is the weakest of the five element rules.

But there is one thing to say.

The wood law recovery injury is the most undesirable.

"Look at me!"

Lu Jiu squeezed his hands.

A fiery red bead whistled out of the body.

"Fire Spirit Orb?"

Someone exclaimed.

I didn't expect Lu Jiu to have such a treasure.


Lu Jiu pointed with one hand.

The Fire Spirit Bead instantly sank into the cracks in the ground.

I saw him squeeze his hands.

Next moment!

A terrifying flame erupted from the crack.

Not only that.

Flames tens of meters high also erupted from the other cracks.

From a distance, it seemed to have turned into a sea of fire.

Sure enough.

This trick comes out.

Willow's situation has become much more passive.

Even if it's strong.

But the rhizome can't withstand this terrifying heat.

"I didn't expect that Fire Spirit Bead to be so powerful!" Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.


But the flame released by the fire spirit bead was at best comparable to the fire system law of two ten-thousandths.

That's all.

Willow roared.

Although it can't break the impact of the Zhen Demon Seal.

But there was a flash of light in the void.

It was the image of willow branches dancing wildly in the air.

It's just that because the speed is too fast, the naked eye can't catch it at all.


Along with bursts of blood mist, it exploded in the air.

In an instant, the souls of five early Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses scattered and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Face Willow's angry blow.

The powerhouses in the early stage of the Earth Ghost Realm could not resist at all.

"Protect me."

Lu Jiu screamed, and the soul power was injected into the fire spirit bead, making the fire more and more intense.


Nie Chu also squeezed his hands and controlled the Zhen Demon Seal to burst out even more terrifying power.

I want to completely suppress this willow tree in one go.

The terrifying golden light fell from the nine heavens.

Falls on the willow tree, allowing its trunk to quickly dry up and crack.

It also weakened its momentum a little.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "Wood makes fire, Jin Kemu!"

"Thanks to Nie Chu, there is a powerful magic weapon."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to hurt this willow tree at all."

"It's just that Nie Chu's strength is too weak."

"If it is a little stronger, it may really be able to kill this willow tree."

The five elements live together and overcome each other.

To kill this willow tree, he did not have much confidence.

Even if he controls the fire system, the water system, the space system, and the lost wood system.

But if you want to kill Willow, there is not much chance of victory.

That's why.

He will lead out the strong man of the Lu family.

Don't say it yet!

It didn't disappoint him.

Even if Nie Chu's strength is mediocre.

But this Zhen Demon Seal is really not to be underestimated.


The trunk of the willow tree cracks quickly and dries up.

The momentum also became extremely weak at this moment.

Everyone rejoiced.

It is believed that Willow was suppressed.

"Give me all to die!"

Willow suddenly let out a deafening roar.


The trunk of that heavenly giant tree exploded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a willow tree more than three meters tall appeared in the heavens and the earth.

It is emerald green throughout, emitting bursts of light.

It's like a sacred tree.

More than a dozen willow branches hang upside down and gently swing with the breeze.

Seems weak.

But the breath is countless times stronger than before!

Nie Chu's face was full of horror.

He suddenly realized.

Lu Jin's mouth seemed to open.

They really can't beat this willow tree...

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