
The cold wind is gloomy.

Chen Nan stood quietly in the vast world.

Dressed in a white robe, it seems to be one with this heaven and earth.

Although the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow.

But he could feel it.

Some time ago.

There was a vicious battle here.

There was still an extremely faint breath in the air.

That breath is faint though.

But it was especially familiar to him.

Who is not Han Zongyuan?

Chen Nan took out a pot of still hot soju and poured it on the ground, and said softly: "I really didn't expect that the original farewell turned out to be a farewell."

"Actually, I should have thought that you were number three."


Chen Nan sighed.

He always thought he was smart.


But he was clever and misunderstood.

He always thought that the Qingyunlou King was in charge of taking the initiative to let himself pit him, so that he could obtain some kind of benefit.

Who ever thought.

That's not the case.

Wang Guan is simply stupid, stupid.

It's not what I imagined.

Although now the true identity of Number Three is known.


The deceased is long gone.

Out of one's wits.

There is not even a chance of reincarnation.

"I'm sorry for something."

"Actually, I'm not Yueshan."


"The fifth brother who is highly respected in your minds has long been killed by me."

"I just got his relic and was mistaken for Yue Shan by you."

"It's a shame to say."

"After all, if it weren't for you, how could I have achieved this in a short period of time?"

"Of course."

"Even if I'm not Yueshan."

"This does not prevent me from avenging you."

His voice was flat.

He did not feel pain because of Han Zongyuan's death.

Just some regrets.

It is a pity that he could not recognize him as Yue Shan.


A sneer resounded in the heavens and the earth.

"The anti-heavenly sect is cruel and vicious, and everyone is condemned for it."

"Do you know to help them avenge and conspire against them?"

King Yan Luo stepped on the thick snow and made a creaking sound.

Chen Nan didn't even look back at him.

Nor do I want to know who he is.

He took a sip of wine and asked calmly, "What is good?"

"What is evil?"

King Yan himself came to trouble Chen Nan.

Hear this question.

I couldn't help but frown.

It seems that he did not expect this young man to ask such a philosophical question.

This made him feel a little more interested in Chen Nan.

After all.

His position is to distinguish between good and evil.

He has an absolute say in this regard.


He really wanted to hear Chen Nan's answer.

He smiled and asked, "What is goodness?"

"What is evil?"

Chen Nan: "Goodness has true goodness, false goodness." "

Good and good, good and good."

"Good has yin and yang."

"Good is right and wrong."

"Good and biased, good and righteous."

"Good is half good, full of points."

"Good is big and small."

"Good is difficult, easy is different."

"Good and evil are in my heart."

Hear the previous answers.

King Yan Luo couldn't help but be impressed by Chen Nan.

After all, it is really difficult for ordinary people to answer good and evil.

This son can say such things.

It can be seen that the mind is extraordinary and the consciousness is not low.

I can hear the last sentence, 'Good and evil are in my heart'.

All of King Yan Luo's good feelings for Chen Nan instantly dissipated.

He snorted coldly: "Good and evil are in the hearts of the people, how can you judge alone?"

Chen Nan fell into a brief silence.

It seems to be thinking about the other party's questioning.

A moment later, he raised his head and looked up at the foggy firmament: "In this world, where is the so-called difference between good and evil?" "

If there is."

"Judging the good and evil of others is the greatest evil in the world!"

Hear this.

King Yan Luo was immediately furious: "Strong words."

"As you said, didn't the Ten Temples King become the greatest evil person under the heavens?"

Chen Nan smiled: "To borrow your previous words, good and evil are in the hearts of the people."

King Yan Luo was speechless.

If you follow Chen Nan's rhetoric.

The Ten Temples are indeed the greatest evil under heaven.

After all, when the common people talked about the Ten Temples Yan King, they were all terrified.

Chen Nan: "Good and evil are just invisible rules that override the five elements of yin and yang.

"It is an indispensable part of building this world."

"It's like this snowstorm."

"This snow is destined to leave a lot of people hungry and cold."

"It will also freeze to death a lot of suffering people."

"You say, is this snow good or evil?"

Hades didn't make a sound.

Every year in the cold winter of La Yue, it is the busiest time for his business.

The reason is none of it.

Every time it snows heavily, a lot of people freeze to death.

Chen Nan: "Although this wind and snow will freeze many people.

"But this wind and snow will also nourish all things and give the people a good harvest next year."

"You say, is this storm good or evil?"

King Yan Luo was speechless.

In terms of good and evil.

He and Chen Nan have different views.


Even if he is the existence of one of the ten temple kings.

I don't know how to argue with him.

Because he thought of a lot of lines in his mind, he found that they were not enough to convince Chen Nan's previous opinion.

Of course.

It all starts with.

King Yan Luo is only one of the three realms.

And Chen Nan's pattern has long since restored the immortal world dominance in the Yang Realm.

The two have long seen the problem from different angles.

"Otherwise, let's change the subject!" King Yan Luo diverted the topic: "Even if you want to avenge the anti-Heavenly Sect, do you know who killed him?"

Chen Nan: "The answer will soon surface."

King Yan Luo shook his head: "Even if you know the identity of the murderer, it will be difficult to move to him."

Chen Nan: "So, do you know the identity of the other party?"

"Want to know?" The corners of Yan Luowang's mouth rose: "As long as you beg me, I will tell you the identity of the other party."

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "I beg you..." Hurry up!

"Presumptuous, do you know who I am?" King Yan Luo was furious, he didn't expect Chen Nan to let him roll.

You must know that no one in the entire netherworld dares to speak to him in this tone.

Even the Emperor of the Imperial Capital was very polite when he saw him.

Chen Nan poured the last of the soju on the ground and muttered, "The name of the weak does not deserve to be known by me." "

Speak loudly." King Yan Luo was completely enraged: "Today I will teach you a lesson, so that you can save the dogs." The

words did not fall.

A terrifying aura gushed out from his body.

Let the void tremble.

The wind and snow in the sky turned into a huge tornado at this moment.

It gives a strong visual impact.

He is also a supreme existence of one of the ten temple kings.

Mo said that the Heavenly Court had fallen.

Even before the big war.

Those big figures in the Divine Realm did not dare to speak to him in this tone.

Chen Nan let out a soft sigh in his mouth: "Why, you think I'm a soft persimmon?" The

words fell.

He raised his right hand.


Accompanied by a crisp snapping of fingers.

The wind and snow between heaven and earth came to an abrupt end.

The void seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

Even the stout tornado stopped in the air and could not move.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Only the thumping heartbeat of King Yan Luo.

His scalp was numb.

He looked at Chen Nan dumbfounded, his eyes full of shock.

Who is this man?

Why is there such terrifying strength?

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