Zheng Chongyong didn't know what was going on.

Because in his intelligence, Chen Nan is dead.

Died at the hands of King Yan.


Isn't this still alive?

He knows.

Things are not as I imagined.

King Yan Luo did not kill Chen Nan.

Not only that.

He had a blue nose and swollen face from being beaten.

It is also very likely to be from Chen Nan.

Although he couldn't believe that Chen Nan could crush King Yan Luo.

But one thing is obvious.

They had to abandon this mission.

If not.

The five of them are very likely to hate this place.

Before he could react.

The four young men of the Zheng family flew out directly.

At the same time, a loud laughter came from heaven and earth: "Second uncle, you said that we can remember great merit by bringing his body back, so if we capture him alive, the old man must not reward us heavily?"

"No, come back quickly!" Zheng Chongyong's face instantly turned dead gray.

Although these disciples of the Zheng family all have the cultivation of the Body Capture Realm.

But he absolutely did not believe that they could capture Chen Nan alive.


in the snow.

Chen Nan looked at the four figures blocking the front with drunken eyes: "Who are you?" Why did you block your grandfather's way? "

He just drank more.

Don't want to fly.

I thought about walking back to the capital city.

By the way, hangover.

He Chengxiang was actually blocked by someone...

So embarrassing!

Don't you know that Grandpa I just beat King Yan Luo?


Since that's the case.

Then get your hands dirty with a few of you guys.

Get moving!

"Although I don't know why you are still alive, our mission is to take you back to the Zheng family!" A young man who was eight feet tall had a playful look in his eyes.

"Yo?" Chen Nan was interested.

I don't know how to trouble your Zheng family.

And now you have come to the door?

It's quite good at playing.

"If you don't want to die, then follow us back to the Zheng family!" Another middle-aged man spoke, his eyes were cold, as long as Chen Nan dared to say no.

He will definitely strike at the first time.

Zheng Chongyong fell to the ground at the first time, and he bowed his hand to Chen Nan and said, "Young Master Chen..."

Chen Nan had an impatient expression: "While playing, is there a part of you talking here?" "

A simple look of impatience.

But instantly made Zheng Chongyong's scalp explode and shuddered.

His cultivation is not very strong though.

But it also reached the Heavenly Ghost Realm.


Recalling the moment when he and Chen Nan looked at each other just now.

There is an urge to pass by the Grim Reaper.

He knows.

Chen Nan's strength is definitely outrageously strong.

The reason why Yan Wang had a blue nose and a swollen face returned to the capital city.

There is also a high probability that he was beaten by Chen Nan.

"Presumptuous!" A young man shouted angrily: "You dare to talk to my second uncle in this tone, are you tired of living?"

Another person said coldly: "Talk to him so much nonsense." "

Destroy his limbs and let him know the fate of being an enemy of my Zheng family."

The words fell.

He pointed at his right hand.

A long sword flew out behind itself.

It was like a touch of Changhong instantly slashing towards Chen Nan.

Lightning fast.

Extremely sharp.

And at this moment.

Chen Nan poked out a palm.

Directly held the long sword that was close at hand.

"Take the sword with your bare hands?" Everyone gasped.

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of incredulity.

They are all unimaginable.

Such a sharp move just now was actually caught by Chen Nan with his bare hands?

Are your hands cast from reinforced iron bone?

Why is it so hard?

"With the strength of your three-legged cat, you also want to kill me?" Chen Nan's face showed a hint of disdain, and then he grabbed it with his bare hands.


The sharp longsword shattered directly into his hand.


The young man who had just taken out his sword to kill Chen Nan directly burst into a foul mouth.

The eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Chen Nan's bare hand sword was incredible in itself.

Not to mention that his sword is still forged from Xuan Iron, blowing hair and cutting iron like mud.

But nowadays.

But it was crushed by Chen Nan at will.

And the other party is unscathed?

Can it be a little more outrageous?

"Eat me a sword!"

Another young man sacrificed his long sword.

However, he did not cut Chen Nan.

Instead, like jumping a big rope, the words in the mouth moved.


There was a buzzing sword sound in the air.

Sound waves spread from the air to all around.

Countless snowflakes were blown in the air.

Although it was a white snowflake.

But this moment seems to be endowed with some kind of magical power.


The young man's long sword pointed at Chen Nan in vain.


The snowflakes in the sky instantly shot towards Chen Nan.

Let this void tremble.

But just when he was about to arrive in front of Chen Nan.

Chen Nan slapped forward in the air.


His slap was very casual.

But it burst those snowflakes out of thin air.

All five gasped.

This strength is much more terrifying than they imagined.

Chen Nan sighed helplessly: "Did you not eat?"

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

A young man was embarrassed.

He squeezed it with both hands.

A cyan long sword flew out from his body and levitated above his head, exuding an icy and powerful sword qi!

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Accompanied by a roar from the young man.

The long sword above his head instantly turned into countless sword qi.


It is not an exaggeration to say that there are 10,000.

All the long swords were aimed at Chen Nan.

"Give me death!"

The young man leaned forward with a palm.

Those long swords above his head were like an auspicious cloud.

Flew towards Chen Nan with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth.

"I feel that your strength is just that!" Chen Nan shook his head helplessly, and then raised his right foot and took a step forward!

In a flash.

The sword qi in the sky stopped strangely in the air.

The young man was taken aback.

I didn't expect this to happen.

He pinched it quickly.

Want to overtake the long sword and kill Chen Nan.

But a terrifying discovery.

Those sword qi actually turned around in the air.

Tens of thousands of long swords were instantly aimed at the five of them.


An indifferent voice came out of Chen Nan's mouth.

Next second!

Those long swords instantly flew towards Zheng Chongyong's five.

The faces of the five were full of horror.

Subconsciously, he urged the yin qi in his body to resist.

But it was found.

Their Protective Body True Qi faced so much sword qi.

There is simply no way to resist.

Poof, poof, poof!

Along with bursts of blood mist bloomed on their bodies.

The snow beneath them was also stained red with blood.

The bodies of the five people were all full of holes, like a hornet's nest.

It's terrible.

"How dare you hurt us? Do you know who we are? A young man glared angrily at Chen Nan.

Although they were seriously injured, they were powerhouses in the realm after all.

This injury is not fatal.

Chen Nan's soul power wrapped the injured five people and soared into the air: "Aren't you trying to capture me back to the Zheng family?

"No need to bother so much!"

"I personally went to the Zheng family as a guest."

"I just don't know, does the Imperial Master welcome me?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was creepy.

The people who injured the Zheng family still want to kill them?

Why is he so arrogant?

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