Watching Chen Nan reach out and remove his head from his neck.

Everyone was creepy.


Because when Chen Nan raised his head just now, he looked very relaxed.

Gives an illusion.

He himself has no head.

Today's heads are placed on it.

It can be lifted with light force.

Although they are all cultivators.

But I have never seen a cultivator who can lift his head.

After all, there is a subtle connection between the head and the body.

Once the head is cut off, if you want to survive, you must sacrifice others.

"You want my head, don't you?"

"I'll give it to you!"

Chen Nan had a weird smile on his face.

He threw his right hand at random.

His head drew a graceful parabola in the air.

Then flew towards Erhan.

"If the old man is not mistaken, this should be a trick, right?" Er Han squeezed his hands, and the long sword suddenly erupted with terrifying sword qi.

The sword qi spread out for more than ten meters.

Like a divine sword, it slashed towards Chen Nan's head in the air.

"I top!"

Chen Nan's head suddenly rose into the air and slammed directly into that sword qi.


The sword qi was directly hit by Chen Nan's head and exploded.

Then he crashed into Erhan.

Like a bolt of lightning.

It's hard to guard against.


When he hit Erhan.

Erhan let out a hysterical scream.

And then under a pair of incredulous eyes.

It directly turned into a red blood mist.

The scene was silent.

Deathly silence.

Including the Imperial Master.

Everyone's eyes flashed with deep shock.

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

They also find it hard to believe.

Chen Nan actually used his head to blast a powerhouse of the fifth layer realm of the Ghost King Realm.

Is this still human?

Two drops of cold sweat flowed on Zheng Yu's forehead.

Before, he did not believe that King Yan Luo had fallen into Chen Nan's hands.

After all, it was the existence of one of the ten temple kings.

But now.

He believed the previous speculation.

Chen Nan was able to kill a Ghost King Realm fifth-layer powerhouse so easily.

That Yan Luo King must have fallen into Chen Nan's hands.

Thinking that Chen Nan could crush a powerhouse of the level of the Ten Temples Yan King.

Zheng Yu inexplicably felt that his breathing was much heavier.

Chen Nan's growth rate is too fast.

It was unbelievable.

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan's head flew through the air and landed on his neck.

He moved his neck slightly, took a sip of wine, and said helplessly: "He said he wanted my head, but if I gave it to you, you couldn't catch it!"

Zheng Yu became angry: "The surname Chen, what do you want to do when you come to my Zheng family?" Could it be that you want to destroy my Zheng family? "

Although Chen Nan's strength is very strong.


He didn't think that Chen Nan dared to move the Zheng family.

After all, he was an imperial master.

Mo said that there was no handle in Chen Nan's hands.

Even if there is.

Today, the only person who can order him to be killed is the Emperor of the Capital.


Will the Emperor of the Imperial Capital kill his own mentor?

As an imperial master.

Zheng Yu knows a little.

No matter how powerful or profound the cultivation is.

Keep the laws of Hades.

Otherwise you will go to hell.

"You are the emperor of the dynasty, who dares to destroy your Zheng family?" Chen Nan chuckled, with a hint of disdain in his eyes: "My purpose in coming to the Zheng family is simple.

"I just want to ask Master Emperor, why did your clan want to kill me for no reason?"

"This matter."

"Should you give me an explanation?"

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation..."

"I don't mind going to the Imperial Palace and asking the Emperor of the Imperial Capital to be the master of the grass people."



"Although Chen Mou is now the body of the grass people."

"But good villains are also sixth-level yin differences, and they have also made some contributions to the people of the world."

"It shouldn't be difficult to see the Great Emperor, right?"

He pretended to be confused.

Because he knew that Zheng Yu wanted to cut him by a thousand cuts.

But some things don't need to be said so bluntly.

Zheng Yu's face was gloomy.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to be so shameless.

Knowing the grudge between the two.

But he still says such things.

He took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger in his heart: "For this matter, Old Immortal does not know, I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding inside.

"For the offense, I apologize to you for these unscrupulous descendants."

"I also hope that you have a lot of adults, don't meet them in general."

He didn't want to apologize to Chen Nan.

But he had no doubt about Chen Nan's words.

If he goes to the imperial palace.

With his previous contributions.

It is not difficult to meet the Emperor.

If he really let the Great Emperor preside over justice.

Also passive for him.

At that time, it will be difficult to explain clearly.

Don't say that you can't explain the entanglement of grievances.

Even if it can be explained.

The final ending also has to apologize to Chen Nan.

And so it is.

It's better to apologize as soon as possible and send this mad dog away.

Seeing Zheng Yu apologize so cheerfully.

Chen Nan felt quite bored in his heart.

He stood up and kicked Zheng Chongyong in front of Zheng Yu.

And then four more feet in a row.

Kicked the other four descendants of the Zheng family in front of Zheng Yu, and then spat viciously, looking arrogant and domineering: "Tell the people of the Zheng family, it's best to go around when you see me in the future, if you meet me, I'll see me once and fight once!"

"Well, the old man made a note of it! When you see Young Master Chen in the future, you will definitely take a detour to ensure that you will not appear in front of you. Zheng Yu had a smile on his face.

But the killing intent in his heart was like breaking the seal, making him almost lose his mind.

He had never been as humiliated in his life as he was today.


With one hand behind his back, Chen Nan turned around and disappeared under the snowy night.

He came to the Zheng family without thinking about destroying the other party.

Although he has this ability.

But it can't be done either.

After all, the emperor master has a lot of prestige among the people.

If you destroy him directly, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

At that point, it's hard to end.

Even the Emperor of the Capital would even be dissatisfied with him.

If so.

What is it to talk about becoming a ninth-level yin?

If she didn't become a ninth-level yin, how could she go deep into the eighteenth layer of hell and see Houtu Niangniang return the human Dao and the Beast Dao to her old man?

Everything he had done before was to meet Houtu Niangniang as soon as possible, and there could be no mistakes in this last kick.

And the purpose of his coming to the Zheng family today...

Very simple.

I just want to humiliate the Zheng family.

Then look at the reaction of the Zheng family.

After all.

When people are angry, they are most likely to do something irrational.

"Father, the child is incompetent, you have lost face!"

At the gate of the Imperial Master's Mansion, Zheng Chongyong knelt on the ground, his face full of shame.

Zheng Yu's four grandsons also knelt on the ground nervously.

He knew that if they hadn't taken the initiative to attack and threatened to kill Chen Nan, this would not have happened at all.

"Stay away from that mad dog in the future..." If there is still a chance. Zheng Yu gritted his teeth and said as he turned and walked towards Fuzhong.

Think about what happened tonight.

He was furious.

Then, he turned to the man hiding in the depths of his sea of knowledge: "Can you kill Chen Nan?" "

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