"Chen Ye, it's not early, you go back early to rest, call us at any time if you have anything!"

After moving those luggage, Sun Sihai and Lu Jian left the mid-level villa area.

The five members of the Chen family sorted out the luggage they brought.

Then the two sisters went straight to the second floor to choose a room.

In fact, their biggest dream is to have their own, independent room.

Now I can realize my dreams and I am happy.

Fortunately, there are many bedrooms, and they can choose as they please.

Chen Nan chose the room of the master bedroom on the third floor.

The reason why the third floor was chosen was mainly because it was quiet and not disturbed when cultivating.

After choosing a room, Chen Nan came to the second floor and knocked on Chen Xiazhi's bedroom door.

A moment later, a girl's displeased voice came from inside: "I'm sleeping, I'll talk about something later."

"Summer solstice, you open the door, brother has something to explain to you."

Chen Nan looked depressed.

No matter how beautiful he was outside, but at home, he was completely controlled by his two younger sisters.

Right at this moment.

The door of Chen Hanlu's room next door opened.

She was wearing a light blue nightdress with a malicious smile on her face: "Or, you come to my house to see my newly bought underwear?"

Chen Nan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Your second sister doesn't pay attention to me anymore, can I still go to your house at this time?

You are adding fuel to the fire!

Just when Chen Nan turned around and wanted to leave.

Chen Xiazhi opened the door...


Chen Nan was completely stunned.

Although both doors in front of him are open.


Which door should he enter?


No matter which door you enter, you will offend the other party.

And it's the kind that offends to death!

Yes, he had already seen hostility in the eyes of the two sisters, smelled gunpowder in the air.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stalemate, Chen Hanlu opened his mouth and said with a smile: "See?" The pajamas my brother bought me, and a few beautiful underwear, do you want to take a look? "


Chen Xiazhi's eyes were full of anger, and he slammed the door heavily to vent the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Mistress, why do you have to add fuel to the fire? Seeing that your sister hates me, are you happy in your heart? Chen Nan sighed.

Although he had fire in his heart, he did not dare to vent it.

After all, his relationship with Chen Hanlu had just eased, and if he really got angry with her, wouldn't everything he had done before be lost?

Chen Hanlu shrugged undeniably: "She was very happy after we broke up back then. "


Chen Nan was speechless, you also have a vendetta, right?

Chen Hanlu suddenly said, "I just took the pill you gave me, I feel..." Some are swollen. He said and looked at the position of his chest.

Chen Nan said embarrassed: "This is all normal, just sleep for one night."

Chen Hanlu's heart suddenly rose with a bad taste: "Do you want to come in to guard the growth of seedlings?"

"No, no, no!" Chen Nan snorted and hurriedly slipped away.

Chen Hanlu smiled and waved: "Remember to come to the buyer show tomorrow!" Chen

Nan almost didn't fall on the stairs.

Buyer show?


Who to look down on?

In other words, those underwear I bought tonight should look good if they were worn on her, right?

It's just that tonight offended the second man to death.

How can I coax her?


night was getting deeper.

The villa at the top of the mid-level villa also turned off its lights.

In a black car in the distance, Wu Mian's two apprentices drank Red Bull to monitor every move here.

Zhang Wen glanced at the time: "It's three o'clock in the evening, hasn't their family seen the ghost yet?"

Another humane: "That is, I remember that the master ran out at three o'clock."

"Wait a little longer, it won't be long before they get scared and run out." After all, this is the most famous murderous mansion in our Jeju, even the master and his old man can't live here, I can't Chen Nan can calm the female ghost in the villa!

In this way, the two waited anxiously.

This waited until dawn.

"Hey, wake up!" Zhang Wen woke up the junior brother next to him: "Something is wrong, it's all dawn, why hasn't the Chen family come out yet?" "

Huh? It's all dawn? The other was taken aback, apparently not expecting this to be the result.

Zhang Wen said, "Let's go, go back and tell Master about this first." "


half an hour later.

Zhang Wen returned to the Wu Family Boxing Gym.

At this time, Wu Mian had woken up and was doing morning training in the martial arts training ground.

Even if he stepped into the realm of grandmaster, he could not be moved, and he would perform morning exercises every day.

After the other party finished practicing, Zhang Wen stepped forward and said, "Master, the Chen Nan family did not immediately go to the mid-level villa last night.

Wu Mian frowned: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Wen nodded heavily: "Daxi and I stayed there for one night, and I didn't see anyone come out, and the villa was quiet all night."

"No, it shouldn't!" Wu Mian's expression was solemn: "I have entered that house, I know the horror inside, with my grandmaster-level strength, I was scared and fled, then how could the Chen Nan family be safe and sound?"

Zhang Wen couldn't help but say, "Could it be that their family died inside?"

"Probably not!" Wu Mian said: "I am the third homeowner, plus me, everyone has encountered strange things when they enter that villa."

"However, they all withdrew unscathed."

"It's obvious that what's inside won't kill people easily."

Zhang Wen said again: "Could it be that the dirty things in the villa have been removed?" Or maybe you've traveled far away? Speaking of this, his voice became very small, because even he did not believe these two statements!

The disciple named Daxi suddenly said, "Master, do you say that there will be such a possibility, Chen Nan got rid of the dirty things in the villa?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Wu Mian was furious: "Even the master can't spend the night in that villa, you can imagine the horror of that evil."

"Grandmaster, your master and I are Grandmaster!"

"Chen Nan is just a young man in his twenties, don't you want to say that Chen Nan's strength is far above me?"

Da Xi quickly lowered his head: "Disciple doesn't mean that..."

Wu Mian snorted coldly: "You guys are secretly monitoring their family's every move first, if I'm not mistaken, they will definitely see that evil animal tonight!" "


Watching the two disciples leave, Wu Mian's mood was very irritable.

He couldn't understand why the Chen family didn't run out of the villa in panic like himself.

Especially when I remembered that the villa was sold to them for three million, I felt a blood loss!

If I already know this, why should I sell the villa at a low price?


at the same time.

Chen Xiazhi quietly came to Chen Nan's bedroom and gently shook Chen Nan's body: "Brother is about to get up, if you don't get up again, I will lift your quilt!"

Chen Nan glanced at her in confusion, with a disdainful expression on his face: "It's not that I look down on you, do you have this guts?" "

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