Chen Nan glanced at the brightly dressed Gongzi brother in the rest area, and his eyebrows raised: "It may not be cheap for you."

"But for me..."

"That's all!"

Chen Nan didn't lie.

With his current financial resources.

Buying all the clothes in this clothing store is a drop in the bucket.

"Two girls, you are in the country, right?" The young brother stood up, looked at the Lu family sisters with a smile, and did not hide the heat in his heart: "Listen to my advice, people's hearts are sinister, don't easily believe the words of others."

"Otherwise, there will be no money!" the

Lu sisters grew on his aesthetic.

Although these two women are beautiful.

But with his many years of experience.

These two must have just entered the city.

Otherwise it wouldn't have seemed so novel.

"We are just willing to be deceived by him, does this have anything to do with you?" Lu Qingqing snorted angrily, not liking this young brother.

Lu Bailing's eyes were also full of disgust: "Sister, don't deal with such a self-righteous person, let's choose clothes!"

"Presumptuous, do you know who you are talking to?" A follower behind the young brother shouted angrily and said, "I tell you, this is the eldest grandson of the king with a different surname, Young Master Gao Quanlin."

Another attendant said disdainfully: "You and two women from the countryside said that

the king with the different surname is, do they know who the king with the different surname is?" Speaking of this, he looked at the Lu family sisters and said with a high spirit: "I tell you, the king with the different surname is a supreme existence above ten thousand people above the court today, under one person."

"By disrespecting Young Master Gao, you are despising the dignity of the king with a different surname. "

It's defying Diwei."

"Now apologize, I spare your sisters' lives."

"If not, I will arrest you and put you in prison now!" Gao

Quanlin looked proud: "Don't be rude to the two beauties, these two girls are as beautiful as flowers, beautiful and moving, you can see that they are reasonable people, how can they despise Diwei?"

But it is a threat in disguise.

The Lu sisters looked stunned.

It seemed like I was shocked.

But then both gave each other a disdainful look.

I didn't pay much attention to them at all.

Then I happily picked out the clothes in the clothing store.

See this scene.

Gao Quanlin was furious: "You actually despise the existence of the king with a different surname?"

After his entourage said his identity.

The Lu family sisters would rush into his arms.

After all.

None of the women he met could escape this ending.

He Chengxian was directly ignored.

This was something he didn't expect.

It also made him angry.

Just when he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

He suddenly felt a loud slap in his ears.

Then there was a tingling pain in the right side of the face.

This slap directly blinded him.

Because he has slapped a lot of people.

Even the royal family and the state have fought.

But he lived for so many years.

It was the first time I was beaten.

And it is also under the premise that the other party knows his identity.

It's outrageous.

Seeing his own young master being slapped, a retinue gasped, obviously not expecting Chen Nan to be so arrogant.

Without much thought, he shouted angrily: "Who are

you?" "Dare to hit my young master?" "

Did you eat bear heart leopard gall?"

Speaking of this, he punched Chen Nan.

He possessed the cultivation of the early stage of the Ghost Realm.

This cultivation is definitely a master in the rivers and lakes.

But in the palace with a different surname.

He can only become Gao Quanlin's henchman.


The resources and exercises that can be obtained are too many times more than those in the rivers and lakes.

"Get out!" just

when the attendant was about to appear in front of Chen Nan.

An indifferent voice came out of Chen Nan's mouth.

The middle-aged man's pupils shook violently.

He felt a terrifying aura on Chen Nan.

The next moment.

An invisible force exploded in his chest.


middle-aged man vomited blood and flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line.

Smashed the street outside like a dead dog.

It caused a burst of exclamations and onlookers.


me death!" Another

attendant behind Gao Quanlin, armed with a long sword, went straight to Chen Nan to kill.

The atmosphere of terror rippled in the clothing store.

His eyes widened.

The long sword in his hand exuded an icy aura.

It made many women who chose clothes scream.

"You also roll!" Chen Nan's pupils froze.


middle-aged man only felt an invisible hammer hitting his chest.

It made his heart tremble.

Then the whole person vomited blood.

flew out uncontrollably...

Gao Quanlin held Erlang's legs, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his small eyes flashed with earth-shattering killing intent: "You are a turtle grandson who has been stabbed by a thousand knives, you know the identity of Young Master Ben, and you actually made a move on Ben Shao, I didn't think about this..."

The word has not yet been spoken.

Chen Nan slapped Gao Quanlin to the ground with a slap in the air: "Now have you thought of it?" Gao Quanlin

got up angrily, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

He glared angrily at Chen Nan and roared: "Are you

sick?" "Are you sick

?" "Do you believe that I will kill you now?"

But now.

His mentality is a bit broken.

The other party knew that he was Wang Changsun with a different surname, but he still beat him unscrupulously.

This made him have to wonder if Chen Nan was sick.

Because normal people don't dare to do this kind of thing at all!"

Gao Gongzi, who is so blind that he dares to hit you?" a graceful figure walked out of the dressing room angrily.

She looks to be in her twenties, wearing a red long dress, with angry eyebrows, even if she starts a fire, she also gives people a very cute look.

"It's this turtle sun!" Gao Quanlin spat viciously, and he glared at Chen Nan angrily: "Young man, I don't care who you are, today you hurt me, and our beam will be knotted."

"I tell you, if you don't want to die."

"Just give me the sisters as maids."

"If not, I will call someone to come and put you in prison and execute you immediately!"

"Gao Gongzi, don't talk so much nonsense with him, I will ask someone to arrest him." "The woman in red is called Wei Yanran, and she is the pearl in the palm of the county order of the capital city.

Although she is only the daughter of the prefectural order.

However, the position and power of the county commander of the capital city are not comparable to ordinary people.

Just at this time.

Outside, a group of servants dressed in fast suits hurried.

Wei Yanran's eyes lit up when she saw this: "You guys came just in time, hurry up and put this madman who committed murder on the street into a big prison, I want him to know the end of going against Gao Gongzi!"

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