The mentality of the heterogeneous king completely collapsed.

The imperial sword was not lost.

He would definitely take out the emperor sword generously and let Chen Nan admire it.

But now...

The imperial sword has been lost!

The Gao clan will definitely usher in a catastrophe.

Without much thought, the heterogeneous king smiled and said, "Since Lord Chen wants to copy the Emperor Sword, this is naturally possible."

"But it's time for lunch."

"What about you.

"Just settle down when you come, stay in the house for a quick meal."

"When the wine is full and the meal is full, let's copy the emperor sword together?"

"If I return on an empty stomach, isn't this hitting me in the face and making the world say that Gao doesn't understand hospitality?"

He could only stabilize Chen Nan first.

Drunk him as much as possible.

You have to send Chen Nan first.

Or it will be unimaginable.

Chen Nan smiled: "Wang Ye kindly invited, and the subordinates can't be ignorant of lifting!" "

Just according to what Wang Ye said, let's copy the emperor sword after the meal." "

The surname is Wang Daxi.

He immediately instructed the people in the mansion to prepare a luncheon.

At the same time, he called two other sons, two grandchildren, and three granddaughters to accompany him.

This has never happened before.

Especially the three beautiful granddaughters.

Never been a chaperone.

But today is different.

Wang with the different surname knew that Chen Nan was a little colorful.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the palace with the two women in his arms.

That's why they do what they like.

Although this is humble.

But he also wanted to have a good relationship with Chen Nan.

After all.

The power of the Director of the Heavenly Supervision Division is too amazing.


less than half an hour.

A sumptuous lunch was served to the table.

Chen Nan sat in the guest of honor, and on the left was Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters.

On the right are the three gentle and elegant daughters of the heterogeneous Wang and Hui Qianlanxin.

As for the heterogeneous king and his children and grandchildren, they sat on the sidelines.

"Wang Ye is very gracious, Chen Mou is honored, I salute you with this wine!" Chen Nan took the wine glass and drank it down.

The king with different surnames also toasted and drank together.

After everyone shared a drink.

The eldest granddaughter surnamed Wang quickly got up and filled a cup for Chen Nan with a red face.

They didn't know about the previous contradictions between the Chen family and the Gao family.

But I can feel that my grandfather intends to match them with Chen Nan.

Change to before.

They certainly don't want to.

After all, as the granddaughter of a king with a different surname, there is no need to consolidate the family's strength through marriage.

Their dream was to meet their true destiny.

No matter who the other person is.

But at the moment.

They liked the old man and arranged for them to accompany Chen Nan to dinner and help him pour wine.

The reason is none of it.

Yan Zhi is reasonable.

Chen Nan's appearance is too high.

Ji Yu Xuanang.

And it reveals a mysterious temperament.

Who doesn't love this kind of person

, and what woman doesn't want to have intimate contact with him in private and discuss life?

"Ruo Xi, the wine is full! Don't apologize to Young Master Chen?"

Grandpa's slightly reproachful voice made Gao Ruoxi snort.

She came back to her senses.

Seeing that the wine in the wine glass in front of Chen Nan had overflowed, he quickly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Chen Nan

smiled: "The wine is full of sincerity, Miss Gao doesn't have to be polite."

Gao Ruoxi glanced at Chen Nan gratefully, and then sat down in his seat.

"Wang Ye, the reason why Chen Mou is willing to stay for this lunch is, in the final analysis, he wants to settle his previous suspicions with you. Chen Nan spoke: "Yes, I don't deny that I killed the Wen Bohou father and son."


Wang with a different surname stood up with a wine glass, and said with a shameful face: "Young Master Chen doesn't need to say more, it's the old man who has too little belly." Wen Bohou lost the Shangfang sword given by the Emperor, which was a capital offense.

"You killed them, and that's just your duty."

"Old Immortal also apologizes to you, he shouldn't have targeted you before.

"I'll punish myself for three glasses, you feel free." He

said and toasted three cups in a row.

"Wang Ye has a good amount of wine!" Chen Nan laughed: "I like you as a cheerful person, come and come, let's not get drunk today!" said and raised his neck and drank the wine.

The different surname is Wang Daxi.

If we drunk you.

You will definitely be suspicious.

After all, you came here to copy the Emperor Sword.

But if you drink too much yourself.

You shouldn't have thought that the Gao family accidentally lost the imperial sword, right?"

"Wang Ye, there is something that the officials are puzzled about. While eating the delicacies of the mountains and seas in front of him, Chen Nan said, "Ten thousand years ago, when the Great Emperor succeeded to the throne, how many

Shangfang swords and death-free gold medals were rewarded?" Although the king with the different surname did not know why Chen Nan asked this, he still said: "After quelling the rebellion against the Heavenly Sect, the Great Emperor rewarded him with ten Shangfang swords, twenty death-free gold medals, and an imperial sword.

Chen Nan nodded slightly and sighed: "Let's drink and chat in private, if there is anything to say, the juniors will not hide it."

"Of course, don't say anything after drinking to your heart, let alone say it casually." Wang

smiled and said, "This is natural, no matter what is said today, no outsiders will know." "

Heterogeneous Wang is very happy.

I feel that the relationship with Chen Nan is one step closer.

Chen Nandao: "Being able to obtain the Emperor Sword, the Shang Fang Sword, or the Death-Free Gold Medal are all the glory of the Guangzong Yaozu."

"But whether it's the Emperor Sword, or the Shang Fang Sword and the Death-Free Gold Medal."

"It's all a double-edged sword!"

"Let's talk about the lost gold medal of the Wen Bohou Liu family."

"Actually, we all know that.

"The Liu family is innocent. "

I was framed.


Even if they are framed, they have to destroy the whole clan."

"Don't say anything else.

"Let's just say you, Wangye."

"Do you also have some opponents in the dynasty?"

the heterogeneous king nodded undeniably.

Prime Minister Lin Yuan has always been his enemy.

Emperor Master Zheng Yu is also an enemy and a friend, a friend and a friend.

Chen Nan continued, "For example, if those two forces want to harm you and send someone to steal your imperial sword, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Then pick up the glass alone and drink all the drinks in the glass.

He drank very happily.

After all, there are beautiful people around you.


His words were like a thunderbolt in the ears of the king with different surnames.

Why did he mention the consequences of the accidental loss of the imperial sword?

Five flavors of rice.

The drunken Chen Nan was helped by the Lu family sisters into a carriage arranged by the king with a different surname, and after boarding the carriage, Chen Nan opened the side curtain with a red face and looked at the king with a different surname outside: "Wang Ye, I drank too much today, and the matter of copying the emperor's sword will be booked in a week!"

"See you in a week. Wang

smiled and said, "Okay, then we'll see you in a week!" Chen

Nan lowered the side curtain, and his drunken appearance instantly regained his senses.

There was a sinister smile in his eyes.

The stage has already been set up for the king and the emperor with different surnames.


It is these two important ministers of the DPRK who eat dogs... The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and his eyes were full of expectation: "I hope you don't let me down!"

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