Wang Mengqi's eyes were scarlet: "Chen Nan, I didn't intimidate you. "

The power of the Li family is not something you can imagine."

"Listen to me, if you want to leave Kyoto alive overnight."

"Otherwise, Li Chen won't let you go."

Chen Nan had not yet spoken.

Li Xiang's immature voice sounded: "Mom, you can't underestimate Uncle Chen."

"He's a powerful immortal."

"Shouldering the responsibility of rebuilding the Heavenly Court."

"The heavy duty to save the world."

"A Li family is really nothing in his eyes."

Chen Nan looked stunned.

Why does Qinglong say everything?

Qinglong lived in the depths of Chen Nan's sea of knowledge, and naturally could feel the question in Chen Nan's heart, and immediately smiled: "Education, of course, must start with the doll!"

"Can you shut your mouth? Aren't you messy? Chen Nan was completely convinced.

He hadn't encountered anything so tricky in so long in the netherworld.

"Get out!"



"Right away!"

"From now on, I will not interact with my son!" Wang Mengqi was like a lioness protecting a calf, grabbing Chen Nan's arm and pushing it out.

Her overall impression of Chen Nan before was not bad.

After all, his son followed him and was very cheerful.

Learning is at the top.

That's why she tacitly allowed her son to go to the hospital after school.

Because of this, Chen Nan will be given some rent relief.

But she never expected it.

The son actually said that Chen Nan was an immortal.

He also shoulders the hope of rebuilding the Heavenly Court and saving all living beings in the three realms.

From that moment on.

She knew.

Chen Nan must have instilled bad thoughts in his son.

He also strengthened the idea of letting his son cut ties with him.


With a dull sound of the door closing.

The Lord of Hades who has just returned to the sun.

Chen Nan was swept away just like that.

This made him feel very faceless.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong..." The green dragon repeated the three wrong words in the depths of Chen Nanzhihai like a Tang monk chanting.

"Okay!" Chen Nan said impatiently: "I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do, what you do is for me, how can I blame you?"

Then he said to Wang Mengqi in the room: "Miss Wang, this matter started because of me, I naturally want to give you a satisfactory explanation."

"Believe me or not."

"Li Chen can't even take Li Xiang away from you."

Said and turned away.


It's the rainy season.

Just came outside.

There was a flash of thunder in the night sky.

Then a pouring rain fell.

Instantly turned Chen Nan into a falling soup chicken.

It's the same as when you didn't enter Hades.

His current cultivation was still suppressed by the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

There is no way to cast mana to avoid rain.

"Give a face?"

"It's good that I have the strength of the foundation building period, and I won't be so embarrassed!" Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears, holding his head and rushing towards the direction of the medical hall.

Although it's summer.

Even if it rains, with his physique, he will not catch a cold.

But walking in the rain... It is very likely that people will be taken as fools.

After all, sheltering from the rain when it rains is the standard for measuring whether a person's IQ is online.


Just when Chen Nan passed a telephone pole.

A purple lightning bolt fell.

In an instant, he flew out tens of meters and fell heavily on the ground.

His body twitched wildly.

The faint current of the Dao Dao can also be seen on the body.


For Chen Nan, there are still some benefits.


His cultivation returned to the peak of the foundation building period.

He struggled to get up in the stagnant water on the ground, and raised a disdainful middle finger to the firmament: "Say that if you restore my cultivation to the foundation building period, you will restore it to the foundation building period?"

"You're too obedient, aren't you?"

"There is a kind of you who restored my cultivation to the peak."

The rules of Heaven's Dao ignored him.

Chen Nan was very depressed.

However, it is enough for cultivation to return to the peak of the foundation building period.

After all, there have long been no cultivators on the earth.

Ten thousand steps back said.

Even if there are cultivators.

Even if his cultivation has not been restored.

Under the whole world, how many people can hurt themselves?

He released the True Qi in his body and dried the clothes on his body.

Not only that.

True Qi is also used to form an invisible protective cover.

It's like a magic shield in legendary games to prevent rain from wetting your clothes.

And just when he turned a corner.

When I came to the alley, I was about to go back to the hospital to pack my things.

The night ahead suddenly lit up with two dazzling bright lights.

Chen Nan subconsciously stretched out his right hand to resist in front of him, and closed his eyes.

Wait until your eyes have adapted to this light before slowly opening your eyes.

In front of the car leaned a figure holding a black umbrella.

He smoked.

Fire-red cigarette butts flickered in the night.

On each side of the car stood two figures holding steel bars.

They kept beating their palms with steel rods, with playful smiles on their faces.

Although Chen Nan looked at the past, it belonged to the backlight.

But the backlight is also clear.

"The surname is Chen, how dare you intrude my ex-wife and let my son call you dad, you are quite fat!" Li Chen spat out blood viciously, and his eyes were full of coldness.

"Do you know who Lao Tzu is?"

Chen Nan smiled: "It doesn't matter to me who you are.

"Since you're here, let's have a good chat!"

"From now on, you must not harass the lives of Miss Wang and Li Xiang!"

"If you can promise, then you can leave now."

"Or else..."

"Contact the orthopedic hospital first and book a bed!"

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, angrily put the cigarette butt still in the stagnant water on the side, he looked at Chen Nan angrily, gritted his teeth and said: "The surname Chen, do you know that you just said Lao Tzu's lines?"

"That's my ex-wife!"

"My son, why the are you keeping me away from them?"

"I also bragged about booking the window of the orthopedic hospital."

"How many meanings?"

"Despise these four masters behind me?"

"Do you know that they are all Heavenly Power Realm powerhouses?"

"Believe it or not, any of them can beat you with blood?"

Chen Nan frowned: "Heavenly Power Realm powerhouse?

Li Chen sneered: "Are you afraid?" If you are afraid, you kneel and kowtow now, I will let you live..."

The word 'road' has not yet been spoken.

Chen Nan interrupted him apologetically: "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with you to pretend." Mainly, what is the realm of heavenly power, I really haven't heard of it.

A middle-aged man took a step forward and looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "With the pattern of a mortal like you, the circle of communication, naturally I don't know what kind of realm the Heavenly Power Realm is.

"But it's not important!"

"The important thing is that you only need to know one thing that the Heavenly Power Realm powerhouse is not something you can compete with."

"You will immediately know the horror of the powerhouse of the Heavenly Power Realm." Speaking of this, his eyes froze, and a brisk step rushed to Chen Nan's body.

The rain under his feet was instantly splashed.

It's ferocious.

Chen Nan raised his slap and slapped it.


Accompanied by a crisp slap sound.

The middle-aged man flew over them under everyone's stunned eyes, let out a scream, and fell heavily to the ground...

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