Chen Nan: "Thank you for Elder Wu's concern, if there is really an accident, it has nothing to do with the Wu family."

Wu Tianquan snorted angrily: "Since you don't listen to advice, then it's up to you!"

"But you'll have to wait for everyone to challenge it."

"I don't want to call an ambulance for you halfway through the challenge, which would be too disappointing."

He himself still liked this young man.

After all, he saved his granddaughter's life.

But now it seems.

He was too arrogant.

This kind of young man who does not listen to advice has to make him suffer a little.

Chen Nan: "Cheng, just according to what you always said, I will pass these three levels after everyone challenges."

"Uncle, don't be stubborn, the danger factor of these three levels is very high." Wu Qianru's face was full of nervousness: "You are responsible for your personal safety, in case of any accident, people will be worried." The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "It's not a big problem."

Wu Qianru naturally did not believe Chen Nan's words.

Even if Chen Nan saved her.

But lifting stone locks, crossing the sea of fire, and going up the knife mountain, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

But now.

She didn't know how to dissuade Chen Nan.

Then she let go of Chen Nan, pulled her father to the distance, and whispered: "Dad, no matter what, you can't let your uncle participate in the challenge of these three levels."

"I don't want anything wrong with him."

Wu Dazhi pouted: "He wants to die, who can stop him?"

"Blah blah, Wu Qianru looked at her father angrily and said in a low voice: "After these old men finish the assessment, you will let people remove all these stone locks, and no matter what, you can't let the uncle participate in the assessment." This

was the only thing she could do for Chen Nan.

"If you don't, then walk and see!" Wu Qianru gritted her teeth and threatened: "If you are old and lying dying on the hospital bed, I will definitely pull out your oxygen tube as soon as possible."

Wu Dazhi wanted to cry without tears: "Okay, okay, follow you, right?"

"That's pretty much it."


Chen Nan did not hear the conversation between Wu Qianru's father and daughter.

Instead, watch the on-site assessment.

Don't say it yet.

Among these more than fifty old men, there are some masters.

Even if he lifted the four-hundred-pound stone lock with his bare hands, his face was not red and he couldn't breathe.

You can see that there are some real skills.

After more than an hour of assessment.

The old men all participated in the assessment.

Except for the five old men who braved the three levels.

None of the others made it to the final assessment.

Especially the assessment of the third level.

Trapped a lot of people.

After all, that's a real knife mountain.

This tests not only strength, but also good psychological quality.

Both are indispensable.

"Hey, why are those two stone locks missing?"

Just when Chen Nan was thinking about participating in the assessment.

But I was surprised to find that the two stone locks had disappeared.

"Young man, take it when you see it!" An old man who was eliminated was full of displeasure: "Miss Wu can't bear that you died too miserably, so she specially let people remove the two stone locks."

"This is for your sake, don't be ignorant of good people's hearts."

"That is, these three levels seem simple, but they are difficult!" Another old man sat on the ground, grinning in pain.

The soles of his feet were burned and he was in pain.

"Uncle, I am also thinking about you, and I hope you don't get angry." Wu Qianru was like a child who had done something wrong, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look into Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan looked depressed.

Although he did not want to be the worshipper of the Wu family.

But that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood is the key to carrying the fire of Changming.

Only by getting that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood can the Changming flame be ignited.

in order to attract those reincarnated gods.

But now...

Wu Qianru asked people to remove the pair of stone locks.

Although it is a good intention.

However, it disrupted his plans.

Right at this moment.

A loud voice sounded outside: "Wu family, you should have chosen an offering, right?"

"If that's the case, then accept my challenge!"

Hear this loud voice.

Everyone's faces changed drastically.

Especially Wu Tianquan father and son.

They never expected that Guo Mo's people would come to the door to challenge at this juncture.


Guo Mo's people have been watching them.

Otherwise, you won't come to the door at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Tianquan spoke: "Everyone, follow me to accept the challenge!" Although

he was afraid of Guo Mo's people.

But he recruited the worship to fight against Guo Mo.



That's it.

Everyone followed Wu Tianquan to the door of Wu's house.

I saw a barefoot middle-aged bald head standing there quietly.

Not only did he have no hair, he didn't even have eyebrows.

The slender eyes revealed a cold light.

At a glance, you can tell if it is not good.

Because of the lack of hair on the head, it is not possible to tell how old the general number is.

See this person.

The eyes of the old men who came to participate in the assessment showed jealousy.

"I really didn't expect Guo Mo to send three disciples King Kong, and it is said that this person's strength ranks second in comprehensive strength among Guo Mo's many disciples, and his body is fierce."

"Yes, even Guo Mo marveled at King Kong's physical body, claiming that his physical body was the strongest in the world."

"Even if the grandmaster wants to defeat him, he has to make more than ten moves."

Wu Tianquan also did not expect that Guo Mo actually sent King Kong to the Wu family.


This is going to eat 70% of the Wu family's industry.

This made a burst of anger rise in his heart, and then looked at the five old men who had passed the three-level assessment, and said politely: "You have Lao to help my Wu family block this person." "

Those five old men are certainly afraid of King Kong's strength.

However, I also know that today is an opportunity to make a name for myself.

As long as the five of them can work together to resist King Kong.

Who will dare to underestimate them in the future?

The five looked at each other, and then walked out at the same time.

Seeing this, King Kong grinned: "Just because the five of you also want to stop me?" It's just a fool's dream, you guys go together, as long as Lao Tzu takes a step back, count me as losing!

"Shamelessly, I want to learn your strength!" An old man shouted angrily and rushed towards King Kong at the same time as the other four.

They have all practiced foreign kung fu for many years.

The strength is extraordinary.

"These five people strike together, and they are not this person's opponent." Qinglong's voice sounded: "After all, this is the reincarnation of the barefoot immortal.

"With your strength, you can suppress this person, and you can take the opportunity to recover this person."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, the barefoot immortal was an extremely powerful existence in the God Realm.

Although there is no divine position.

But no one dared to underestimate his existence.

It's just that Chen Nan didn't expect to meet the reincarnation of the barefoot immortal.

Right now.

A series of screams rang out.

Those five old men shot at the same time, but they were unable to withstand King Kong's blow.

You can imagine how strong King Kong's strength is.

"That's it?" King Kong's face was full of disdain, and then he looked at Wu Tianquan, who was full of sluggishness: "The surname Wu, according to the regulations, do you have to cede seventy percent of the property?" Wu

Tianquan's heart was like ashes.

I didn't expect this person's strength to be terrifying to this extent.

And just when he was desperate, Chen Nan put his hands in his pockets and walked out with a cigarette: "If you want to obtain the Wu family's industry, you have to defeat me first!" "

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