Zhou Clerk has not been idle these two days.

At night, wander around the outskirts of Kyoto, or in hospital morgues, crematoriums.

In order to be able to meet a powerful ghost.

So let it do itself a favor and scare and scare Chen Nan.

And today.

He was lucky.

Met a ghost.

This guy is called Ma Yan, and he was an alcoholic before he died.

And not only drunkards.

And still a gambler.

Lost the car, the house.

Lost my job.

Even the wife and daughter lost to others.

It can be said that there is nothing.


He did not turn back.

Still enjoy gambling.

If you run out of money, go pick up rags.

Pick up rags and sell them for money, dreaming of getting rich overnight.

I really can't pick up the rags, so I take the risk to steal them.

Stealing bicycles, electric cars.


Ten gambles and nine scams.

As a gambler, how can you possibly make casino money?

Ten days ago.

He stole a three-year-old on the street.

It was sold to human traffickers for eight thousand dollars.

Then I went to the barbecue stall to eat a barbecue, drank dizzy, and went to the casino with the remaining 7,000 huge money.

I thought about a shame.

Who expected that the blood would not return.

This time.

He was furious.

Then, in a fit of rage, he stabbed the casino owner to death with the dagger he was carrying.

Before stabbing the other party to death, he brazenly shouted that Lao Tzu wanted to eliminate harm for the people.

He did stab the casino owner to death.

But casino employees surrounded him and hacked him to death.

But because he has a strong obsession.

So incarnate as a ghost.

"Can you see me?" Ma Yan's face was sallow, and his eyes were full of frost: "Since you can see me, aren't you afraid of me?"

Zhou Wenwen smiled: "Since I can see you, I am naturally not afraid of you."

Ma Yan's eyes were scarlet, and he roared angrily: "Why?

"Why isn't everyone afraid of me?"

"No one was afraid of me when I was alive!"

"Why did I die and turn into a ghost, and still no one is afraid of me?"

"Can't you respect the ghost?"

It unleashes a monstrous anger that causes the temperature to plummet.

Just as he pounced on Zhou Wenwen.

Zhou Wen silently recited the scripture in his mouth, and a faint golden light spread out from his body like a tide.

Of course.

This golden light is invisible to ordinary people.

Only the soul can see it.

And it can take harm.


Ma Yan was directly ejected by that golden light, and his eyes were full of fear: "What kind of person are you?" Why can it hurt me? Zhou

Wenwen looked proud: "Me?

"I'm just a little psychic."

Ma Yan swallowed his saliva nervously and looked at him with jealousy: "Although I don't know what a psychic is, I feel very powerful."

"That's it!" Zhou Wen chuckled: "It's just that I can communicate with the Yin of the Underworld."

"That's right."

"Have you ever thought that you have done so many sins in your lifetime."

"Will you go to hell when you die?"

Ma Yan's pupils trembled violently.

When he was alive, he did not believe that he would go to hell after death.

I don't believe that there are ghosts and gods in the world.

But now.

He was convinced.

I also know that if I do my own sins, I will definitely go to hell.

This made him feel unprecedented fear at this time.

The corners of Zhou Wenwen's mouth rose: "With the sins you do, you will definitely go to hell, and as for which level of hell to go to, it depends on the judge's mood."

"And me..."

"Although it's personal."

"But I can say a few nice words for you in front of Yincha."

"It can prevent you from being beaten into eighteen levels of hell!"

One listen to this.

Ma Yan hurriedly said, "Let me intimidate Chen Nan, right?" Where is he? "

It's just to terrorize a mortal.

This little thing is a breeze for him.

Not to mention.

Zhou Wen will also help himself with a few nice words in front of Yin Chao.

"Hey, you can follow the breath on this napkin and you can find Chen Nan." Zhou Wen took out a used napkin that he had taken on the table when he met Chen Nan in the hot pot restaurant before.

This napkin was on Chen Nan's right hand, which he secretly took and left Chen Nan's breath on it.

Ma Yan sniffed the breath on the napkin, and then subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "He eats the Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot of the Eight Classics, and there are pig brain flowers, hundred leaves, hairy belly, if only there was no shrimp slippery, I am allergic to shrimp meat." Zhou

Wen almost scolded Niang.

You're a foodie, right?

"Hurry up, it's better to scare him half to death." Zhou Wen said impatiently: "Also, tell Chen Nan to let him come to me tomorrow morning to kowtow to me."

"Otherwise, we want to defuse it."

Saying that, he told Ma Yan his address, and asked Ma Yan to tell Chen Nan.

Ma Yan asked nervously: "I do what you say, will you really say a few nice words for me in front of Yin Chao?"

Zhou Wenwen narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked unpleasantly: "Are you questioning my character?"

"No, no, I just said it casually." Ma Yan: "What, I'll go to Chen Nan, absolutely scare him to death, and let him know the end of being an enemy with you." Saying that, he took off into the air and flew towards the direction where Chen Nan was.

Ma Yan just walked on his front foot.

A black whirlwind suddenly appeared in the flat ground.

Zhou Wenwen's spirit lifted, and he knew that a yin difference had come.

The next moment.

In the black vortex, two figures, one black and one white, appeared out of thin air.

These two are none other than others.

The black and white impermanence of the netherworld.

See this scene.

Zhou Wenwen's heart trembled.

Obviously, I didn't expect these two masters to appear in the Yang Realm.

Although he has dealt with many yin chasers, it is the first time he encounters black and white impermanence.

Mo said of him.

Even if his master saw these two masters, he had to behave.

Without much thought, he hurriedly saluted: "The villain Zhou Clerk, I have seen two adults."

Hei Impermanence glanced at him, with a condescending posture: "Who are you Huang Sanxiong?"

Zhou Wenwen hurriedly replied: "Huang Sanxiong is a family teacher.

Hei Impermanence nodded slightly: "I sensed a powerful ghost here just now, why didn't I see its whereabouts?" But you destroyed it?

Zhou Wen said nervously: "Back to the two adults, the villain's skill is still shallow, and he does not have this ability." As for the whereabouts of the powerful ghost, the villain sent him to carry out justice.

Bai Wuxian chuckled: "Let a powerful ghost carry out justice?" It's interesting, tell me, what's going on?

Zhou Wenwen hurriedly said: "Don't hide the two adults, the villain met a fierce guy, that guy is cruel and does everything, but because he is a living person."

"So the villain had nothing to do, so he let the previous ghost intimidate him, hoping that he could turn back to the shore!"

Black Impermanence snorted coldly: "Is there still a fierce and evil guy in the world?" Where is that guy, our brothers will meet him for a while, and if what you say is true, we don't mind taking him by the way!" Zhou

Wen's eyes lit up.

Black and white impermanence shot, Chen Nanyan has a way to live?

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