"The surname Guo, since you are looking for death, then I can't stop you."

"But you have to remember one thing."

"I tried to save your life, but you didn't cherish this opportunity!" Zhang Tianlong said and hung up the phone, he didn't expect that he had spoken to this extent, Guo Mo was still insistent on going his own way.

Seeing Zhang Tianlong hang up the phone in anger, a young disciple asked nervously, "Master, are we going back to the mountain now?"

Zhang Tianlong secretly shook his head and looked in the direction of Meaux: "Let's go to Meaux."

"It doesn't seem to make sense to go now, does it?"

Zhang Tianlong sighed lightly: "I have been with that old thing for many years, although I can't stop him from looking for death, I can help him customize a good coffin." He

didn't know if Chen Nan, who defeated King Kong, was the existence that crushed the Quartet God of War ten years ago.

But he knows a little.

Even if it wasn't that Chen Nan, it was definitely not something Guo Mo could contend with.

Preparing a coffin for Guo Mo in advance was the only thing he could do.



This is an institution proposed by Chen Nan ten years ago.

It's not just about competing with the Truth Cultivator Association.

More is the study of [Tao] culture, philosophy.

After more than ten years of development, the Taoist Academy has gained a considerable scale.

Taoist culture, philosophy, and thought have also benefited many people.

Of course.

The true meaning of the Taoist Academy is not only that simple.

The real original intention of establishing the Taoist Academy is to find the heavenly gods who have been left behind in the world and reincarnated.

And after more than ten years of development.

Li Mu never disappointed Chen Nan.

He sat under the Bodhi tree in the Taoist courtyard, looked at the teenage child in the distance, and said, "This guy is called Peng Cheng, don't look at this little guy's physique, but he can eat ten pounds of beef and fifty steamed buns in one breath."

"Of course, his strength is also terrifying."

"Can lift a boulder weighing more than a thousand pounds."

Chen Nan smoked a cigarette and looked at the teenage child in the sunset, with a shallow smile on his face: "The strength of the giant spirit god, looking at the god world, how many people can compare?" "

As a Celestial God Warrior under the tent of Tota Li Heavenly King.

The strength of the giant spirit god is still very strong.

He was the first to appear when Tota Li Tianwang was ordered to go to Huaguo Mountain to surround and suppress Sun Wukong.

It's a pity that the monkey failed miserably.

But his strength is still unquestionable.

Li Mu continued, "In addition to this guy named Peng Cheng, we also found thirty-six people with special skills.

"It's useless, except for this little guy named Peng Cheng, everyone else is some ordinary people." A trace of melancholy flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, Qinglong had told him before.

There are three hundred and sixty-five gods in the heavenly court.

And as of today.

He met Nezha.

As for the guy named Peng Cheng in front of him, as well as King Kong.

Although they were gods in their previous lives, they did not have a god position.

And the reincarnated 'scale' of the fire god he met before, he is not a god in the heavenly court.

He has no divine position.

But an ancient god.

As for Guo Yu in the netherworld, that is, Houyi.

He also has no divine position.

Although Houyi is not an ancient god.

But the strength is extremely terrifying.

After all, he was the only ghost god who jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements.

As for the others, they jump out of the three realms and are not in the existence of the five elements.

All saints.

"It's not fun, it's so unchallenging, I don't even have a chance to experience exhaustion!" Peng Cheng listlessly threw a boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms and flew out more than ten meters.

Chen Nan walked over and said with a smile: "Do you want to experience that kind of exciting life?"

Peng Cheng nodded and raised his head: "Otherwise, how can I reflect my strength?" "

The little one is a bit crazy.

But it's also normal.

After all, you can lift a thousand-pound boulder in your teens.

It's all about being above the ordinary.

"Okay, then I'll take you to an interesting place." Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers and sent Peng Cheng to the Immortal Realm.

Compared to life on Earth, it was more suitable for his upbringing.

And it can make him stronger quickly.

As for the side effects...

It is nothing more than to scare him to the point of and urine flowing all over the ground first.

"Look, Guo Mo actually called you out in public, waiting for you to come in Changchun Temple!" Li Mu stared at the mobile phone with excitement on his face, and then let out a sigh: "This Guo Mo really did a good job." Die,"

Chen Nan took Li Mu's mobile phone and looked at it.

An old man with Immortal Wind Dao bones sat on the futon and openly said to him that he had already abolished King Kong's cultivation, and if Chen Nan did not dislike the other party, it was a waste.

Then ask Chen Nan to arrive at Changchun Temple before dawn the next day.

His move caused an uproar in the rivers and lakes.

After all, many people have already learned about Chen Nan's defeat of King Kong.

Although they also guessed that Guo Mo would be furious.


No one expected that he would personally abolish King Kong's cultivation.

After all, this was a disciple he had single-handedly trained.

Even if he didn't want his disciples to turn to others.

There is no need to abolish his cultivation.

This move made many people disappointed with Guo Mo.

His means did not correspond to the status of a grandmaster.

Seeing Guo Mo provoking him, Chen Nan had a sneer on his face: "I originally thought that King Kong would not come back in three days, and then go to Changchun to see people, but now it seems that I don't need to wait so long!"

"Let's go, let's leave for Changchun Temple now."

Changchun View in Meaux.

A remote county seat.

It is more than 500 miles away from Kyoto.

Previously unknown.

But because of the appearance of a grandmaster-level powerhouse in the Changchun Temple, he was recognized.

"Then go to Changchun Guanxian and wander!" Li Mu casually extinguished the cigarette butt, and then left the Daoist courtyard with Chen Nan, heading towards Meaux City under nightfall.

Just after leaving the capital, Zhao Feiyan and Lu Hen came to regain their lives.

Inform him that he has completed the task.

The courtyard was empty, and he could move in at any time.

Chen Nan was very satisfied with the performance of the two ghosts.

Directly locked them up in the seventeenth level of hell.


the next day.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Li Mu drove the car and took Chen Nan to the Changchun Temple.

And at this time.

Many people have gathered to see the lively rivers and lakes.

"Chen Xiaoyou is here!"

Just when Chen Nan just got out of the car.

An exclamation came from afar.

That old man had gone to the Wu family yesterday to participate in the assessment of the offering.

So he recognized Chen Nan at a glance.

"How could this guy be so young?"

"Yes, I thought he was at least an old man over half a hundred years old."

"To be able to defeat King Kong at such a young age? That's incredible!

"Do you think there is a possibility that he was lucky enough to defeat King Kong?"

Seeing Chen Nan's young age, those onlookers were taken aback.

Even if Chen Nan defeated King Kong yesterday.

But they also did not believe in Chen Nan's strength.

After all.

In this world where age determines the realm.

Being young is really not enough to convince people.


A middle-aged man wearing a cyan robe walked out of Kannai, who walked out with a long sword behind his back with one hand.

He looked down at Chen Nan condescendingly: "Is it that you defeated my waste junior brother?" I thought you had three heads and six arms, but now it seems, but that's it.

"If you want to get in, you need to beat me first!"

Chen Nan asked calmly, "What is the difference between you and King Kong?" "

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