Looking at the brute blood flowing in the distance, Xia Lan said embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I shot off again..."

"Do it!" Quinn held a scimitar and flew out behind the stone, like an off-string arrow towards the two bull demons in the distance.

The other four people also went out at the first time.

They are a squad.

Performing tasks together for many years has given them an extraordinary tacit understanding.


The two brutes had thick skins and thick flesh, and they became violent when they saw humans.

Rushed towards Quinn and the others.

Quinn and the others were like the wind, and the blade in their hands left shocking injuries on the brute bull.

"Respected Houyi Great God, please use my divine power to shoot these two barbarian bulls!" Sharan prayed to heaven, and then decisively pulled away the curved bow.


An arrow burst out of the air.

Seeing this, Chen Nan subconsciously clamped his legs.

A chill from the soul swept over.

Sure enough.

Xialan's arrows seem to be very spiritual.

Successfully hit another brute cow... Valley Road.

She seems to have a soft spot for Gu Dao.

Chen Nan was stunned.

You said this girl's technique is not good...

But she really doesn't make a fuss.

You say she's in a bad way...

But she missed every time...

Xia Lan seemed to see what Chen Nan was thinking, and did not feel embarrassed: "I did this on purpose, because the barbarian cow skin is rough and thick, and with my bow, it is simply not enough to break through their defenses."

"The only way to hit hard is to hit their valley path."

Chen Nan gave a thumbs up: "Very powerful..."

"That's it, after all, we believe in the Great God of Houyi." Xia Lan had a haughty expression, as if she believed that Houyi was her unique glory.

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

The great god of Houyi that you believe in is my brother.

Have I ever been proud?



Quinn let out an angry roar.

The long knife in his hand burst out with a dazzling blade radiance, directly cutting off the head of a brute bull.

Blood spurted like a fountain, instantly melting the snow on the ground.

It looks shocking.

The other brute felt a sense of crisis and turned around to escape.

Ciaran pulled the bow again.

An arrow is fired.

Once again, it hit the barbarian valley road.

Two arrows were embedded in the bloody valley road, which also limited the speed of the brute bull.

"Mad Dao Three Styles!"

Quinn soared into the sky, and he quickly slashed out three times.

Every knife contains terrifying power.

The knife qi emitted by these three swords merged into one, slashing at the brute bull like a force splitting a mountain.


The head of the brute fell in response.

"Brother Quinn's knife skills are getting better and better!" Everyone grinned, not forgetting to praise Quinn's knife skills.

Quinn wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned, "If you want to gain a foothold, you can't have some tough means?"

"This time, we really returned with a full load!"

Everyone laughed.

As members of Wushuang City, they have to go out hunting every month.

This is the obligation of the people of Wushuangcheng.


They used to have bad luck.

And today, they killed two brute cattle.

The combined weight of these two brute cattle is a full five thousand catties, which can allow them to not go out hunting for half a year.

"Divide the corpses of these two brutes and return to Wushuang City overnight." Quinn said, and then got busy.

Right at this moment.

A demon wind swept through the valley.

Feel this enchantment.

Everyone's expressions changed.

There is a feeling of being on the back.

Although they are now in the ice and snow.

But the appearance of that demon qi gave them a sense of falling into the ice cellar.

"You are so daring, you dare to kill King Ben's men!" With a low roar, a brute bull covered in blood-colored hair appeared in everyone's eyes.

It is five meters tall and ten meters long.

The weight is more than 10,000 catties.

The whole body exuded a terrifying demon qi.

"After I come to break off, you must run away, and you must tell the patriarch about the demon in this place!" Quinn's face was sallow, and she never dreamed of meeting a demon.

You know, although the difference between demon and demon beast is only one word.

But the strength of the demon is far above the demon beast.

Only demon beasts with spiritual abilities can be called demons.

"No, everyone has lived and died together for many years, how can you face this monster alone at a critical moment?" A young man with a solemn face, unwilling to abandon Quinn and escape.

Quinn cursed angrily: "Now is not the time to test brotherhood, you must return to Wushuang City and inform the patriarch about this monster."

"If we don't, we'll lose a lot of our clansmen!"

This area belongs to Wushuang City.


During their exploration, they did not see any monsters in this area.

The sudden appearance of a monster now is definitely not good news for Wushuang City.

"Chen Nan, you take this token and run south." Xia Lan took out a wooden tablet and gave it to Chen Nan with a solemn expression: "There is a canyon fifty miles to the south, you enter it and tell the people there what happened here."

Seeing this, the other four laughed: "Boss, don't worry about the clansmen not knowing about this cow demon now!"

Quinn secretly shook her head, knowing that these people wanted to live and die with her.

He looked at Chen Nan and said seriously: "Brother Chen Nan, the appearance of this monster is like a disaster for Wushuang City, I hope you can tell the brothers in the tribe about it."

"This is related to the life and death of our Wushuang City clan!"


"Good!" Chen Nan did not refuse, took the wooden sign, and quickly flew towards the south.

A moment later.

There was a fierce fight behind him, as well as a burst of screams.

"You can go back now!" Chen Nan stopped, and he ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and transformed into a mad ape more than ten meters tall.

In fact, with his current strength, even killing that bull demon would be easy.


In troubled times.

He did not dare to expose his strength.

Transforming into a mad ape can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Erlang hurry up and hide..."

Quinn let out a low growl, trying to remind her brother.

But the words are not finished.

The bull demon then crashed head-on into the young man named Erlang.

Sharp horns ran through his chest.

Blood spilled into the air.

But before he died, Erlang used his last strength to stab the long sword into the bull demon's left eye.

The bull demon let out an angry roar: "All of you must die!" Saying that, he shook his head violently and flew Erlang out tens of meters.


His demon was furious and rushed towards Quinn.

Witnessing the tragic death of his brother, Quinn's eyes turned scarlet: "Mad Knife Three..."

Before he could cast the Mad Dao Three Styles.

The terrifying demon qi rushed towards him and knocked him out.

His eyes were full of despair.

I didn't expect this bull demon's strength to be so terrifying.

Just when he thought he was going to die.

A mad ape appeared in front of him like a god.

He raised his millstone-sized fist and blasted the bull demon into the air with one punch.

The bull demon shook his head and looked at Chen Nan, who had transformed into a mad ape, his eyes were full of killing intent: "Dare to spoil the good deeds of this king, are you tired of living?" "

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