After eating.

Quinn went to Zhou Li, Xia Lan's residence, and explained the matter of going out to find Blood Zhuguo.

After hearing this, the two immediately expressed their willingness to go together.

Then the group of four put on thick animal skin coats and left the dungeon and came to the ice-covered world.

"Blood Zhuguo is a very rare medicinal fruit, but when I was on a mission last year, I saw the whereabouts of Blood Zhuguo more than a hundred miles in the south."

"Let's go there and try our luck." Quinn headed south with the trio.

Rushing through the snow is difficult.


Chen Nan was still able to find some small ways to speed things up.

When descending, he chopped four planks and fixed them to his feet, like skis, to speed up.

This surprised Quinn and others.

Although this method can only be used downhill.

But it can also save a lot of physical strength and greatly shorten the time to rush.

It was supposed to be a day and a night away.

Once they had their skis, they arrived at the mountains in the evening.

The mountains were covered with thick snow, and the pines and cypresses were bent.

Following the memory of where the blood vermilion grows, Quinn comes to the leeward of a valley where a large field of emerald green plants lives.

I saw four blood-red fruits that were particularly conspicuous in the ice and snow.

In addition to these four ripe blood vermilion fruits.

There are also more than ten golden fruits.

It's just that these golden fruits haven't really ripened yet.

Xia Lan smiled and said, "Once the blood vermilion fruit grows golden yellow, it is not far from ripening, and in three more days, these blood vermilion fruits will all ripen."

Quinn also smiled: "This mission went much smoother than I expected." Saying that, he picked up a large handful of snow, then grabbed it into a snowball and threw it forward.


Sharan also pulled out the bow.

When the snowball fell on the vine of the blood vermilion fruit, he saw an emerald green snake jumping up.

The snake is about a meter long, like the thickness of a finger.

A pair of scarlet eyes exuded an icy glow.

Especially those purple fangs, at a glance, you can tell that they are highly toxic.

Just as the viper bit into the snowball.

Ciaran shot the arrow in his hand.


The arrow instantly passed through the void, penetrated the neck of the poisonous snake, and nailed it to a large tree more than ten meters away.

The snake's body twisted, but eventually lost its breath.

"There should be no danger now!" Quinn held a long knife and cautiously stepped forward, and finally picked the four blood vermilion fruits.

"Come on, one for each person." He distributed the Blood Zhu Fruit to everyone, and then said to Chen Nan: "The Blood Zhu Fruit is an extremely rare medicinal fruit, which contains a rich immortal qi. "

It is recorded in the ancient book that the immortal qi contained in a blood vermilion fruit can be compared to the one-year penance of an immortal powerhouse."

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Zhu Guo could be worth a year of hard cultivation by the Immortal Family powerhouse.

He picked up the blood zhuguo and rubbed it on his clothes a few times, and then put it in front of his mouth and took a bite, but he did not swallow it directly, but tasted the taste of the blood zhuguo.

"This thing is not delicious!" Chen Nan showed a painful expression on his face, and there was a fishy sweet taste in his mouth, as if drinking blood.

And there is a sour taste between the lips and teeth.

The taste of this thing was something he had never tasted across the Yin and Yang realms.

Xia Lan looked disgusted: "The blood vermilion fruit itself is a medicinal fruit, how delicious can it taste?" If you don't like the taste, you can give the blood fruit in your hand..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Chen Nan directly stuffing the blood vermilion fruit into her mouth and swallowing it like a jujube.

Don't say it yet.

The taste of blood vermilion fruit is not very good though.

But swallowing into the belly, there is a faint warm current spreading.

It's like drinking a bowl of hot ginger soup.

Immediately, Chen Nan clearly felt that a powerful force was dormant in his body.

This force was far more than twice as powerful as his previous one.

"My previous physical strength was comparable to that of the Lower Heavenly God, and now I should have the strength of the Central Heavenly God."

Chen Nan had a clear understanding of his strength.

"If you cast a spell, you can kill even a monster at the level of a god general."

Spells are his strongest reliance.

After all, the green dragon imparted to him the top spells in the God Realm.

Those spells were his reliance on the Divine Realm and crossing the Nine Heavens.

"Build a wooden house first and wait for the other blood vermilion fruits to ripen!" Quinn spoke, these blood vermilion fruits will ripen in three days at the latest, and he plans to wait for these blood vermilion fruits to ripen before picking.

So, he took Chen Nan and Zhou Li and cut down several large trees and built a simple wooden house.


Ciaran also prepared dinner.

Dinner was simple, stewed with snake soup.

Although the soup is more fleshy and less meaty, it is delicious.

It can dispel some of the chill in this icy snow.

Chen Nan asked, "Brother Quinn, do you know the way to go to the Three Heavens?" "

Listen to this.

All three of Quinn showed curious eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Nan to ask this question.

Chen Nan showed a trace of painful memories: "I remembered some old things, my home seems to be from the Three Heavens.

Quinn was relieved, and then said: "When the alien demon does not invade, every heaven has a way to ascend to heaven, and as long as you climb the road to heaven, you can reach the previous heaven.

"But now, the road to heaven has long been destroyed."

"No one can go to the next heaven."

Chen Nan chuckled in his heart.

As if some string had broken.

If really trapped in the second day.

Then how did he cross the Nine Heavens, arrive at the Heavenly Court, retrieve the Three Birthstones, and open the memories of those Heavenly Gods in their previous lives?

How to rebuild the Heavenly Court?


Zhou Li's voice sounded: "Although the road to heaven has been destroyed, there is also a way to reach the previous heaven!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "What way?"

Zhou Li said, "As far as I know, the Ascending Road is an ancient scroll, and after the Ascending Road was destroyed, the scroll was divided into four and acquired by the Sifang tribes.

"As long as you collect that scroll, you can open the road to heaven and reach the last heaven."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

He has learned the background of this world.

After the invasion of the alien demon, the people of the Erchong Heaven suffered heavy casualties.

There are strong people who form four tribes.

Wushuang City is one of them.

It's just...

I want to collect that scroll.

I'm afraid it's as difficult as heaven, right?

But it's difficult.

But at least there is a way to leave the Duo Heaven.

What he had to do now was to consolidate his position in Wushuang City and obtain the painting of Wushuang City.


A fishy smell flowed into the wooden house along the cracks of the wooden house.

Smell this fishy smell.

Except for Chen Nan.

Quinn, Xia Lan, Zhou Li, the faces of the three changed.

The pupils trembled violently, and a strong uneasiness and panic appeared.

Chen Nan looked out along the gap, and the picture that came into his eyes suddenly made him creepy.

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