Shi Wu originally had a smile on his face.

After hearing Yu Bo's words.

The smile on his face disappeared instantly.

In its place was gloomy, indifferent.

There was also strong anger written in his eyes.

"In that case, then the junior will not bother!" Shi Wu left a word and left Yu Bo's house with more than ten younger brothers.

"Boss, blood zhuguo is rare, why can Quinn and a few of them find ten blood zhuguo first?" A young man behind Shi Wu asked.

Shi Wu's eyes looked coldly at Chu Xiong next to him.

Feeling Shi Wu's eyes, Chu Xiong snorted and hurriedly said, "Boss, I didn't see them picking those fifteen blood vermilion fruits when I fought with Quinn.

"There were a lot of brothers around at the time, and they could testify for me."

"Those fifteen blood zhu fruits really disappeared out of thin air."

A white-haired young man with Dan Phoenix eyes and a tiger's back and waist spoke: "Boss, do you say that there will be such a possibility, Quinn, they have mastered some kind of secret method and stole those fifteen blood zhu fruits under the noses of Chu Xiong and others?" "

His name is Bai Yan, and he is Shi Wu's wisdom tank.

Shi Wu snorted coldly: "Whatever the reason is, take that burning stick in Quinn's hands."

"Yes, that kind of baby Quinn is not qualified to touch it."

"Go, go to Quinn and take that burning stick."


Shi Wu rushed towards Quinn's residence with more than a dozen younger brothers.


Come to Quinn's house.

Shi Wu's subordinates directly broke through the door and shouted, "Quinn, get out quickly!" Otherwise, Xiaoye will tear down your house!


Quinn pushed the door out, and after seeing Shi Wu and the others, he asked impatiently: "The surname Shi, what do you mean?"

Shi Wu looked proud: "I heard that Yu Bo's burning stick is in your hand?" Hurry up and hand it over, or don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people.

Quinn grinned: "I really didn't expect you to bully me, do you think Xiaoye will be afraid of you?" I tell you Shiwu, others are afraid of you, but I Quinn is not afraid of you.

"Ye won't eat your set at all!"

He was not afraid of Shi Wu before.

Not to mention that he now mastered the Escape Technique, as well as the Mixed Element Creation Technique.

"Quinn, do you really want to toast and not eat and punish wine?" A cold light flashed in Shi Wu's eyes.

Quinn's eyebrows raised: "Yes and how?"

"In that case, then don't blame me for turning my face ruthlessly!" Shi Wu waved his big hand, and a middle-aged man behind him instantly rushed towards Quinn.

"Good to go!" A strong fighting intent ignited in Quinn's heart, and he used the Mixed Element Creation Skill to fight fiercely with the middle-aged man.

A terrifying momentum gushed out from his body, instantly spitting out blood from the middle-aged man's mouth.

This scene shocked everyone.

You know, Quinn can only rank in the top ten among the younger generation.

And the strength of the middle-aged man just now ranked sixth among his peers.

With Quinn's strength, he is not his opponent at all.


Who would have thought.

Quinn hit him hard with one blow?


His strength has improved too much.

"No wonder you dare to contradict Xiao Ye, your emotional strength has become stronger!" An intriguing glint appeared on Quinn's face: "However, you are happy too soon.

"Even if your strength has improved a lot."

"But it's not my opponent either." Speaking of this, he pinched it with one hand, and a terrifying sword qi condensed out of thin air, slashing towards Quinn with a thunderous momentum.

Quinn's face changed, but he didn't expect Shi Wu to use this killing move.

Don't think about it.

He quickly urged the divine power in his body to block Shi Wu's fatal blow.

But he was also forced back several meters by the sword qi and slammed into the wall in embarrassment.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Hand over that black stick!" Shi Wu looked indifferent: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and ruin your cultivation!"

Quinn reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a strong anger appeared in his eyes: "That stick was exchanged for by me in the hands of Yuber, why give it to you?"

"Just because you are powerful, you can take it by force?"

"You are an ordinary person now, and you are not in power yet!"

"An ordinary person can be so arrogant."

"If you're really in power, what's it okay?"

"At that time, you will not be allowed to ride on the heads of your clansmen as a blessing?"

Shi Wu was embarrassed and angry: "Since you want to die, then Xiaoye will fulfill you!" He

squeezed his hands.

Two terrifying sword qi crossed together and killed towards Quinn.

And at this moment.

A black light flew out of the next room, instantly destroying those two sword qi.

Then the black light flew back to the next room.

"Who is it?" Shi Wu was furious.

Chen Nan held a black burning stick and walked out with an indifferent face.

"Who are you?" Why is this burning stick in your hand? Shi Wu stared at Chen Nan viciously, his eyes flashing with strong anger.

"Boss, his name is Chen Nan, he met Quinn and others outside, and it is said that this person has amnesia!" A young man explained behind Shi Wu.

Shi Wu snorted heavily, and said to Quinn: "If it is not my clan, his heart will be different, this person is not my clan, why do you want to bring him into Wushuang City?"

"In case this person has bad intentions and something happens, can you bear the consequences?"

Quinn sneered: "Although Chen Nan is not from my clan, he has not done anything unfavorable to my clan. On the contrary, you, although you are from my clan, everything you do is to satisfy your own selfish desires.

A strong killing intent rose in Shi Wu's heart, and he glared at Chen Nan angrily: "The surname Chen, hand over the burning stick in your hand, and I can let you leave Wushuang City."

"Otherwise, I'll have to kill you."

Chen Nan chuckled: "Want to kill me? Do you have the strength? "

Presumptuous!" A young man said loudly: "Big Brother Shi Wu is the third most powerful super master among the young generation of Wushuang City, and now that he has the strength of the upper Heavenly God, why is it difficult to kill you?"

"Yes, you are an ant in the eyes of Big Brother Shiwu, and it is easy for him to destroy you!"

"Hurry up and hand over that burning stick, there is no need to lose your life because of a black stick."

A group of people shouted with disdain.

Chen Nan's eyes flashed with playfulness: "If you can defeat me, why not give this burning stick to you?" But do you have the strength? Shi

Wu spread out his right hand, and a light golden long sword appeared in his hand, and a strong sword intent permeated the sword body, giving people a sense of déjà vu of blowing hair and breaking hair.

"Then let me see your strength!" Shi Wu's eyes froze, and he held the long sword and killed Chen Nan.

His figure was like the wind, and he appeared in front of Chen Nan in an instant.

The long sword in his hand instantly erupted with terrifying sword qi.

Like a long rainbow running through the sun, it stabbed fiercely towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan subconsciously raised the black iron bar in his hand.

Next second.

An unparalleled force blasted him out.

Let him vomit blood.

If only that's all!

The scary thing is.

The killing intent sealed in his heart was activated at this moment!

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