The voice just fell.

A tall young man with sword-eyed eyebrows walked in.

See this person.

A trace of incredulity appeared in Quinn's eyes, and after returning to his senses, he couldn't help but say, "Brother Nongnian, why did you get out of customs?" "

Year of farming.

The existence of the number one strength ranking among the young generation of Wushuang City.


The agricultural year does not ask about the world, and has always been concentrating on cultivation.

This moment.

Even Chen Nan felt a sense of oppression.

He could feel the strength of this person.

Even if he had cultivated the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, his flesh was fierce.

However, without using spells, it is also difficult to defeat the opponent.

"The leader is approaching, how can you be indifferent as a member of the tribe?" Nong Nian said lightly, and then said: "I have discussed with Liu Zhou, this assessment will help you." "

What?" Quinn was taken aback and at one point thought he had auditory hallucinations.

Nong Nian: "Although Liu Zhou and I don't ask about world affairs, we also know that you are more suitable than Shi Wu to become the new leader.

Quinn came back to her senses in shock.

He bowed deeply to the Nongnian year: "I thank the two brothers for their kindness on behalf of the people of the tribe, and if I can become the new leader, I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the two of you."

Nong Nian said, "Liu Zhou and I went together, and all the demons I killed belonged to you." During this time, you have to watch out for Shi Wu to kill you.

"Don't worry, Brother Nongnian, I will definitely pay attention to safety."

Nongnian snorted: "Then see you in a month!" Said and turned and walked out.

"With the help of Big Brother Nongnian and Big Brother Liu Zhou, we have a great chance of winning this time!" A look of anticipation appeared in Quinn's eyes.

Nong Nian and Liu Zhou are the first and second super masters among the younger generation.

They also have a lot of followers.

Although it is not as many followers as Shi Wu, this force cannot be ignored.

Chen Nandao: "The heart of defense is indispensable, and the matter of Nongnian and Liu Zhou helping us should be kept secret."

Quinn nodded, and then summoned Xia Lan, Zhou Li, as well as Gong Yong, and Yao Chun.

After all, they had six members before this squad.

It's just that Erlang was killed by a brute bull when he went out last time, and now there are only five of them left.

Not too much rhetoric.

The group followed the cracks in the ground to the ice and snow.

Just came outside.

They met the people led by Shi Wu.

Shi Wu was followed by hundreds of younger brothers, each wearing a thick animal skin coat and holding a blade in his hand, each with a playful smile on their face.

It was as if Chen Nan and the others were treated as prey.

"The surname Chen, hand over that black stick now, I can let you live!" Shi Wu's eyes were cold, and he was determined to get the black burning stick in Chen Nan's hand.

"Shi Wu, you and I are both Terrans, how can you kill your fellow clans for a burning stick?" Quinn's eyes were full of chills.

Shi Wujian pointed at Quinn: "Is there something you have to say here?"

"Quinn, I advise you to give up the assessment, just a few of you, you can't fight so many of our brothers." Chu Xiong hugged his arms and sneered.

"Yes, we have more than six hundred brothers, but there are only six of you, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't defeat us, right?"

"Firefly Light also dares to compete with Haoyue? It's really self-defeating!

Quinn ignored them and pinched them with one hand.

In a flash.

The figures of Chen Nan's six disappeared into Shi Wu's eyes.

Quinn had expected that Shi Wu would intercept them outside, so everyone gave an invisibility talisman.

Sure enough.

This comes in handy at the moment.

"Damn it!"

Watching Quinn and the others disappear, Shi Wu's face was dark.

"Boss, we don't need to be angry about this little thing!" Chu Xiong said: "Anyway, Quinn also participated in the assessment, and he will return to the tribe after a month."

"At that time, you will be able to become the leader of the tribe, if this is the case, why is it difficult to force Chen Nan to hand over that burning stick?"

Shi Wu snorted, and then looked to the east: "Let's go directly to the Black Wind Mountain and strive to kill all the alien demons there." "

Black Wind Mountain is a lair of alien demons, and dozens of alien demons live there.

In the past, when he went out to carry out tasks, he would take a detour, afraid that he would encounter those alien demons and cause casualties.

But now.

He had no fear.

With these more than six hundred brothers, why can't they level the Black Wind Mountain?


More than six hundred people marched towards the Black Wind Mountain two hundred miles away.

Not long after everyone left.

The figures of Chen Nan's six appeared in the ice and snow.

Chen Nan looked at their departing figures and said, "I propose, let's go to Black Wind Mountain as well." After they kill those alien demons, we will come to reap the benefits of the fishermen. "

There were only six of them.

On the other side, there were more than six hundred people.

With their manpower, it is simply impossible to surpass each other's achievements.


The best way to win is to follow each other.

When they kill the alien demon, they take it for themselves.

Anyway, they have the art of escape, and they can completely take those alien demons for themselves without knowing it.

Quinn looked at the other four: "What do you guys think?"

Yao Chun put forward his own opinion: "There are only six of us, but there are six hundred on the other side, and the difference in number is too much. Even if they kill those alien demons in Black Wind Mountain, we won't be able to snatch the alien demons back in their hands!"

Gong Yong also nodded.

Quinn smiled and said, "You can rest assured that I obtained a retreat spell before, which can unknowingly snatch away the alien demons they killed."

The two were overjoyed, and Yao Chun said: "If so, there is no problem at all, and it is the best strategy to follow Shi Wu." "

Seeing that everyone has no opinion.

Quinn taught the Escape Technique to Gong Yong and Yao Chun, and then the group of six followed Shi Wu and the others' team from a distance, and the distance of two hundred miles was not close to them.

After a two-day and one-night trek.

In the evening of the next day.

Shi Wu came to Black Wind Mountain with more than six hundred little brothers.

Look at the snow-covered mountains in front of you.

A short blade appeared in Shi Wu's right hand, and he cut his left wrist.

In an instant, blood gushed out, melting the snow on the ground.

A strong smell of blood drifted down the wind towards the Black Wind Mountain ahead.

About three minutes passed.

The originally calm Black Wind Mountain erupted with the low roar of the alien demon.

The next moment.

A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the snowy night, cold, merciless, and chilling.

Immediately, dozens of alien demons tossed and turned in the mountains, quickly coming towards the crowd.

Shi Wu's eyes were calm.

When those alien demons are still fifty meters away from themselves.

He waved it with one hand: "Drop the arrow!" "


Sharp arrows flew out behind him.

It was like a dark cloud, devouring towards those alien demons.

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