"Boss, how do you know it's Quinn?" A young man looked around nervously, afraid that he would be in a different position like the young man before him.

A sneer appeared on Shi Wu's face: "There are four people who signed up for this assessment, in addition to us, there are Nong Nian, Liu Zhou, and Quinn.

"Do you think that with the style of Nongnian and Liu Zhou, they will use such despicable means?"

The crowd fell silent.


With Nong Nian and Liu Zhou's personality, they would definitely not do such a thing.

"Also, Wang Lu just said that he wanted to have a child with Xia Lan, but now he is in a different place, don't you think, is this too much of a coincidence?"

"Why is it not someone else who died, but Wang Lu?"


"When Quinn and the others show up, unload them into eight pieces!"

"Unless they can remain invisible!"


Quinn and the others can't be invisible all the time.

However, he can use the Escape Technique to leave the Black Wind Mountain.

Although Shi Wu sealed this void with the Sky Covering Flag, he could not imprison the earth.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have killed Wang Lu before!" Miles away, Ciaran was like a child who had done something wrong.

She knows.

The moment she shot to kill Wang Lu, their identities were exposed.

Quinn said: "It's not a big problem, anyway, our identities will be exposed sooner or later!" "

He knows.

There must be a vicious battle between himself and Shi Wu.


Before that, even revealing your identity is not a big deal.

"This time, Shi Wu had to vomit blood in anger!" Chen Nan looked in the direction of Black Wind Mountain, his eyes full of joy.

Zhou Li also laughed: "Those stupid forks thought that we used the invisibility talisman, thought that we were still trapped under the sky covering flag, but they didn't know that we had already left!"

Gong Yong grinned and said, "When they learn the truth, they will definitely vomit blood in anger."

Quinn also showed a shallow smile on his face: "There are not many alien demons around our tribe, this time we captured the corpses of fifty-eight alien demons at one time, if nothing else, the ending has been stabilized!"

Chen Nan said, "It's not enough, it's best to keep the gap between us and Shi Wu at two hundred devils, so that we can win steadily."

Quinn nodded slightly: "Then what do you think now?" "

Although Chen Nan is an outsider.


He regarded Chen Nan as a master.

If it weren't for Chen Nan's proposal to reap the benefits of the fishermen, they wouldn't have been able to harvest today.

Chen Nan looked in the direction of Black Wind Mountain and said with a smile: "So many of us will definitely not be able to fight when encountering alien demons, in that case, why not keep following Shi Wu and the others?"

Xia Lan gave him a roll of his eyes: "I don't deny this method of yours, but you are really damaged!"

Chen Nan said modestly: "That's it!"

"Here, eat something first." Gong Yong took out some food from the storage bag and distributed it to everyone, all of which were jerky for easy storage and carrying.

It's just that the taste is stiff and the taste is not good.

But if you can have a bite to eat in this ice and snow, you don't need to ask for too much.

Just as they were eating.

In the distance, Shi Wu's angry roar came from the Black Wind Mountain: "Quinn, there is a kind of hero you came out to fight in the bright, what kind of hero is hidden in the secret?"

Shi Wu was furious.

They have been waiting for more than half an hour.

It is said that Quinn and the others will show up.

But the result made him angry.

I didn't see Quinn and the others at all.

"Boss, does Quinn have a lot of invisibility talismans in his hands? Otherwise, it is impossible to explain their delay in showing up! Chu Xiong's expression was solemn.

Shi Wu's eyes were full of coldness, like a wild beast: "It's impossible, there are not many invisibility talismans in the clan, even if he has a limited number in his hands."

"If I'm not mistaken, he must have some means we don't know about."


Someone spoke: "There is a spell that can make people escape, do you say that Quinn has mastered this magical power?"

Shi Wu's pupils trembled violently.

He naturally didn't believe that Quinn could get the legendary kind of spell.

But at this time.

Except for escape.

There seems to be no other more convincing explanation.

"If they really practice the legendary Escape Technique, then our situation will be very bad!" A trace of trepidation flashed in Shi Wu's eyes.

Although he has a powerful magic weapon, he can block a space.


But it cannot block the earth.

"Doesn't this mean that as long as they follow us, they can reap the benefits of the fishermen?" Chu Xiong said angrily: "This is cheating, it's not fair to us.

"No, after you go back, you have to tell the patriarch about their cheating, and let the patriarch disqualify them from the competition."

"Yes, this opportunistic behavior is too shameful, this kind of person is not qualified to be the leader of our tribe."

"Stop arguing!" Shi Wu's face was full of anger: "The priority is to find a way to kill Quinn and the others, if they really follow us, I am afraid that the position of patriarch will be lost!" Speaking

of this, a thick wad of paper figures appeared in his hand.

He silently chanted a mantra in his mouth.

Those paper figures soared into the air and turned into Dao yellow light and flew in all directions.

He wants to find the whereabouts of Quinn and the others and hunt them down.

A moment later.

A cold light flashed in Shi Wu's eyes: "They really escaped, and now they are hiding in a cave five miles away."

"As long as we rush over, we can catch them all."

Speaking of this, he looked at everyone and said, "After everyone casts the invisibility charm, they must block Quinn and the others in that cave, even if they have a retreat technique, I can cut off their way back." A red talisman paper appeared in his hand.

The golden runes on the rune paper exude ancient and mysterious energy.

See this red rune paper.

Everyone gasped.

"This is a god-killing talisman?"

Killing talismans.

A terrifying talisman.

Once this talisman comes out, it can imprison a heaven and earth.


Not only can it be imprisoned for days.

It can also be confined.

Even if Quinn and the others cultivate the Escape Technique, they will not be able to hide.

Not to mention Heavenly God level cultivators.

Even if the upper god will encounter this talisman, he will have to die.

After all.

This thing can not only destroy the physical body, but even destroy the other party's divine soul.

"This is the talisman I got after going out on three hundred missions!" Shi Wu's eyes were full of reluctance, this was his means to save his life.

But now.

But I can't care so much.

He had to deal with Quinn and the others.

As long as he can become the new tribal leader, what will the God Killing Rune be for him at that time?

Shi Wu let out an angry roar: "Quinn, Laozi is spending time with you today, I want to see how many invisibility talismans you have." Saying

that, he looked at everyone, immediately cast an invisibility talisman, and quietly rushed towards the cave where Chen Nan and the others were hiding.

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