Hundreds of alien demons appeared around.

A pair of cold eyes are like sharp blades, which is creepy.

"How can there be so many alien demons?"

"Oh my God, what's going on here?"

Shi Wu's younger brothers were also completely panicked, and they didn't expect that so many alien demons would appear here.

After all, this belongs to the territory of Wushuang City.

How many alien demons are in this territory, they also know in their hearts.

At best, it is only more than a hundred alien demons.

But now.

There were more than a hundred alien demons that appeared around alone.

Face so many alien demons.

They were really not sure that they could overcome it.


Chen Nan let out a roar, jumped up, landed on the mountain behind him, and then flew towards the distance.

He wouldn't be stupid enough to fight these demons.

After the long pass.

He ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong again, transformed into a crow, returned the same way, and watched the scene below.

He very much hoped that these alien demons could destroy Shi Wu and the others.

That way, no one can stop Quinn from becoming the new leader.


Seeing that so many alien demons appeared, Shi Wu also felt inexplicably uneasy.

He exerted his strength to eat milk, activated the formation flag, and enveloped everyone in the formation flag to prevent being killed by the alien demon.

Sure enough.

After the formation flag was activated, it instantly blocked those alien demons.

"Quickly recover your strength, and then kill these alien demons!" Although Shi Wu was panicking, his eyes were full of joy.

After all, the number of these alien demons is quite a lot.

If you can kill them all.

Even if the corpses of fifty-eight alien demons were snatched by Quinn and the others?

With these more than a hundred demons alone, he could completely achieve the ultimate victory.

Oh yes!

More than a hundred alien demons were blocked from the Sky Covering Flag, their eyes scarlet, and they roared angrily.

The call is harsh.

Under the night, it was like thunder in all directions.

There were even some alien demons rushing towards the Sky Covering Flag.

Want to rush in and tear these people to pieces.

Even if there are more than five hundred people in front of him.

But in the eyes of the alien demon, there is only killing and attacking.

It's a pity.

As soon as those alien demons approached, they were blasted out by the light emitted by the Sky Covering Flag.

A purple-red eye came out of the mouth of the alien demon.

The alien demon group suddenly quieted down.

Then wait where you are.

Wait for the power of the formation flag to disappear.

Shi Wu and the others took foods and medicines to restore physical strength.

Stay at midnight.

The strength of everyone has returned to its peak.

Shi Wu squeezed his hands.

The array flag burst out with a dazzling glow.

A gap then appeared.

At the moment when the gap appeared, those alien demons rushed in.

When more than ten heads come in.

Shi Wu healed the formation banner and trapped the more than ten alien demons in it.

More than five hundred people fought against more than ten alien demons, which was simply a suspenseless massacre.

In an instant, the more than ten alien demons were in a different place.

Chen Nan stood quietly on a large tree in the distance, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this Shi Wu to be so clever, he actually used the method of catching turtles in an urn, according to this situation, Mo said that there are only more than a hundred alien demons."

"Even a thousand heads are not enough for them to kill."

This moment.

Chen Nan couldn't help but be impressed by Shi Wu.


Shi Wu's old skills are repeated.

Put in a dozen alien demons again, and then kill them effortlessly.

This boosted morale on their side.

"I never thought it would be so easy to kill a demon."

"Isn't Big Brother Shi Wu a good leader?"

"Hey! Before I felt that more than a hundred alien demons were tricky, but now it seems that this is the case.

"It's not that I blow it, if we continue to use this method of fighting, we can hunt thousands of alien demons a day."

"Follow Big Brother Shi Wu and kill the alien demon."

Hearing those, Shi Wu's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he said with a smile: "Brothers, as long as you follow me, I promise to make you soar in the future."

"My goal is not just to become the leader of our tribe."

"My real goal is to rule the Duo Heaven and become the master of the Duo Heaven!"

The crowd was flabbergasted.

Unexpectedly, Shi Wu still had such ambitions.


His strength and means can support his ambition.

Time passes slowly.

Almost an hour later, all the demons were killed.

Only a purple-red alien demon with purple-red eyes remained, and his eyes glanced at Shi Wu coldly.

It seems to have wisdom.

Know how to judge the time and size up the situation, and know that these people in front of you are not easy to mess with.

Let out a low roar.

It did not get into the Sky Shield.

Turned around and disappeared into the night.


Chu Xiong also came to Shi Wu with a storage bag, his face was full of smiles, like a blooming chrysanthemum: "Boss, tonight we killed a total of one hundred and thirty-two alien demons, plus the previous eight, a total of one hundred and forty." Saying

that, he handed the storage bag to Shi Wu.

Shi Wu's soul power was injected into it, and he also smiled when he saw the corpses of those alien demons: "One hundred and forty alien demons is not a small number, but if you want to win, you must kill at least two hundred alien demons." "

He's cautious.

It is necessary to beware of the agricultural year and Liu Zhou.

If they kill more demons than he does, then the position of leader will be lost to him.

As for Quinn...

He didn't pay attention to it at all.

The kind of people who rely on opportunism are doomed to victory.

And just when Shi Wu wanted to put away the storage bag.

He found out to his horror.

The storage bag in his hand was gone.

Directly disappeared in front of his eyes.


Shi Wu's scalp was numb, and a scream of anger and corruption came out of his mouth: "What's going on? Why is Lao Tzu's storage bag missing? Everyone

else was stunned.

A demon that is hard to hunt.

Disappeared again?

And even the storage bag disappeared?


Why say 'again'?

"Quinn, you give Lao Tzu death!"

Shi Wu jumped like thunder, and he slammed his palm to the ground.


The ground instantly cracked, and a crack appeared.

Everyone else also used their strongest moves to attack the ground, trying to force 'Quinn' to show his true body.

Because everyone can see it.

The missing storage bag must have something to do with Quinn's gang.

After all, they are proficient in retreat.

If you add the invisibility charm, you can really steal the fruits of their previous labor in front of everyone's eyes.


Even if the earth cracked, they didn't see Quinn.

"Quinn, Lao Tzu and you are at odds." Shi Wu was embarrassed and angry, and he couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

Can't accept the act of making a wedding dress for Quinn again.

Feel that your IQ is rubbed by the other party on the ground!

And he was forcibly rubbed twice in one night.

"Boss, don't worry." Chu Xiong showed a sinister smile: "That storage bag has my soul mark on it, as long as we quietly catch up, why can't we take Quinn and the others in one pot?" "

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