"Impossible! There is no return to the Misty Valley, how can you leave alive?

"They're youkai."

"Yes, no one will be able to leave the Misty Valley alive."

The scene erupted into screams.

Those people were all Shi Wu's younger brothers.

They all watched Quinn and the others enter the Misty Valley, and they couldn't accept that they left alive.


The strength of each of them has also improved a lot.

The tribesmen were even more talkative.


Nong Nian and Liu Zhou had shallow smiles on their faces.

Quinn comes back.

They can also fight with Shi Wu.


This person will definitely become the new leader of the tribe.

If so.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"Are you Xia Yuan?" Joy appeared in the cloudy eyes of the leader Gu Jian, and he never expected to see his former brother in his lifetime.

After all.

He has been missing for more than twenty years!

Xia Yuan stepped forward and saw that his former brother had reached the realm of running out of oil, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "I didn't expect you to be old like this."

"Man dies!" Gu Jian forced a smile: "But if I can see you before I die, I will die without regrets!" "

Chief, I have a peach here, you quickly take it!" Quinn immediately took out a peach that he was not willing to eat.

He can have the cultivation he has now.

Thanks to Gu Jian's secret help.


He specially left a peach for Gu Jian.

In order to help him prolong his life.

"This thing is too expensive, I take it is a storm..."

The words are not finished.

Quinn interrupted him, "As long as it extends your life by a day, it's worth it!"

"You're a good boy!" Gu Jian's face was full of relief, and then he put away the peach, and then said: "There are four people who signed up for this assessment, what is your record?"

Quinn took out a storage bag and released the corpse of the alien demon inside, like a mountain of piles, which was deeply shocking.

A clan elder counted the corpses of the alien demons, and then said, "Quinn hunted one hundred and ninety-eight alien demons.

"The number is far above Shiwu."

"It was the first place in this assessment."

"According to the rules of assessment, the winner belongs to Quinn."

"They cheat!" Chu Xiong roared angrily, "These alien demons were all hunted by us, and they used despicable means to take them for themselves. "

The alien demon you hunt becomes someone else's record.

This is difficult for everyone to accept.

"Yes, this result does not count."

"It's not fair to us."

Shi Wu's younger brothers also shouted one after another.

Gu Jian raised his right hand slightly, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said, "There is no such thing as fairness in this world, although this statement is cruel.

"But in itself it is an indisputable fact."

"Even if it is heavenly Dao..."

"It's never fair."

"If you really want fairness."

"Then the old man wants to ask more, hundreds of you compare with the five of them, have they ever been fair?"

The scene was silent.

Shi Wu and his younger brothers were full of grievance.

They could feel that Gu Jian was protecting Quinn and the others.


Gu Jian is still the leader of the tribe and controls the tribal formation.

Even if he reaches the point where the oil runs out and the lamp runs out.

And no one dared to contradict him.

"Moreover, this assessment is to obtain the corpse of the alien demon, as for how Quinn and the others obtained the corpse of this one hundred and ninety-eight alien demon..."

"Does it matter?"

Gu Jian sighed lightly: "Ten thousand years ago, the alien demon invaded, the Heavenly Court was shattered, and from that moment on, the situation of our Terran race changed drastically.

"From that time on, survival became the most important law of our lives."


"I don't think it's cheating for them to rob your prey through so-called improper means."

"How can some choices made to survive be considered cheating?"

Speaking of this, he nibbled on the peach given by Quinn, and the mouth was sweet, and the rich divine power was like a ganlin, moisturizing his dry body.

Let it come to life.

He also knew that he was unfair and biased in favor of Quinn.


So what?

He is old though.

But he knew it very well in his heart.

Quinn is more suitable than Shi Wu to be the new leader.

Because he really thinks about the tribe.

Shi Wu, on the other hand, has too many ambitions and selfish desires.

The sinister smile on Shi Wu's face slowly receded, revealing a bright smile: "Chief, in fact, the alien demons we killed are not only this one hundred and fifty. The

words fell.

He waved his hand casually.

A hundred corpses of alien demons appeared on the altar.

See this scene.

Everyone was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Shi Wu actually had a back hand hidden.

Although Quinn has one hundred and ninety-eight alien demons in his hands.

But Shi Wu's results reached two hundred and fifty!

"I didn't want to be so high-profile."

"Although we hunted two hundred and fifty alien demons."

"But for me, as long as I can win."

"After all, being a human being should be low-key."

"But now, if you don't take out all the corpses of alien demons, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince everyone!" Shi Wu laughed, and his eyes were full of provocation written in his eyes when he looked at Quinn.

As if to say, even if you rob us of our victories?

The final victory is still mine!

Then he looked at Gu Jian and asked with a smile, "Chief, my hundred alien demons should be counted in the final grade, right?"

Shi Wu had a smile on his face.

There was a sneer in his heart.

Old stuff.

You want to deny me?

No way!

Gu Jian's face was sallow.

Unexpectedly, Shi Wu actually had this trick.

Although he doesn't like Shi Wu.

But the rules were set by him.

He can't always deny the previous rules in front of all the clansmen, right?

That kind of thing.

He can't do it.


Shi Wu Wolf Zi is ambitious and has always been wary of him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept a hand in secret.


Nongnian stood up: "Chief, I am willing to give the alien demon I killed to Quinn, which is counted as his final achievement!" "


As soon as the words came out.

Except for Chen Nan and Quinn.

Tens of thousands of people at the scene all felt numb and creepy.

No one expected that the agricultural year would give Quinn the alien demon he killed.

You know, they don't get along much on weekdays.

But why did he do this?

The crowd couldn't figure it out.

Shi Wu was embarrassed and angry: "You hunted a total of thirty-eight alien demons, even if you give your results to Quinn, the two combined are only two hundred and thirty-six alien demons, and they still can't beat me!"

He didn't expect the farm year to help Quinn, although that wouldn't change the final outcome.

But the move made him feel angry and sick.

After all.

The agricultural year is the number one existence among the younger generation, and it is also very influential in the tribe!


Liu Zhou made an indifferent voice: "If you add my results, can I beat you?" "

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