"I didn't expect three days to pass so quickly!"

Chen Nan slowly opened his eyes, then got up and came to the flat ground outside.

At this moment, the monkey king was squatting on a stone, eating the wild fruits sent by the clansmen around him, and when he saw Chen Nan appear, he showed a disdainful look: "You can avoid a battle by leaving at this time."

"You will not die at the hands of this king."

"Are you sure? If we are not sure, we will withdraw! Quinn asked in a concerned whisper.

Chen Nan waved his hand: "It's not a big problem. "

If it's just an ordinary monkey.

Even leaving, it's not a big deal.

But here's the thing.

This monkey is not ordinary.

It is the only witness who testifies.


It is also one of the strongest combat forces in the Three Realms.

Because Di Lian once said it to Chen Nan.

If Sun Wukong hadn't died on the way to get the scriptures.

Wait for his merit to be fulfilled.

He will be canonized as the Battle Saint Buddha.

The six-eared macaque, on the other hand, was sealed to defeat the Buddha.

Although there is only one word difference between fighting the Buddha and fighting the Holy Buddha.

But it's a world of difference.

To put it bluntly.

If it really comes then.

Look at the entire three worlds.

There are only a few people who can compete with Brother Monkey.


He had to take this monkey across the nine heavens.

He had to recover his memories of his past life.

"It's a guest from afar, you make a move first!" The monkey king swallowed a peach like a date, and chewed it with a click.


Chen Nan's eyes froze, and the divine power in his body burst out, erupting into a terrifying momentum.

Immediately, he appeared in front of the monkey king in an instant.

The pale golden divine power shrouded it, and it looked extraordinary.

He is proficient in many spells.

But it was not used.

Instead, simple and brutal hand-to-hand combat was adopted.

The reason is none of it.

He wants to defeat the monkey king in this simple and brutal way.

Because the physical body has always been the proudest existence of the demon race.


He punched out.

The air was instantly torn apart, and a thunderous breaking wind erupted.

Even the fog in the air was distorted at this moment.

A hint of surprise flashed in the monkey king's eyes.

I didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so strong.

Don't think about it.

It opened its mouth and spit out the peach pit in its mouth.


The peach pit collided with Chen Nan's fist accurately.

In a flash.

A furious energy swept in all directions.

Frightened, many macaques shivered, and quickly looked for cover to hide in the rear.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

"Brother Monkey's strength is really strong, but this is interesting!" Chen Nan moved his numb arm and rushed towards the monkey king again.

He threw his fists together.

The void is twisted.

The monkey king also punched with excitement on his face.

No fancy moves.

There are also no cool magic powers.

Some are just the simplest hand-to-hand combat of one person and one monkey.

Along with the attack of the two, a crash similar to the sound of drums also erupted between heaven and earth.


Both were also stained with each other's blood.

It looks very hideous.

After a long time.

The two separated.

They were panting and looking at each other tremblingly.

"Actually, you can beat me, right?" The monkey king's eyes were scarlet and his face was full of sinister smiles.

It's a monkey.

But he also knew that Chen Nan did not use magic powers.

Chen Nan gasped: "That's not fair to you!" "

Fair?" The monkey king laughed angrily: "Is there fairness in the world?

Chen Nan: "Maybe not, but we can use our fists to make this world fair!" The

monkey king shook his head, his eyes full of bitterness: "I once had a dream.

"In my dreams, I also thought simply."

"As long as our strength is strong enough."

"Fairness spreads to heaven and earth."

"But it turns out that some people don't want the world to be fair."


The monkey king awakens some memories of his past life.

It's just a dream.

Chen Nan asked calmly, "Then have you ever thought that your failure to turn your dream into reality is ultimately because you are not strong enough?"

"Have you ever thought about it."

"Are you too naïve and credulous to believe the villain's words?"

"So, do you know who I am?" The Monkey King showed a painful look, and earth-shattering anger gushed out from his body, dispersing the mist in the air.

Chen Nan: "Perhaps, we can talk in private."

"Follow me!" The monkey king endured the anger in his heart and turned around and walked towards the mountain.

It takes a heavy pace.

With every step, blood spilled over the wound.

Of course.

Chen Nan's condition is not very good.

Thanks to his cultivation of the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

In the Immortal Realm, there was an ancient holy body.

Otherwise, he would have been beaten by the monkey king before, and his body would have broken apart and died.

A moment later.

Chen Nan followed the monkey king to a wide cave.

There are rockeries in the cave.

There is running water.

Above the cave are many sacred stones that emit a milky white glow.

"Who am I?" The monkey king looked at Chen Nan in pain.

It doesn't know who it is.

Because it often repeats that dream when it is young.

So much so that it can't tell whether it's a dream or a reality.

Chen Nan asked, "Who do you feel you are?" The

monkey king shook his head: "I'm just a spirit monkey, and I don't even have a name."


"In my dreams, someone called me Brother Monkey."

"There is also a bald donkey who calls me a bad guy."

"There are also people who call me Qi Tian Great Sage."

"Oh, the bald donkey in my mouth is a monk without hair on his head, not a donkey without hair in Lao Bai's mouth."

"I seem to call him Master."

"But I don't really like him."

"He didn't teach me anything in his dreams, but he tortured me a lot."

"He's verbose, very verbose."

"So much so that I gave birth to the idea of beating him to death with a stick in my dream."

"Of course."

"The idea came up more than once."

"You go on!" A shallow smile appeared on Chen Nan's face, he didn't expect that the monkey king had awakened so many memories of his previous life.

The monkey king sighed: "Sometimes I can't help but wonder, why does the same dream appear in my sleep countless times?" Why can they still be connected?

"Was that really a dream?"

Chen Nan asked cautiously, "Have you ever thought that it might be a memory of your past life?" "

A simple sentence.

Let the monkey king suddenly have a feeling of five thunders hitting the top.

"You haven't touched the Terrans, but why do you hate the Terrans so much?"

"It comes down to because you've been deceived by Rulai."



The monkey king let out a hysterical roar.

The violent temper was like a terrifying wave, which made Chen Nandu have an illusion of almost suffocation.

"You get out, now, immediately, right away!" The monkey king has a violent temperament and cannot accept that the things in his dream are his past life.

Chen Nan did not make a sound.

He knows.

The monkey king could not accept this matter in a short time.

Right now.

A powerful aura descended on heaven and earth.

The roar of the alien demon came from all directions.

"Whether you want to accept it or not, there are some things that cannot be denied." After a pause, Chen Nan continued: "I don't think that a momentary snobbery can negate a person's achievements. "

The alien demon is coming, borrow you a few divine stones to use!" Speaking of this, his soul power roared out, pried down a few divine stones, and flew out of the cave at the fastest speed.


He wants to use the formation he is best at to go head-to-head with the alien demon!

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