Xiquan's scalp was numb: "Misty Valley is a terrifying existence that is one of the three forbidden places of the two heavens, and it is said that as long as you enter, there will be no return!"

"Who has the ability to take the old leader out of that forbidden place?"

Although this was said by Xuan Ji.

But for him, there is still an absurd and bizarre feeling.

Because in the hearts of everyone in the Cold Knife Tribe.

The old chief is long dead.

Xuan Ji's expression was solemn: "According to legend, he is a chosen person with great creation.

Xiquan subconsciously swallowed his saliva, his eyes full of expectation: "I really want to see that kind of existence!"

"Okay, don't talk about this!" Xuan Ji put away the Qiankun bag and said, "I'll go see my father and hand the Qiankun bag to his old man."

"Although we can't use the Qiankun Bag to refine those two God Venerable Realm powerhouses."


"It is not difficult for his old man to make a move, refining two God Venerable Realm powerhouses."

Xiquan hurriedly said, "Patriarch, I haven't seen the old leader for many years, can I go with you to say hello to his old man?"

"That's fine." Genji agreed to Nishiizumi's request.

After all, my father met many clansmen after he returned.

Xiquan, on the other hand, went out on a mission.

Now that he has returned.

Then it is also necessary to let my father meet the mainstay of the Cold Knife tribe.

You must know that Xiquan is his right hand.

A moment later.

Xuan Ji took Xiquan to the back mountain.

Some green bamboo is planted in the mountains.

An old man is sitting alone under a sea of bamboo for retreat.

"Meet Father!"

"Meet the old chief!"

Xuan Ji and Xiquan saluted at the same time.

Xuan Ming slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing Xiquan, a faint smile appeared on Gujing Wubo's face: "I didn't expect that after many years of not seeing, you have already stepped into the Lower God King Realm."

"Your father would be very pleased if he had a spirit in heaven."

Xiquan hurriedly said, "Thank you for the praise of the old leader, the reason why the junior has the current cultivation is thanks to the cultivation of the leader!"

Xuan Ming said, "It is difficult to cultivate, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky.

"Although cultivation resources are important."

"But the important thing is to have a naked heart."

"Only by not forgetting our hearts can we overcome difficulties and break through layers of shackles!"

"You can have today's cultivation, not just Wu'er's cultivation of you!"

"The important thing is that you have a naked heart."

Xiquan was flattered and said, "This is thanks to the old chief's teachings to the juniors.

Xuan Ming smiled: "Are you guys here this time?"

Xuan Ji immediately took out the Qiankun bag and said, "Father, Xiquan captured one person and one beast when he went out on a mission, and they all possessed the cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm.

"It's just that the realm of children is too low to refine them."

"That's why I'm here to bother your old man."

Xuan Ming frowned slightly, and asked with displeasure: "The heavens have the virtue of good life, and cultivating to the Divine Venerable Realm is already a great creation, why should we refine them?"

Xiquan said, "Old leader, the law of the jungle has always been an immutable law, so why can't you refine them?"


Xuan Ming snorted coldly: "I don't deny the survival rule of the fittest, but using magic weapons to capture others is a villain."

"And it's not the same now."

"Now that alien demons are rampant, we Terrans should unite."

"Only in this way can we get through this together."

"If you really have the ability, don't be in a nest, you can go and kill the evil demon."

Seeing Xuan Ming get angry.

Xiquan nervously didn't know what to say.

Xuan Ji hurriedly said, "Father don't be angry, we don't want to refine them, we just want the other party to hand over the Three Immortal True Fire."


"The person trapped in the Qiankun bag has the Three Immortal True Fire."

"As long as he is willing to hand over the three true fires and swear not to embarrass us, we will release him."

Xuan Ming showed a shocked gaze.

What a fire!

That was the divine fire in the legendary Lao Jun Alchemy Furnace.

It is the strongest divine fire in the three realms.

This moment.

He was a little moved, but still shook his head and said: "Things have destined people, although the real fire is good, but I am afraid of setting fire to burn my body!" Speaking of which, he took the bag.

When his soul power was injected into it, after seeing Chen Nan.

Abruptly stood up.

Raising his hand, a divine force pumped away the West Spring.

The seven tips of Xiquan who were beaten oozed blood, and they were miserable.

"Father, why are you?" Xuan Ji's scalp was numb, and he didn't expect his father to be furious.


Xuan Ming slapped out again, and his own son who hit him rolled on the ground and flew out more than ten meters, and blood also oozed from the seven tips.

"Wicked obstacles!"

"Wicked obstacles!"

Xuan Ming blew his beard angrily and glared.

Without much thought, he quickly released Chen Nan and the nine-headed flame lion in the Qiankun bag.

"Why did you suddenly release us?" Chen Nan yawned for days, and some failed to adapt to the light outside.

"The ancestor is angry!"

"The ancestor is angry!"

Xuan Ming was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "My clan doesn't know your identity, which offends you, I hope you have a lot of adults, don't see them in general."

Xuan Ji and Xiquan both felt confused.

They didn't expect Xuan Ming to kneel down towards Chen Nan.

Even called the ancestors.

Xuan Ming suddenly turned around and scolded the two: "The ancestor saved my life and brought me out of the Misty Valley, he is a noble man in my life, don't you two kowtow to him and apologize?" "

Hear that.

Xuan Ji and Xiquan were both shocked into a cold sweat.

I never expected that Chen Nan was the chosen one with great creation in Xuan Ming's mouth.

"Seniors are angry, seniors are angry!" Xiquan was so frightened that his face turned bloodless: "The junior does not know your identity, please raise your noble hand and let the junior have a way of life!"

He kowtowed like garlic, and in an instant his forehead was already blurred with blood and flesh.

Xuan Ming stepped forward angrily, and punched and kicked Xiquan: "Dog thing, do you really think that you can catch the ancestor with a broken bag?" Do you know the methods of the ancestors?

"Don't say that this Qiankun bag is just an imitation."

"Even the legendary magic weapon can't tolerate the ancestor's magic body."

He knew Chen Nan's strength.

Just a Dharma Heaven and Earth is not something that this Qiankun bag can contain.

"Okay, let him go down!" Chen Nan said lightly.

Xuan Ming's eyes widened: "Don't thank the ancestor for not killing?"

"Thank you for the grace of the ancestors not to kill, thank you for the grace of the ancestors not to kill." Xiquan was amnestied and left the back mountain with a gray face.

"Ancestor, you are too merciful, in other words, if it were me, that guy must be killed!" Xuan Ming said indignantly.

Chen Nan said disapprovingly: "If everyone in this Cold Dao tribe is as ignorant and ignorant as him, I don't mind destroying this tribe, but you are rarely sober!"

Xuan Ming's heart trembled.

He knew that Chen Nan had heard what he had said before.

This made him feel afraid for a while.

I am glad that I did not affect the Dao heart because of the greed in my heart.

If he also hit the idea of real fire.

Even if he was called Old Ancestor Chen Nan, Chen Nan would also take action to destroy the entire Cold Dao Tribe, right?

"Let's get straight to the point!" Chen Nan said, "I need the remnant painting of the Cold Dao Tribe's road to heaven."

Xuan Ming's face was full of nervousness: "It is said that the ancestor wants that residual painting, and the younger generation should offer it with both hands, but..." That remnant painting can't be given to you.

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Why is that?" "

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