Although Xuan Ming said that this cold knife is an artifact.


Take Chen Nan's current feelings.

It's definitely not as simple as an artifact.

After all.

His physical body is really terrifying.

Looking at the three worlds, looking at the past and present.

Definitely an invincible existence below the saint.

And for now.

The knife qi released by the cold knife made him suffer a thousand cuts of pain.

If this cold knife is really an artifact.

He shouldn't be allowed to feel that way.

"This thing, shouldn't it be a holy weapon?" Chen Nan's eyes gradually became hot, like an old bachelor who had been single for decades and saw a sexy supermodel wearing a bikini.

Even his breathing became rapid at this moment.

I can't wait to rub this sexy supermodel in a bikini directly on the ground.

Of course.

It's just adjectives.

He didn't think about pressing the cold knife to the ground and rubbing it.

That would be a eunuch...

"I don't have a weapon at hand yet."

"Although there are pillars of merit."

"But that thing can't work."

"As for the holy relics of the alien demon clan, although it is considered one, once I cast three heads and six arms, I need three powerful weapons."

"If you can get this cold knife, it will be a bit cool and crooked!"

Although Chen Nan was very excited.

But he didn't get carried away.

Because the knife qi released by the cold knife is too terrifying.

Even he didn't dare to step forward rashly.

"It is said that only magic can defeat magic!"

"Maybe I can try another way."

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, allowing those sword qi to enter and cut through his body and burrow into his body.

He has a clear heart.

Feel those postures of knife qi entering the body.

Chen Nan didn't know knife techniques.

Nor have knives been used.

But now.

But he seemed to know how to use a knife.

I also have a little understanding of the knife technique.

The knife method is divided into 13 styles: split, chop, prodding, chopping, picking, cutting, pushing, stabbing, slipping, stirring, collapsing, pointing, and pulling.

Of course.

This is the most basic move.

Because for a true master of using a knife.

Moves are often the most superficial things.

If you want to become stronger, you need to condense the knife qi.


This is just the second realm.

If you want to become a strong person with a knife, you need to condense the knife intent.

If then.

A flower and a grass can be a knife, which can cut the sun and the moon and break mountains and rivers.

This is the third realm.


There are as many swords in the world as carp crossing the river.

Only a handful of people can reach this level.


The limits of the knife are by no means limited to these three realms.

Above these three realms there is a fourth.

The fourth realm is simple.

There is no knife in the hand, but there is a knife in the heart.

If you can achieve this state.

It can be broken for eternity.

If you enter the way with a knife.

Become a saint.

A knife at the head of weapons.

It represents dominance and ferocity.

If he can enter the saint with a sword, it is self-evident how strong his strength is.


"How did he sit down?" Xuan Qing's beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

Xuan Ming muttered, "Maybe he wants to feel the creation of this place!" "

It's useless!" Xuan Ji sighed: "After my clan is born, they will come to the cold knife and feed it with essence blood, so that the cold knife can remember each of our clansmen." "

Chen Nan is not from my clan."

"How can he sense the creation of the cold knife?"

Xuan Ming smiled and shook his head: "Actually, he has long received the creation gift of the cold knife."

Xuan Ji was stunned.

Then fell silent.

Chen Nan used the sword qi to quench his body.

The flesh becomes stronger.

This can also be regarded as the creation of the gift of the cold knife.

Two hours later.

Chen Nan opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes.

Two white blades flashed in the deep, clear eyes.

And in this ten-meter area where he was, all the Dao Qi was absorbed into his body.

Now he.

Definitely a master with a knife.

"It's time to move on!" He stood up, his eyes were determined, and he crossed the distance of ten meters again.

It is said that if he crosses ten meters again, the damage he will suffer will be even greater.

But the opposite is true.

Because he absorbed the sword qi in the area behind him.

The damage he has suffered at the moment is not great.

He closed his eyes.

Feel the knife qi of this area again.

Silently incorporate those sword qi into your body.

"Any idea what this is?"

"This is genius!"

In the bamboo forest, Xuan Ming let out a loud laugh: "The cold knife does have a spirit, and it can tell if the other party is our clan or not."

"But the ancestor can absorb the sword qi, confuse the cold knife, and make the cold knife mistake him for our clan."

"That's it!"

"This is done!"

"The old ancestor will definitely pull out the cold knife."

Xuan Ji also marveled at Chen Nan's resourcefulness.

He looked in the direction of the Holy Land and murmured, "I really hope there are no accidents, I hope he can pull out the cold knife."

"yes! If the ancestor can pull out the cold knife, then Qingyin will be saved! Xuan Ming's eyes were complicated, he hadn't thought about restarting the road to heaven before.

But now.

He knew what the existence of the Cold Knife meant.

This cold knife, which everyone believes, worships, and fears, is the deadly knife that hangs over his granddaughter's head.

Pulling out the cold knife, the granddaughter still has life.


They want to send black-haired people to white-haired people in great grief.

Look at the expressions on the faces of grandfather and father.

Xuan Qing's heart was like a knife.

She has long looked down on life and death.

Because of this, she returned to the tribe before she died.

But what she didn't expect was.

Even if she looks down on life and death.

But one cannot remain indifferent to the reluctance of grandfathers and fathers towards themselves.

I don't want to make the second elder miserable and sad.

And now.

She could only pin her hopes on Chen Nan.


Fifty meters!

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!

Chen Nan was like a gluttonous snake.

While quenching the flesh with sword qi.

While absorbing the knife qi emitted by the cold knife.


He also saw the true appearance of the cold knife when he was twenty meters away from the cold knife.

This knife is about one and a half meters long.

The handle occupies a quarter of the total length and is inky black, with raised marks on it, like raised tendons on an arm.

There is an oval-shaped red stone behind the hilt, which blends in with the hilt and looks very harmonious.

The blade appears azure blue.

The terrifying sword qi and chill emanated from its body.

The cold knife was quietly suspended in midair.

And under the cold knife there is a stone.

On the stone is a square box made of jade.

"If nothing else, the remnants of the Ascending Road painting are in this square box!"

Chen Nan grinned.

Although I firmly believe all the way, fortunately, the emperor does not pay off.

Don't think about it.

He absorbed the Dao Qi in this area as fast as he could.

Immediately, he took a step and appeared in the area ten meters away from the cold knife.

The sword qi and chill here were even stronger.

Even if his physical horror is terrifying.

Even if he absorbed a lot of Dao Qi before.

But at this moment, there is also an illusion of being cold and stiff.


Without warning.

The cold knife suspended in the air seemed to feel some unknown danger.

There was a violent shaking.

Immediately afterwards, an imposing knife intent gushed out from the cold knife.


Chen Nan didn't have time to react, and instantly spit out blood and flew out of the cave by the cold knife.

"Ten meters, only ten meters left!"

Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, and his eyes were full of unwillingness: "Why can't these ten meters be crossed?" "

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