Chen Nan looked at the faint light above his head, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "This is an upside-down array, it's a little interesting!"

"What? This is the third ranked super divine array in the Divine Realm? The nine-headed flame lion lost his voice and screamed: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!" "

Upside down is a well-known trapping array in the God Realm, it is said to be created by Yuan Shi Tianzun, even the powerhouses of the upper God Venerable realm will be trapped in it, how can it be broken by us so easily?"

"This is unreasonable!"

Chen Nan: "When did we crack the Upside Down Array?" The

nine-headed flame lion was speechless.

Chen Nan continued: "Any formation has weaknesses, we just found the weaknesses of the formation before, exploited loopholes, that's all!"

Xuan Qingying couldn't help but ask, "Will the alien demon exploit this loophole?"

The nine-headed flame lion smiled and said, "The alien demon is not an old rogue, how can he understand this way?"

Xuan Qingying showed a stunned gaze.

She didn't know what the nine-headed flame lion meant.

But she felt that the Tao in her mouth was very different from the Tao she imagined.



Chen Nan left the lake with Xuan Qingyin and the nine-headed flame lion, and was greeted by a splendid mountain and river.

Fresh air.

Green trees.

A majestic mountain range comes into view.

It is the Prisoner Dragon Mountain on the scroll.

And at the moment they appeared.

The heavenly climbing map in Chen Nan's arms flew to the top of Prisoner Dragon Mountain.


With a deafening thunder.

White clouds in the sky tumbled and gathered at the top of the mountain.

Transform into a staircase to the sky.

"The road to heaven has been opened!" Chen Nan's eyes bloomed with essence, and the cloud appeared at his feet, carrying him and Xuan Qingyun into the air.

The nine-headed flame lions also followed.

"Master, we'd better hurry, in case the alien demon comes from the Upper Realm, it will be trouble!" The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were solemn.

"Even if they are in the Nether, it is impossible to break the formation, and it will not have the slightest impact on the Nether." Chen Nan's eyes were flat, with that formation, even the Alien Demon Nether Realm was irrelevant.

He carried Xuan Qingyin through the clouds and came to the top of the steps.

There is a heavy stone gate here.

It is quietly suspended in the air, exuding an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

Chen Nan took a deep breath, and just as he stretched out his hand to push open the stone door, the nine-headed flame lion made a nervous voice: "Master, don't you leave me alone when you go to the Three Heavens!" "


"I know I'm not very strong."

"It won't necessarily help you."

"But if you're hungry, you can eat a lion's head!"


"I am about to manifest into an adult, and if you like it, I can become a woman."

"Yes, a beautiful woman exactly like the Qingyin girl."

"When the time comes, we can serve you both at your disposal."


Chen Nan looked at it blankly: "Haven't you always been very arrogant and swollen?" But why is it suddenly provoked now? Also, I'm only interested in pretty women. Saying

that, he resolutely stretched out his hands, and with the terrifying divine power roaring out, the stone door was also shaken.

What comes into view is a no-man's wilderness.

The wilderness is full of dead grass.

There is no life.

Chen Nan stepped into it with Xuan Qingying in his arms.

The nine-headed flame lion hesitated, but still followed Chen Nan into the stone gate.

Although life in the second heaven is very moist.

But like Chen Nan, it is a passerby of the Duo Heaven.

One day it will return to the demon world and avenge the blood sea.

And this small step into the stone gate.

It is a big step towards the Supreme Dao.

At the moment when Chen Nan and the two beasts appeared in the Three Heavens, the path to ascend to the Heavens that connected the Triple Heavens behind him also disappeared.

"Everything else is not important, look for the phoenix grass first!" Chen Nan promised Xuan Ming to find the Phoenix Grass to heal Xuan Qingying, so he could find out the whereabouts of the alien demon when looking for the Phoenix Grass.


Without warning.

There was a violent tremor from the earth.

Followed by.

A deafening stampede sounded.

It's like a war drum beating.

"Master, we are surrounded by alien demons, and countless alien demons are coming towards us!" The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were solemn.

Chen Nan: "Obviously, the alien demons have been paying attention to this side, otherwise we would not have surrounded us as soon as we appeared!" "

After feeling the breath of those demons.

The nine-headed flame lion showed disdain: "It's not a big problem, it's all some alien demons comparable to the God King Realm, see how I pretend!" With those words, it regained its essence.

In addition to the main lion head, the other eight lion heads looked in all directions, like a tide sweeping in the demons, and at the same time spoke, the deafening roar made the void become like a tide, folding and bombarding in all directions.


The oncoming alien demon instantly exploded, turning into a burst of blood mist.

"Something!" Chen Nan showed an incredulous gaze.

He had once learned the lion roar skill of the nine-headed flame lion.


At that time, it had not yet stepped into the realm of gods.

So the power is not very strong.

But now.

Its divine power even Chen Nan felt heart palpitations.

Seeing the expression on Chen Nan's face, the nine-headed flame lion swelled again: "Isn't our move very strong?"

Chen Nan: "I refuse to admit it, it is indeed quite strong." If I were attacked by this wave, I would definitely feel... It hurts a little. The

eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of stunned.

Chen Nan asked curiously, "This is your Dao?" "

Uh-huh!" The nine-headed flame lion looked proud: "I can cultivate two Dao at the same time, one is the Fire System Dao, which is also very understandable, after all, I am a flame lion myself."

"And the other Dao is not in the realm of the Seven Series Avenue."

"But among the thousands of methods, it is definitely the top."

"You can guess what kind of avenue I cultivated."

Chen Nan asked very cooperatively: "Space Avenue?"

The nine-headed flame lion snorted angrily: "The Space Avenue is an avenue second only to the Seven Series Avenue, how can I have the kind of creation that can sense this kind of avenue?" "

If I cultivate the Fire System Dao and the Space Dao at the same time, it will be too unfair to the others."

"You still don't let others live?"

Chen Nan frowned: "Is there anything wrong with cultivating two top avenues at the same time?"

Xuan Qingyun shook his head helplessly: "Since you have cultivated to the Divine Venerable Realm, how can you not know that a person can only cultivate two avenues at most?" Although there are people in history who have broken this law and cultivated the three great avenues, there is no one of those people in billions.

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment.

Cultivating the three avenues is one out of billion?

If only that were to be said.

So what am I?

But I have cultivated the Yin Yang Law, the Five Elements Law, the Space Law, and the Dao Dao at the same time!

"It's not about those ethereal things!" The nine-headed flame lion's toe raised his breath, "I'll tell you what the second Dao I cultivate is.

"The second Dao I cultivate seems invisible, but it can kill people invisible."

"If you cultivate to the extreme, even the saint will have to fall."

"It's --- sound!"

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