Chen Nan's appearance instantly attracted the attention of those alien demons.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and demons.

Millions of alien demons below the Divine Venerable Realm all looked at Chen Nan with cold eyes.

Even if Chen Nan has seen a lot of winds and waves.

But at the moment.

There is also a shuddering, like a man's back.

After all.

There was only one of him.

And the enemy has a million demons.

"Human, you are really daring, and you actually broke into our territory alone to find the phoenix grass." Hatu looked at Chen Nan playfully with playful eyes: "Thanks to the vision you triggered when you broke the magic formation, otherwise your conspiracy would have succeeded!"

"I thought you would be cautious."

"After all, you are the last hope of the Terrans!"

"But I really can't imagine that you would be so unconventional."

"Have you ever wondered what happens when you fail?"

"Are you worthy of the high hopes that the Terran power places on you?"

Chen Nan looked at the demons around him, and a hateful expression appeared on his face: "You shouldn't think that you can kill me with these people?"

Hatu shrugged undeniably: "I feel that it is not difficult to kill you!"

"Then try it!" Chen Nan's face was full of madness.

He didn't say much.

Directly sacrifice the five bird fans.

The power of the soul is infused into it.

The five-bird fan instantly burst out a five-colored glow.

It's like a shock.



"Save me!"

Those alien demons who were hit by the five-colored light suddenly let out a heart-rending scream, and their flesh was swallowed by the five-colored light, and they turned into nothing in an instant.

"Kill him for me!" Hatu ordered directly.

Roar, roar, roar!

Countless alien demons roared up to the sky, and hundreds of humanoid creatures killed Chen Nan in all directions.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan fanned the five-bird fan.

The five-colored light was like a wave in the breeze, centering on him towards the mountains in all directions.

Where it passes.

But all the alien demons that are hit by the five-colored light will be scattered.

This point can fully show the horror of the five-bird fan.


Using the Five Bird Fan is too soul-consuming.

"A magic weapon is a magic weapon after all, if you want not to be bullied, you still have to have excellent strength!" Chen Nan put away the five-bird fan, and a destructive knife intent enveloped his whole person.

With so many enemies, it is clearly not suitable for hand-to-hand combat.

You have to make a big kill.


The moment the sword intent appeared, the whole small world boiled.

Even the distant wall of blood trembled.

"It is worthy of being the last hope of the Terran race, and the lower god Venerable actually comprehended the sword intent." An intriguing look appeared in Hatu's eyes, and it was not surprising that Chen Nan comprehended the sword intent.

This also confirms its previous speculation.

Chen Nan was indeed the last hope of the Terrans.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a talent against the sky.


A azure blue sword intent flashed through the sky.

Next second.

Yin Hong's blood fell from the air like a flood from the Heavenly River.

With this blow, Chen Nan killed thousands of alien demons of the Divine Venerable Realm.

In the face of this terrifying move.

The alien demons of the Divine Venerable Realm were simply unable to resist.

Brush brush brush!

One after another terrifying knife intent flashed between heaven and earth.

Countless alien demons were killed one after another.


After their blood gathered on the ground, they were all devoured by other demons.

I saw those alien creatures roaring and transforming into a humanoid state.

Chen Nan's scalp was numb.

He didn't realize that the alien demon could advance by devouring the flesh and blood of the clansmen.

This made him feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king first!"

Chen Nan looked at Hatu in the distance, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes.


A azure blue knife intent tore through the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Hatu.

He believes.

If Hatu is killed, these demons will definitely collapse.

Don't say destroy them then.

At least you can get out here.

But it was less than ten meters from Hatu.

Hatu leaned out with a palm.

The blood qi in the body roared out, forming a whirling vortex.

Not only blocked Chen Nan's fatal blow, but even made Chen Nan's eyes become very solemn.

"This vortex is so terrifying that it can devour my divine power."

Although Chen Nan had dealt with alien demons.

But I don't know the means of the devil.

But he didn't panic.

It even released a three-dimensional true fire and directly entered the whirlpool.

As the strongest flame in the Three Realms.

The horror of the Samadhi True Fire is self-evident.

"Get out!"

Hatu roared angrily, instantly rebounding the Samadhi True Fire, and a wave of fear rose in his heart.

Thankfully, it reacted promptly.

If it devours the Three Immortal True Fire, even it will be hateful.


Hatu's figure instantly flew towards Chen Nan, and a mace about five meters long and dark red appeared in his hand.


The mace swept through the air, and the void could not withstand this thunderous momentum, and a sharp breaking wind sound erupted.

Chen Nan fought with a cold knife in his hand.


Accompanied by a dull crash.

Chen Nan flew out tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

"It is worthy of being a dominant-level existence, this strength cannot be underestimated!" Chen Nan only felt that his arm was numb, and there was an inexplicable soreness.

He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

After all, his physical body is so powerful.

What he didn't expect was even more.

The mace in Hatu's hand was not damaged.

"This mace in your hand is good, it is about to belong to me!" Chen Nan's eyes lit up, he only had one cold knife now, although the grade of the cold knife surpassed the artifact.

But if you cast three heads and six arms, there are still two divine weapons missing.

"Do you have a life for you if I give it to you?" Hatu's eyes flashed with disdain, and then it turned into a flash of shock and killed Chen Nan again.


Chen Nan condensed the knife intent to gather on the cold knife, and the backhand was a knife.


The cold knife and the mace collided in an instant.

A crisp crash sounded through the heavens and the earth.

Immediately, a terrifying energy spread in all directions.

And above the heads of the two.

The wall of blood also trembled violently.

It looks like it gives people a sense of déjà vu that will break open at any moment.

"Maybe you can borrow the power of Hatu to break through the Blood Demon Array."

Chen Nan's figure quickly retreated.

Then hold the knife in both hands.

The divine power in the body was instilled into the cold knife.


The cold knife seemed to come to life.

A destructive and decadent knife intent rushed into the starry river, and it was unstoppable.

In front of this terrifying knife intent.

Countless alien demons felt a tremor from the soul, and there was an illusion of almost suffocation.

"This should be your strongest move, right?" Hatu's eyes were scarlet, and he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth: "I want to see how strong your strongest blow is!" The

words had not yet fallen.

It turned into a ghost that flashed in the sky above Chen Nan, making a move to split Mount Hua.

The mace in his hand tore through the sky, containing an invincible momentum.


It found it angry.

Chen Nan also disappeared.

When it felt Chen Nan's breath, Chen Nan had already appeared in the sky above the Blood Demon Array.

The terrifying knife intent tore the Blood Demon Array apart.

And then.

Chen Nan looked down at Hatu, who was full of anger below, and a dark smile appeared on his face: "The mace will be kept by you first, and I will take it next time we meet, and take your first rank by the way!" "

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