What is in the coffin is common for earthlings.

It's even about life.

That's soybeans.

It is a necessity in people's lives.

Whether it is soybean oil, bean paste, soy sauce, tofu, soy milk, bean blossom are inseparable from soybeans.

But in the realm of gods.

This thing is a scarce thing.

Chen Nan asked many people during the Second Heaven.

They all know about beans.

But I don't know where the beans are.

Now this coffin taken out by Feng Yu must have at least tons of beans.

How is this not shocking?

To know.

Chen Nan practiced the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, and in the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, there was a spell that was extremely heavenly and had no friends.

That's sprinkling beans into soldiers.

Once he casts this magical power, he can give birth to countless doppelgangers with the same strength as himself in an instant!

Even in the face of an army of millions of alien demons, what are you afraid of?

Phoenix said helplessly: "Our Phoenix Tribe itself lives in the Three Heavens, and is a very ordinary tribe itself, living a life of ease.


"Because of the contradiction between the Jade Emperor and Erlang God, we received an edict from the Jade Emperor, and he asked us to retreat."

"As a last resort, we became a hidden tribe."

The nine-headed flame lion asked curiously, "What happened to the Jade Emperor and Yang Jian?" Feng

Yi said, "The Jade Emperor is Yang Jian's uncle, but because Yang Jian's mother violated the Heavenly Rule and mortal private being known by the Jade Emperor, Long Yan was furious and suppressed Yang Jian's mother under Peach Mountain.

"Yang Jian felt that the Jade Emperor did not understand human feelings and destroyed his own family, so he held a grudge against the Jade Emperor."

The nine-headed flame lion said indignantly: "The Jade Emperor is indeed not a thing, even if his sister violates the Heavenly Rule, he should not be so ruthless. "

In my opinion, Jiro Shinjun should be allowed to shave his head in the middle of the month."

Chen Nan gave the nine-headed flame lion a disdainful look: "Shave your head in the middle of the moon? You guy knows a lot. The

nine-headed flame lion raised his head: "Live to learn as you like!"

"Die on the side!" Chen Nan said angrily: "There is indeed a saying among the people that the first moon does not shave his head, but it is not a dead uncle, but thinking about the old, thinking about the old or not?"

"Human knowledge can indeed be learned, but don't read messy books, that will mislead people."

Feng Yi smiled and said, "What the Holy Lord said is reasonable, if Zhengyue shaves his head and really dies his uncle, I estimate that Yang Jian will shave all his eyebrows." Because his hatred of the Jade Emperor is well known, he almost killed the Jade Emperor's palace several times with a three-pointed and two-edged knife.

"But reason prevailed over the anger in his heart, just asking the Jade Emperor if his three-pointed two-edged blade was not sharp!"

"It is said that the Jade Emperor is very afraid."

The nine-headed flame lion sneered, "If he has a clear conscience in his heart, how can he be afraid? Feng

Yi said disapprovingly: "In fact, this can't be blamed on the Jade Emperor, after all, the heavenly rule was formulated by him, if his sister violates the heavenly rule and opens the net, then how to restrain the gods in the future?" How else to serve the public?

"Don't look at the Jade Emperor formulating the Heavenly Rule, but he was the first victim after formulating the Heavenly Rule."

"Because his beloved nephew is a stranger to him, and he wants to kill him."

"The Jade Emperor is also a little intimidated."

"Although he is the master of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall."

"But Jiro Shinkun's reputation is not blown."

"The reputation of the number one war god in the God Realm is not out of nowhere."

"However, as the Jade Emperor's strength increased, his fear of Erlang Zhenjun was much less."

"Because the Jade Emperor's cultivation of the Nine Heavens Divine Technique is comparable to that of a saint."

"Even if Yang Jian takes a three-pointed and two-edged knife again to ask the Jade Emperor if his blade is not sharp, the Jade Emperor will say that he is qualified to help me cut the fruit."

"But his jealousy of Jiro Shinjun did not relax for a moment."

"There is an extremely terrifying divine power in the Eight Nine Xuangong, and over there is scattering beans to become soldiers."

"If Erlang Shinjun is really fed up with bullying and wants to rebel."

"That Heavenly Court is about to stage the plot of the Heavenly Palace again!"

"I don't deny Sun Dasheng's magical powers."

"But there is one thing to say."

"If Erlang Zhenjun rebels, the impact and degree of harm will definitely be several times stronger than when Sun Dasheng troubled the Heavenly Palace."

"The Jade Emperor does not dare to kill, nor can he kill Erlang Zhenjun."


"He figured out a way."

"That is to let our Phoenix Tribe retreat."

"Because only our Phoenix Tribe has mastered the ability to grow beans."

"And the beans in this coffin are what we have accumulated in ten thousand years, as for how many grains..." Speaking of this, he looked at Feng Peng.

Feng Peng hurriedly stepped forward and said with a depressed expression: "When I counted last year, there were about 10.36 million grains, and the upper and lower grains did not exceed 5,000 grains. Feng

Yi shook his head helplessly: "The error is too big, it means that your Dao heart is still unstable, wait for this battle, count it again!" Feng

Peng was about to cry: "Patriarch, will you spare me?" I really don't want to count beans anymore! "

Although he is the Tianjiao of the Phoenix Tribe.

But who knows what he's been through in his life?

He counts the number of beans every year.

Chen Nan suddenly had the feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky, and he looked at Phoenix Qi: "So, this is the reason why the Alien Demon Town guards the Phoenix Ridge?" "

Yes!" Feng Yu said, "If Erlang Zhenjun had so many beans in his hands when the demons invaded, the alien demons might not be able to capture the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"The alien demon also knows that my clan has the experience and ability to grow beans."

"I also know the magical powers of Jiro Shin-kun."

"That's why those alien demons are stationed in Phoenix Ridge."

Chen Nan looked at the beans in the jade coffin.

His mind moved.

The five beans that were evenly sized and full, exuding divine power, flew into their hands.

Then he silently chanted a mantra and scattered five beans.

Just when five beans flew out from Chen Nan's hand.

They erupted with five faint rays of divine light.

Like stars in the night sky.

After landing.

Five figures that looked exactly like Chen Nan appeared in front of everyone.

Without exception, there are cultivations in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm.

If they hadn't seen Chen Nan cast a magical power, it would be difficult for them to distinguish the real from the fake.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

This is the top magic power of the three realms.

I have no regrets about dying today!

"Master, do they really have your strength?" The nine-headed flame lion spoke, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Chen Nan shook his head and said uncertainly: "Although they all have the early cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm, it is still unknown how effective they are. "

What he is most proud of is the flesh.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the saint is invincible.

"How about I try it?" The nine-headed flame lion grinned.

It can't beat Chen Nan.

So I want to take the opportunity to teach Chen Nan's avatar a lesson.

Gain inner satisfaction in this way.

As soon as Chen Nan wanted to speak, he felt a powerful aura.

Turn your head and look south.

A black-pressed cloud covered the sky.

He grinned and showed a wicked smile: "Yo, the enemy is coming quite quickly!" "

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