
"There is no exchange of interests between us, only life and death!"

Chen Nan gritted his teeth, and his voice was full of chills.

He kept roaring and struggling, trying to get rid of the effects of that holy artifact on his body.

But whatever it does is futile.

The blood gas in the body is not controlled at all.

It was desperate and unwilling, but it let out a maniacal laugh: "Chen Nan, do you think you are a savior?

"Do you really think you can save the sky?"


"You can't save it!"

"Because this piece of heaven is rotten!"

"Rotting at the roots!"

"Otherwise, how could our alien demon army invade the Three Realms?"

"How can you occupy Lingxiao?"

"I advise you to give up your dream of saving the Three Realms."

"Because some of it is dirty and dark, not something you can bear."

"How can I be afraid of the darkness when I come from Hades?" Chen Nan's eyes were cold: "You think, I don't know what the dirtiness and darkness in your mouth are?" "

Let's go and see!"

"One day, I will shatter the darkness of this world and let the sun shine on the area shrouded in darkness!"

Wu Yi laughed: "There can't be that day, you will never know the horror of this holy object you have mastered."

"I'm blindly guessing a wave."

"It won't be long before it devours your Dao heart, devours your soul, and then devours you."

"Don't doubt what I say."

"Those wriggling skulls on top of the relics..."

"It's just... The previous owner of this holy relic!

"You're very... Quick... It's about to be repeated... Falls..."

The words fell.

Its flesh turned into a dried corpse, floating in the air and falling to the ground.

Chen Nan sat there quietly.

Although with a blood-colored long stick to solve this evil demon.

Although it seems relaxed.


He is in a very bad state now.

The soul power of the sub-soul is constantly increasing, and it is about to surpass the main soul.

This was an extremely bad situation for Chen Nan.

Because after the sub-soul grows, don't say erase it.

The sub-soul is very likely to obliterate his main soul.

He really wanted to control the blood-colored stick to continue devouring.


But there is a feeling of lack of energy.

Today's blood-colored long stick is not under his control at all.

This uncontrolled feeling of loss of control made his heart beat gradually.

"What is the origin of this weapon?"

"Why are even alien demons devoured?"

Chen Nan looked at the shining red long stick in the night sky.

He had a hunch.

This long red stick must have a shocking origin.

As for what exactly is the origin.

It is unknown at this time.

In the blink of an eye, it was midnight.

The blood lake on the ground has turned into a pool of black water, and there is no fishy smell.

Floating corpses can be faintly seen on the surface of the water.

From a distance, it looks like some driftwood.

Chen Nan's heart moved.

The long stick flew into the hand.

Looking down, there were many skulls of different shapes on the long stick, like human faces, some grimacing at him, some laughing, and some cursing angrily.

He counted.

There are eight in total.

That is, this blood-colored long stick had eight owners before.

And those eight masters were all eaten back by this blood-colored long stick.

"This long stick is going to devour me, I need to suppress it, if you encounter similar trouble in the future, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Unless, you and I are controlled by it!"

The second soul left a sentence, and then handed over the control of the body to Chen Nan.

It is a sub-soul though.

But he is dedicated to good.

Chen Nan released everyone in the Immortal Mansion, and then let the nine-headed flame lion transform into a body, carrying everyone to the Divine Stone Mine thousands of miles away in the south.

"Boss, we heard the words!" The nine-headed flame lion said worriedly, "In my opinion, you better give up that red long stick!"

"I don't want you to be eaten back by it."

As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Chen Nan said, "Although that weapon is very strange and evil, it is a winning weapon to restrain foreign demons, and it cannot be discarded!"

Xuan Qingyin couldn't help but say, "But what if you are also eaten back?"

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "Are you concerned about me?"

Xuan Qingyun snorted angrily: "What does your life and death have to do with me?"

Chen Nan looked up at the sky, the stars above his head twinkling, dazzling: "If you can drive the alien demon out of the three realms, even if you lose your life, what's the harm?" Feng

Yi lowered his head with a look of shame.

If ten thousand years ago he had this realization.

How could the alien demon take root in the Three Heavens?

Xuan Qing looked at Chen Nan stunned.

She had never seen a person say life and death so bland as such.


He has long put life and death on the line, right?

It is her luck to be able to walk side by side with this kind of man, no matter how far she goes!

At the breaking of dawn.

The group arrived at the Shenshi Mine.

In the distance, they saw a lot of powerful rabbits, as well as brute bulls.

They occupied the Shenshi mine.


Mad Rabbit threw himself into Xuan Qingying's arms very obscenely, and said in a milky voice: "We have already captured this divine stone mine, do you say we are great?" "

Compared to the obscene appearance of the crazy rabbit.

The bull god was more serious: "Senior, I just asked people to count the divine stones mined from this divine stone mine, which are about 3.6 million, and the quality is very high.

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Although the number of divine stones is not as much as I thought, I can also arrange some powerful formations!"

"Okay, let's continue on our way and head to the Blue Dragon Tribe!"

Time is precious to him.

He must use the shortest time to integrate the forces of the Three Heavens, and then level the Ten Thousand Devils Cave and turn the Three Heavens into a peaceful and prosperous era.

Only by leveling the Ten Thousand Devils Cave can he open the road to heaven and go to the Four Heavens.

That's it.

Chen Nan and the others did not stop, and flew towards the location of the Green Dragon Tribe according to the marks on the map.

The masters of the two demon forces of Niu Niu Cave and Rabbit Rabbit Mountain followed behind because of their limited speed.

Five days later.

The nine-headed flame lion took Chen Nan, Xuan Qingying, and the clansmen of the Phoenix tribe to a mountain that rose and fell one after another.

"This mountain is called Wolong Mountain!"

"The mountains are precipitous, like a dragon entrenched here."

"It is said that the predecessor of this mountain range was transformed after the death of a divine dragon in ancient times."

"At that time, the Heavenly Court had not yet been built."

Feng Yi said the origin of Wolong Mountain.

"But in the beginning, the Blue Dragon Tribe was not called that name."

"It's called the Shenlong Tribe."

"But because the green dragon became the four divine beasts later, the Shenlong tribe changed its name to the green dragon tribe."

Chen Nan couldn't help it: "Is this a tendency to inflammation?"

Feng Yi shook his head: "I don't know exactly what happened. However, one thing is obvious, the clansmen of the Qinglong tribe have a hot temper and are very repulsive to outsiders.

"Even if we Phoenix tribes, they don't put it in their eyes."

"As for whether you can persuade them to follow us east, it depends on luck!"

Chen Nan smiled and said nothing.

Since they are people from the Blue Dragon Tribe.

With my relationship with Qinglong, with an order, do they dare to violate it?

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