Gui Falcon looked down at the green dragon condescendingly: "I thought that your soul was scattered in the first battle, but I really didn't expect you to survive, just..." Quite unexpected.

Qinglong's face was full of anger.

I thought of the battle 10,000 years ago.

It is proud of the world and has single-handedly resisted the attacks of countless alien demons.

But after all, it is only a mythical beast.

Not a saint.

When the strength is finally exhausted.

Just as he killed countless demons.

The gui falcon appeared.

It possesses strength comparable to that of a Saint Venerable Realm powerhouse.

The green dragon fought with it for three days and three nights.

In the end, it is not against the other side.

But he was not willing to die, and a wisp of remnant soul broke through the void barrier, entered the mortal world, and turned into an egg.

And now I see the returning falcon again.

At the same time as he was angry, a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

The strength of the Gui Falcon is obvious.

The Saint Venerable Realm powerhouse was comparable to the Jade Emperor, second only to the Half-Saint.

If he is at his peak, he may be able to fight.

But now...

He felt desperate.

Despair is even stronger than it was 10,000 years ago.

If you can't kill Gui Falcon, the world will be completely conquered.

The people who live in this land will also become food in the mouths of alien demons.

This heaven and earth will surely be bloodied, corpses and bones will be like mountains, and life will be ruined.

Right at this moment.

Li Mu's voice sounded: "Brother Long, what do you say this guy is called?" Turtle Sun? How could anyone call that? Doesn't it know that the name is swearing?

"Yes, he is Kamesun!" Qinglong's unpleasant mood was swept away: "This turtle sun is very strong, he is the top powerhouse among the alien demons, and he is ranked as one of the eighteen heavenly kings!" Gui

Falcon's eyes showed a cold light: "If you die until you die, I will send you to die today!" The words fell, and it pointed a finger in the air.

In a flash.

A monstrous demonic qi transformed into two sword qi, tearing through the firmament and slashing towards Qinglong and Li Mu.

At this critical moment of electric flint.

Li Xiang stepped forward and blocked the fire-tipped spear in front of him, and abruptly resisted Gui Falcon's fatal blow.


But red blood spewed out from his mouth.

Although he had returned to his peak cultivation, he was finally a top God of War level powerhouse.

There is still a world of difference from the Saint Venerable Realm.

"Fire spear?" Gui Falcon looked at Li Xiang with interest: "I know you, you seem to be called Nezha, right?" I really didn't expect that you would recover your memories and cultivation in your previous life.

"But even so?"

"Mo said you alone."

"Even if it is your brother, together with your father, it is not destined to be my opponent!"

"Especially your father Li Jing."


"Heavenly King?"

"What a thing."

"I can't even stop a move!"

Li Xiang's eyes were torn: "So, you killed my father?" "

His relationship with his father in his previous life was indeed very poor.

After all, he hated his father.

He even made the act of repaying his father.

But that's only limited to infancy.

Especially after the sealing of the gods, the relationship between the father and son has improved significantly.

As the saying goes, how deep the hatred is, how deep the love is.

When he heard the bad news that his father died in battle when he killed the alien demon in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, his whole person collapsed, and he died after killing thousands of alien demons with his own strength.

But now I remember the time-consuming mood at the beginning, and I am still grief-stricken.

Gui Falcon shook his head: "You can't ignore the fact that your two brothers also died in my hands because I killed your father!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Li Xiang transformed into the appearance of three heads and six arms, and cast the magic phase of heaven and earth, turning into a giant 100 meters tall, armed with a fire-tipped spear, a hot wheel, and a chaotic Aya and a returning falcon fighting together.




"Too weak!"

Gui Falcon stood quietly in the void, and very casually shot to resist Li Xiang's stormy attack.

"Long Ye, have we lost this battle?" Li Mu's eyes flashed with fear and unease.

He is not afraid of death.

And he was already ready to die calmly.

What terrified him was the destruction of the reincarnated god.

Until then.

The three realms are all over!

Qinglong sighed lightly: "I don't want to see this result either, but... We can't change the situation today.


Li Mu hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

Qinglong: "Unless a super powerful plugin appears, no one can kill Gui Falcon!" Gui

Falcon easily resisted Li Xiang's attack, and a disdainful voice came out of his mouth: "I advise you not to die struggling, do you think you recaptured the Lingxiao Treasure Hall and drove my clan out of the Three Realms?"

"It's useless!"

"My clan already knew about that guy named Chen Nan!"

"If I'm not mistaken, he should have arrived at the Three Heavens and is heading to the Ten Thousand Devils Cave!"

"That is the only way to the Four Heavens."

"Once he arrives at the Ten Thousand Devils Cave, he will be killed by the strong men of our clan who ambushed there."

"But for the sake of caution, the reincarnation of the gods of the heavens will die."

"Chen Nan will die too!"


Qinglong suddenly had a feeling of five thunders hitting the top.

Unexpectedly, the alien demon actually knew about Chen Nan's trip to the God Realm.

If the alien demon really sends a strong man there.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"You, you can die!" Gui Falcon poked out his palm.

A seemingly random palm contains a monstrous demonic aura.

It's like Tarzan topping.

It instantly fell on Li Xiang's magic power, causing him to change back into a young body.

Seven tricks bleed.


Even the divine soul was hit hard.

You can imagine how terrifying this trick is.

"Even Haotian died in my hands, just by virtue of your god Venerable Realm god, can you block my attack?" The Falcon floats in the night sky, proud of the world.

Then it waved casually.

Li Xiang spat out blood and flew to Qinglong's side, and at this time he was paralyzed and weak, unable to fight again.

The corners of Gui Falcon's mouth rose, and a hint of an evil smile appeared: "That's right, one move can solve your guys, there is no need to make a second move!"

"Long Ye, I'm afraid I can't take the gods to the immortal realm in this life!" Li Xiang's trembling right hand clenched the fire-tipped gun, and his eyes were full of deep unwillingness.

Qinglong smiled freely: "There is nothing to hang!"

"Although the result was not what we wanted."


"We've fought, we've tried, we've fought."

"Even if the result is not satisfactory, I have a clear conscience!"

"You guys are on your way! This time, I want you to be gone! Gui Falcon's eyes froze in vain, and then a palm poked out, and a dark golden palm appeared out of thin air, instantly flying towards the three of Qinglong.


Wind sadism.

The wind is loud, making people's eyes tingle and can't open their eyes.

Just when Qinglong, Li Mu, and Li Xiang were ready to die calmly.

A golden arrow appeared out of thin air in front of them.

This arrow seems to come from above the nine heavens.

It seems to be an arrow that can be shot in ancient times.

Exudes destruction and immortality.

It broke through the fatal blow of the Gui Falcon, pierced through the Gui Falcon's flesh, and splashed a red blood mist.

Gui Falcon was furious: "Who is it?" A

tall figure walked out from the void.

He held a golden curved bow, and his whole body exuded an ancient and powerful aura.

Like the lord of the world, an indifferent voice came out of his mouth: "Yi! "

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