Little aunt Chen Yun is a sad, depressing topic.

Every time I mention it, it evokes pain in the hearts of my family.

Although Chen Nan would not be too sad, he also remembered what happened when he was a child.

Even though his aunt rarely comes to Jeju, every time she comes, she brings him some wild fruits picked in the mountains and birds to play.

It's just that.

Once rushed to the gathering, she suddenly evaporated from the world.


There was a car horn outside.

Seeing the familiar BMW car outside, Jia Cui urged: "Hurry up, Ning'er is here, you guys quickly pack up and go to class!" "

In the past few days, Jian Ning and the two sisters of the Chen family have mingled, and they will be responsible for transporting them to and from school every day.

It is not difficult to see that Jian Ning still has a lot of means.

Otherwise, the sisters wouldn't have taken her car.

Chen Nan came to the stone cliff behind the villa, watched his father smoking sullenly, walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Dad, once something happens, you have to face it!"

Chen Shan looked into the distance: "You said, if your little aunt hadn't disappeared, she would definitely be married and have children now, right?"

Chen Nan nodded.

The aunt was only twenty years old when she disappeared, and she was not allowed to marry and have children.

A shallow smile appeared on Chen Shan's face: "You said, if your little aunt knew your current skills, wouldn't she be very proud?"

"Although you did not become an official, you became a life-saving doctor, and studying medicine and becoming a nurse was her dream!"

Chen Nan grew up with a tiger head when he was a child, according to the words of his little aunt, this child will grow up blessed and will definitely become a big official.

It is also said that if a person ascends to heaven, the old Chen family will definitely be able to glorify the ancestors.

Even though many years have passed, these words are vivid to him.

"Shhh, what are you doing with my hair?" Chen Shan rubbed his head and looked at his son indignantly.

Chen Nan smiled, and then said in a deep voice: "Dad, I have a way to try to find the whereabouts of my little aunt, but I am not too sure whether I can find it."

Chen Shan couldn't help but ask, "Look for it with my hair?"

Chen Nan nodded.

"This should be a skill like immortal magic and occult art, right?" Chen Shan couldn't calm down in his heart.

Although he did not ask his son what happened in prison, Chen Shan knew that his son was no longer the big boy he once was.

He has a lot of magical means, and every time he casts it, he can be shocked and proud!

"Sort of!"

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, his hands pinched, and his father's hair suspended in midair.

Then a faint aura of blood light was emitted.

He closed his eyes and felt the bloody light.

A moment later.

He spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the blood light qi disappeared with it.

"Son, how are you? Don't scare me! Chen Shan was terrified.

"Dad, I'm fine, don't worry!" Chen Nan hurriedly comforted his father's emotions, the reason why he vomited blood was nothing more than consuming a lot of mental power, just take a break.

Chen Shan seriously advised: "Remember, no matter what you do in the future, you must do what you can."

Chen Nan snorted with a smile, and then said, "Dad, have you always hidden a secret?"

Chen Shan's face changed: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan: "For example, who are you?" The relationship with grandparents, as well as the hometown Chen family.

Chen Shan: "I am the son of your grandparents, do I still need to ask about this?"

"No, no, no, no!" Chen Nan shook his head: "If you were the son of my grandparents, I would definitely be able to feel the position of the two uncles and those younger siblings when I performed the Bloodline Summoning Technique just now.

"But I don't feel their approximate location."

"There are only two explanations for this."

"One, all of them are gone."

"Obviously, they are still in the world, and they asked us to eat together at noon."

"With elimination, then there is only one other case."

"You and they are not blood relatives!"

Chen Nan did not use his father's hair to find the whereabouts of his little aunt, but accidentally discovered that his father was not his grandparents' biological child, which was a big discovery for him.

Of course, he also did not have deep feelings for his grandparents.

Because he grew up in Jejuzhou when he was a child, even if he occasionally went back to his grandparents, he did not hurt him, but loved the children of the second uncle and third uncle.

He was sad for a long time, but now he knows the truth of the matter.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be able to deduce this!" At this point, Chen Nan no longer hid it: "You are right, I am not your grandparents' biological son, but it is similar to your biological one."

"I was the child they picked up, and it is said that they picked me up at the gate of the village health center and pulled me into adulthood!"

"The old people in the village know this."

"The reason why I don't say it is not to hide anything, the main reason is that I don't feel the need to say these old things."

"Even if they are not my blood relatives, I still understand the truth that raising is greater than living."

Chen Nan seemed to understand something: "That's why you treat the second and third as your own children?"

Chen Shan shrugged with a smile: "Isn't this enough?"

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Dad, can you tell me about you and my mother?"

Although he felt the warmth of maternal love in Jia Cui.

But after all, it is the adoptive mother.

And about his biological mother, he has no memory.

When he was a child, he also asked his father about this topic, but his father was always tight-lipped up.

Even if you answer, you will cope with a sentence, you are young, you don't understand too much.

A trace of sadness flashed in Chen Shan's eyes: "I don't have anything to say about your mother, I left the countryside that year and got on the train to the capital."

"There, I met your mother."

"According to her, she is a downtrodden of a big family, well, she often talks about this, so she ordered me to use her as a cow and a horse!"

Recalling the past, Chen Shan showed a happy smile on his face: "She is really a brute, no, it can be said that she is a fairy who does not eat human fireworks." Because she didn't have the ability to live alone, I coincidentally rented their house.

"Then, I used it to do housework and cook to pay the rent."

"Then, your mother was attracted to my unique personality."

"There is no need to talk about the future, you should understand, right?"

Chen Nan nodded.

Emotional matters are about fate.

Once the water comes into place, it can't be controlled at all.

"Then your mother was pregnant with you, I thought a better day was coming, but she was bleeding profusely when she gave birth to you and couldn't save it!"

He sighed deeply, his eyes full of sadness: "After your mother died, I took you back to Jeju, after all, the cost of living here is not so large, and we can still live."

"Just in time to recruit workers at the Jeju Steel Mill, I became a part of the place." After that, their maid came to our house, so I don't need to say more in the future, right?

Chen Nan asked, "Are there any relatives on my grandmother's side?"

"If she hadn't died, how could your mother have become a downfall?"

As soon as Chen Nan wanted to speak, he received a call from Tan Liangliang: "Madman, don't you want me to introduce you to a beautiful female star?" The opportunity comes, is there any interest? "

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