A hint of doubt flashed in Pingba's eyes: "Why is that?" "

Because we can flatten your Silver Moon Valley!" The nine-headed flame lion let out a deafening lion roar, and the terrifying sound wave crushed towards the exit of the cave.

Everywhere they passed, those humanoid demons at the door all let out miserable screams, and their flesh fell apart, and they lost their lives on the spot.

"This is the Dao?" Pingba's eyes became a little solemn.

The nine-headed flame lion said proudly: "Yes, this is Lao Tzu's voice path, just ask you if your cock is not?"

After a pause, it said coldly: "Just by you, it is not enough to make a second in my Silver Moon Valley!" When the words fell, its humanoid face instantly turned into a huge flower, with a diameter area of more than fifteen meters.

Each petal is more than five meters tall and extremely pink.

It has a pink glow and a strange fragrance.

It makes people's heart beat faster and their breathing short.


Those fine sharp teeth on the petals give a chilling feeling.

The moment it opens its mouth.

A terrifying devouring force enveloped Chen Nan and Tangtai Shuang.

Chen Nan just felt a relatively powerful devouring force.

However, Tangtai Shuang's heart beat faster, and he felt that the divine power in his body was rapidly draining.

Chen Nan quickly released the divine power to envelop the Tai Shuang, preventing the divine power in her body from being swallowed by Pingba.

And at the moment when he was wrapped in Chen Nan's divine power.

She felt a sense of security that she had never felt before.

It was as if the sky was falling, and this man was holding it for himself.

Chen Nan's face was full of disdain: "I'm afraid you can't!"

He unleashed the gluttony of his own world.

Chen Nan: "Second brother, let's eat

!" "I'm starving to death!"

Next second.

The terrifying devouring power locked Pingba.

"Damn, what the hell is this?" let out a piercing scream from Pinba, not expecting the devouring power of the monster in front of him to be so terrifying.

Even it can't bear it.

"I am the four fierce and gluttonous!" The gluttonous voice was like thunder, instantly swallowing Pingba, and then flew out of the cave: "Master, you avoid it first, I will swallow all this mountain range!" Chen

Nan hugged Tangtai Shuang's waist and looked at Zhao Jie who was like dead ash on the ground: "Don't worry, I will let you Donghe tribe die with you."

Zhao Jie's eyes were torn: "Chen Nan, we are all Terrans, can't you let our Donghe tribe have a way of life?

But I never expected things to turn out like this.

"You Donghe tribe don't have a good thing, don't kill you, I'm sorry for the gods in the sky, I'm sorry for my conscience!" Chen Nan's face was full of coldness, and he flew out with his arms around Tangtai Shuang.

The nine-headed flame lion followed him to the outside of the cave.

At this time, there was already a mess outside the cave.

Countless alien golems were headless flies, fleeing in all directions.

First, they have never seen such a terrifying creature.


The leader of Cloud Shadow just died yesterday.

Today, Trust Leader Pin is dead again.

Two days in a row, the two rulers, which made their mentality collapse.


!" "What kind of monster is this?" "

Run, we're no match for it!"

But Gluttony flew to a height of 10,000 meters in the air, and cast a talent and magical ability to devour the Dafa.

Countless alien demons flew into the air uncontrollably.

It's not just them.

Even the grass and trees, boulders, and even the earth on the ground flew into the air and flew into the mouth of gluttony.

"Boss, I have to say that this gluttonous ability is really terrifying. "The nine-headed flame lion has a lingering heart, and although it can cast a sound channel, it is also powerless to fight back in the face of gluttony.

Chen Nan also said: "Since ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times, gluttony has appeared more than once. But no one can really kill it, you can imagine how amazing its strength is.

Tangtai Shuang gasped: "This is the legendary murderer?" She

had felt that the talent of this demon beast was too terrifying before.

I just didn't dare to think about gluttony.

After all.

Every time gluttony appears, the world will be chaotic.

It was an absolute horrible disaster, a devastating disaster.

The nine-headed flame lion looked at her with a smile: "It is indeed a little older than you."

Tangtai Shuang had a strange expression on his face.

It seems that I don't understand what this means.

Immediately, she suddenly snorted, looked down at the flat chest, and said with a red face: "You... You are shameless..."

The nine-headed flame lion smiled and said nothing.

Tangtai Shuang ignored the nine-headed flame lion, but looked at Chen Nan suspiciously: "Brother Chen, you said before that gluttony appeared in the desolate ancient, ancient, and ancient times, but why can no one kill them, they are extinct?" Chen Nan

said: "Gluttony is born from the greed in the hearts of living beings, and their greatest talent is that they can devour all things, but this is also their biggest weakness."

"Because once they start devouring, it's going to be much more than that."

"Until you prop yourself up alive."

Nine-headed flame lions: "There is indeed a saying that gluttony cannot be killed, but they will be held to death." "

Between words.

The mountains below, as well as those alien demons in the Silver Moon Valley, all entered the mouth of gluttony.

The originally majestic mountain range also seems to have been cut off.

Not only that.

There was even a huge sinkhole on the ground that was about 10,000 feet deep.

And after gluttony devoured a mountain range, his stomach did not bulge at all, but instead looked at Chen Nan with some resentment: "Master, can't you take me to eat something good?" Chen Nan

smiled and asked

: "People?" Gluttony's eyes lit up, human beings are definitely the most delicious existence in the three realms, but it has not lost its mind, and complained: "Don't joke with me, you are a Terran, how can you let me eat people?"

"You better take me into the world you created, I'll go and cultivate in it!" It missed the Hongmeng Qi.

"I'm not kidding you, there is a tribe three thousand miles north of here, and there are more than a thousand people in that tribe, you go directly and eat them!" Chen Nan's face was expressionless.

The people of the Donghe tribe are all not good things, but Chen Nan is too lazy to get rid of them, of course, this does not mean that they can survive.

It's just that Chen Nan doesn't want to get his hands dirty.

Just enough to send gluttony to eat them.

"Thank you master, I promise to complete the mission successfully!" The gluttony turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the air.

Chen Nan looked at Tangtai Shuang: "Tangtai girl, where are your Black Mountain tribes, I'll send you home first!"

Tangtai Shuang immediately panicked, his eyes were full of pleading, and he tightly grabbed Chen Nan's arm: "Brother Chen, don't you send me back, okay?"

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