Chen Nan had a question mark on his face.


waiting for him to answer, Wu Mei said again: "What did you do to my daughter, did you two do that kind of thing?"

"Who is so bold and dares to bully my daughter of Tangtaizhan ?" With a loud voice, a middle-aged man nearly two meters tall appeared in front of everyone like a bolt of lightning.

Wu Mei pointed at Chen Nan and said, "It's this guy who deceived our daughter, and he bullied him!"

Tangtaizhan looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes, and a low roar came out from his chest: "Which tribe are you?

Wu Mei was furious: "Well, for the sake of this smelly boy, you dare to talk to me in this tone?

"Like why you left the other day."

"And who this man is."

Tangtai Shuang took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions, "Why I left, I believe you two elders should know it."

Although she controlled her emotions, she thought of the reason for leaving, and the anger in her heart burned again, with tears in her eyes, and she roared loudly: "I am a person!"

"I'm not a doll that can be discarded and given away at will."

"I am your daughter

!" "Why did you ruthlessly give me to that satyr?" Wu

Mei shouted: "Enough

!" "Do you know how many unborn women in the clan want to unite with that Terran leader?"

"This is your blessing

!" "But I don't want this blessing, I don't want death!"

Tangtaizhan sighed helplessly, his eyes full of bitterness: "Daughter, we also hope that you can meet your wishful Langjun, but we can't change our fate

!" "It was the patriarch who ordered you to be given to the leader of the Terran clan, what can we do

? "Do you know the price of violating the order?", "

The price is something we can't bear!"

"Father knows that you are wronged and knows that you are unwilling.

"But have you ever thought that a woman who can become the leader of the Terran is also a bad thing?" Wu

Mei nodded again and again and said, "That is the leader of the Terran race, the savior of the three realms.

"If you are combined, you will definitely step on Lingxiao in the future, and if you have good means, you can even become the mother of the Terran race

!" "You pulled too far!" Tangtaizhan snorted angrily, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Young man, what is the relationship between you and my daughter?"

Wu Mei's pupils trembled violently, and she quickly asked, "And then?"

How did I raise you this shameless thing. You have lost your virginity, how do you let me explain to the patriarch?" Wu Meiqi's face turned pale and trembled.

It felt like the whole sky was falling.

Because when the patriarch chooses a young woman, the first condition is that the other party must be a virgin.

But now.

Those who were elected have lost their virginity.

She didn't know how to explain it to the patriarch.

You don't have to think about it.

The patriarch will definitely be furious.

Lantai Zhan's face was gloomy, exuding a strong anger: "You two really did that kind of thing?" Lantai

Shuang hugged Chen Nan's arm tightly: "Yes, I gave the most precious thing in my life to Big Brother Chen." "


Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

How many meanings?

I'm the protagonist.

Can you let me show my face and say a line.

Why do you want to wrongfully accuse me?"

"Go!" Tangtai Zhan's eyes widened angrily, and an angry low roar came out of his mouth: "In troubled times, there is bound to be a vicious battle between the three realms and the alien demon!"

"And no one knows which comes first tomorrow or the unexpected."

After a pause, he sighed and said with a painful face: "I don't know if there is a place for the two of you in this world.

"But as a father.

"The only thing that can be done is to hope that my daughter can live happily in this troubled world."

"Even if you have to die tomorrow."

"I also hope you are happy today."

"For me, that's enough. "

Hear this.

Tangtai Shuang had already burst into tears.

She never expected her father to say such a thing.

Although she resisted being given to the leader of the Terrans.

Resist being treated like a doll.

But her father's words made her heart a lot smoother.

Because compared to being given away.

She was even more afraid that her father would abandon her in her heart.

Tangtaizhan stretched out his hand, wiped the tears from his daughter's face with distress, and said softly: "Take advantage of the fact that the patriarch has not yet found out that you are back, leave the tribe!" "

Are you crazy?" Wu Mei suddenly snorted, and said angrily: "What if the patriarch knows that we let her go, what if we blame her?"

Wu Mei said in horror: "Even if the patriarch can't behead you, what about the leader of the Terran clan?

"I'm going to ask the so-called Terran leader."

"He obviously shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving the Three Realms, but why should he be desolate and plunder the women of the good family

?" "Is he worthy of the reputation of the leader of the Terran race?" Wu

Meizhan trembled with anger: "You are simply a madman

!" "Chen Nan, I only have this one daughter!" I didn't protect her well in the first half of her life, let her suffer grievances, I hope that in the next years, you can protect her well for me and don't let her suffer the slightest grievance.


Nan looked behind him with a wry smile: "Look, can we still leave now?"

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