Chen Nan almost didn't laugh out loud.

This goods kept themselves in the Black Mountain tribe, and at this time the fox's tail was finally revealed!

He said a little uneasy: "Young Master of Tangtai, when you and I first met, there was no injustice or hatred, why would you look at me unfavorably?"


at Chen Nan's sincere and fearful appearance, Lantai Gu didn't mention how energetic he was, thinking that he had shocked Chen Nan, and then said: "Lantai Shuang is the woman I fancy, but now it is cheaper for you, why do you say I don't look at you well

?" "Also, do you know why I left you in the tribe?" Chen

Nan asked cautiously: "Why?"

The leader of the Terrans will soon arrive in my Black Mountain tribe, and your woman will become a plaything in the hands of others.

"I want you to see with your own eyes that Tangtai Shuang is thrown into the arms of others."

Before Chen Nan could make a sound, the voice of the nine-headed flame lion sounded: "Big brother, I can't see that this little thing is quite a trick

!" Lantai Gu's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "Do you believe that the little master chopped you to drink?" The

nine-headed flame lion shivered with fear: "I'm so afraid!"

It opened its blood basin and let out a deafening lion roar.

The sudden scene frightened Tangtai alone and bloodless, and directly sat on the ground, his face sweating like rain.

Although the lion in front of him looks ordinary.

I don't know why.

But he felt a sense of oppression that he had never felt before.

It was as if this lion was a beast that would wake up at any time.

Just when it opens its bloody mouth, it can tear him to pieces.

This kind of fear is something he has never experienced in his life.

Seeing that the clothes between Tangtai's lonely legs were wet, the nine-headed flame lion looked disgusted: "Yo, you were actually scared to pee?

Tangtai stood up angrily and shouted at Chen Nan and the nine-headed flame lion: "You two wait for me, I promise to make you both pay a heavy price!"

"Father, I've been bullied!" Lantai

found his father with a grievance on his face, and his eyes flashed with crystal tears.

Tangtai asked suspiciously: "Are you peeing your pants?"

"This is simply despising our Montenegrin tribe!" A

trace of anger flashed in Tangtaijian's eyes: "We kindly keep them as guests in the tribe, but they do not put our tribe in their eyes, which is really deceitful." After

a moment of silence, Tangtai recommended, "Don't worry about this matter, Father will definitely get justice for you."

Lantai Gu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Father, in my opinion, it is better to send two masters to teach Chen Nan a lesson, and let him know the end of offending my Black Mountain tribe."

"Brain, do you use your brain before doing things?" his eyes were full of disappointment: "The Taikang tribe is more than 20,000 miles away from us, let alone crossing the East River. "

Chen Nan can cross more than 20,000 li and can cross the East River, do you really think he is a soft persimmon?" "

He looks like he is in his twenties, even if he is talented, his strength will not be too strong, right?"

"He gave me the feeling of extreme danger.

"If nothing else, he should be a super master."

"Even if I personally strike, I may not be able to defeat him."

Tangtai Gu's heart trembled.

I didn't expect my father to give Chen Nan such a high evaluation.

"Then how can I teach him a lesson?" asked Tangtai unwillingly.

Tangtaijian showed a calculating smile: "It's not a big problem, when the leader of the Terran comes, we will inform him that we have carefully prepared a young girl for him."

"However, that girl was raped by

Chen Nan!" "In this way, can't you use the leader of the Terran to repair Chen Nan fiercely?"

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a frown: "If, in case Tangtaishuang said that he took the initiative to make a promise, wouldn't our lie be self-defeating?"

"As long as Tangtai Shuang doesn't see the leader of the Terrans, we can use this matter to make a big fuss." Lantai

Gu couldn't help but stretch out his thumb, and said with admiration on his face: "On the pit people, it has to be you old fox!"

"What, the advance party of the Terran leader is coming?" The Zerdai Commander was taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to come so quickly, and then said: "Hurry up, quickly take me to greet you." "

Yes!" Tangtai

immediately led the clansmen to the entrance of the tribe and met Long Yuan, the leader of the Green Dragon Tribe, and the eight powerhouses of the Upper Divine Venerable Realm.

Long Yuan nodded quietly: "Since you know the identity of the old immortal, you must know the meaning of the old immortal, right?" "The

Terrans and the demon clans will arrive in the Black Mountain tribe in two days." "

Before that, your black tribe must prepare more food, and then integrate the clansmen, cross the East River together, and kill the Ten Thousand Devils Cave!"

said respectfully: "Don't worry, senior, junior has already ordered people to prepare a lot of food."

Long Yuan gave him a meaningful look: "Is it just so simple to prepare food?"

It's just..."

His face was full of nervousness and he did not continue.

Long Yuan frowned: "It's just what

?" "Tangtai recommended swallowed his saliva nervously, and said with sincere fear: "The woman we prepared for the leader of the Terran tribe was raped!" Long

Yuan was furious: "Who is so bold and dares to do such a thing?"

I want to see who eats the bear heart leopard gall, and dares to rape the young lord's woman..."

Before he finished speaking, Tangtai Gu pointed at Chen Nan who came in the distance and screamed: "Senior, it is this turtle sun who raped the woman we prepared for the leader of the Terran race!"

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