The next moment!

Chen Nan returned to the small world.

Seeing Chen Nan, the nine-headed flame lion came over: "Boss, why did you come in, have you found the location of the holy spring?"

Chen Nan said: "The alien demon will distribute holy water for free tomorrow to improve the overall strength." The

pupils of the nine-headed flame lion trembled: "If this is the case, then the holy spring must be destroyed overnight, and no matter what, the strength of the alien demon cannot be improved."

"The more they raise, the heavier our casualties will be."

"Not necessarily!" Chen

Nan showed a sinister smile, and then took out the storage bag given by Long Yuan, and took out all the magic medicines inside.

The nine-headed flame lion was puzzled: "What are you doing?" "

It's a three-point poison, even if it is a magic medicine." Chen Nanyan said concisely, "I plan to prepare some poisons and put them in the holy spring, so that even if they can't be destroyed, they can affect the combat effectiveness of the alien demons."

The nine-headed flame lion grinned: "Although you don't talk about martial virtue in this move

, I like it!" After a pause, it said: "Boss, is there anything I can do for you?" Chen

Nan: "You will help me test the medicine later!" The

pupils of the nine-headed flame lion trembled violently, and said in a panic: "I suddenly remembered, I still have to break through the retreat, and the matter of testing the medicine will be handed over to the second elder, after all, it is the best at eating."

"Yes, among the three realms, no species can surpass me in this matter of eating!" Gluttony flew in the distance, and then landed beside Chen Nan

: "What to eat today?" The nine-headed flame lion pouted: "Save it, you may not dare to eat what the boss has prepared."

Gluttonous and furious: "Impossible, there is nothing I dare not eat." The

nine-headed flame lion grinned, "Do you dare to eat poison?"

Gluttony subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said, "You want to use the Agitation Method to provoke me, I naturally dare to eat poison, but it is not necessary for me."

Nine-headed flame lion: "Are you afraid of death?"

"Huh!" Gluttony sneered: "There is no poison in the three realms that can take my life, but... But that doesn't mean it won't make me miserable. The

nine-headed flame lion continued: "Then are you willing to test the poison with your own body and contribute your own strength to the boss's Qianqiu hegemony?"

It doesn't want to test poison by itself.

But the nine-headed flame lions all said it to this point.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, calmed down and carefully prepared the poison.

In fact, every medicinal herb contains toxicity.

It's just that after cultivating to a certain realm, you can ignore the damage caused by medicinal materials.

However, if two different medicinal herbs are fused, then the toxicity will change qualitatively.

It's definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Rather, it is equal to three.

Three lives and all things.

"It's done!" a

misty drop of water appeared in the air.

This was the venom that Chen Nan used to fuse the toxicity of the two medicinal herbs.

As for the power...

I can only rely on gluttony.

Gluttony was unwilling, but still swallowed the drop of venom.

A moment later.

Its stomach gurgled.

The nine-headed flame lion looked disgusted: "Do you want to fart?"

The nine-headed flame lion was even more violent: "Lying groove, jumping on my face!"

There is also in the mouth!"

Chen Nan sat there quietly.

Although this poison turns gluttony into a jet warrior, it is far from enough to fight the alien demon.

Unless gluttony can pull for ten days and ten nights.

It is clear that this cannot be.

Sure enough.

The gluttony only lasted for about five minutes, and then stopped squirting, and said happily to Chen Nan: "Don't say, the poison just now cured my old constipation for many years!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.


also ignored the gluttony and continued to prepare venom.

Anyway, Long Yuan prepared more than five thousand divine medicines for him this time, and he would definitely be able to prepare a highly toxic one.

Just as Chen Nan continued to prepare the poison, the nine-headed flame lion asked an extremely heavy taste question towards the gluttony: "Second brother, if you are very hungry, will you eat the dumplings you pulled out?"

Gluttony was immediately unhappy: "What makes me hungry, will I eat the dumplings I pulled out?

So much so that even the nine-headed flame lions couldn't be given a whole thing.

Just before he could come to his senses, Gluttony said proudly: "Even if I'm not hungry, I can eat it as a snack

!" "Gag!" the nine-headed flame lion let out a strong dry gag.

Who expected gluttony but his eyes lit up: "Don't waste it, spit it on my mouth..." Truth be told, I haven't eaten anything hot in a long time!" "

You're the devil, right?" the nine-headed flame lion's mentality exploded.


because Chen Nan controlled the small world and the outside world day by year, he had a lot of time to prepare poison.

He used those more than five thousand medicinal herbs.

It took a long time to deploy.

The result was a colorless and odorless poison that could paralyze gluttony when taken.

Although I don't know what kind of symptoms will be under the alien costume.

But even the gluttony is unbearable, you can imagine how domineering the toxicity is.

And at this time.

There is one day left until the one-month appointment.

After doing these.

He left the small world and came to the holy spring.

Different from before.

Because the spring water of the holy spring can be received for free, the alien demon guarding the holy spring shielded the formation.

They no longer need to worry about someone approaching the holy spring.

Chen Nan quietly stepped forward, taking advantage of the fact that the demons were unaware, and took out the venom he had prepared.


The venom had condensed into ice.

The reason is none of it.

The ice melts more slowly and can exert its toxicity more permanently.

If all the venom is poured into it at once, the most unlucky ones must be the ones who take it first.


dawn in the blink of an eye.

Groups of humanoid demons entered the holy spring with excited faces, gathered around the lake-like holy spring, each received a holy water, and then drank the holy spring with their beloved.


The entire Ten Thousand Demon Cave emitted a soul-destroying sound.

Although only a million people have received the holy spring, don't forget that one altar of holy water can be drunk by two people at the same time!

Two million alien demons drank holy water.

When Chen Nan flew outside cautiously.

The picture in front of him made his scalp numb and he shuddered.

Because he had never seen people of the same sex get together, let alone spread all over the mountains.

Don't be too impressive.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the eyes are spicy.


Somewhere in a cave.

Demon King Yan suddenly frowned after drinking the holy water: "Wait, why do you feel that the holy water has changed its taste?"

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