
Xu Qianxin's face was full of frost: "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Did you treat me like a three-year-old?

Zhang Jian also said angrily: "Tan Liangliang, are you sure that your friend is really a doctor?" He was clearly disrespectful to Miss Xu and insulting Miss Xu!

Tan Liangliang hurriedly said: "Miss Xu, Brother Zhang, my brother's methods of treating diseases are different from ordinary people, but he really has skills!" "

Get out, get out, now, immediately, immediately!"

Xu Qianxin's face was full of frost.

She had never met a brazen person like Chen Nan.

Chen Nan shrugged: "Look, I said that I can cure you and don't let you treat." If that's the case, why did you ask me if I could heal?

"You think I'm willing to you?"

"Don't make trouble, you are nothing more than a pink skull in my eyes."

"Although you are not bad-looking, not everyone can get my love!"

"To say something ugly, even if you beg me to heal you, Xiao Ye is too lazy to deal with you."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Tan Liangliang and said, "This time I came to see you for the sake of my brother's face, since this is the case, then I will advise you with a word."

"Eat whatever you want, and find yourself a feng shui treasure by the way."

"Listen to you, I'm going to die soon?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Xu Qianxin's mouth: "Do you think that only you can cure this disease?" Huh, what are you? You're too presumptuous!

Chen Nan: "If I'm not mistaken, you are cold during the day and hot at night, am I right?"

"And then?" Xu Qianxin's face was expressionless, but a sense of uneasiness rose in his heart.

Chen Nan was right, she felt very cold and cold during the day, as if she was in the ice and snow.

And at night, she feels like she is in the fire.

Chen Nan said lightly: "Your disease has entered an advanced stage, and your condition will seriously deteriorate next. "

The alternation of hot and cold will alternate between the current day."

"It becomes an alternation of hours."

"An hour alternates."

"Even a minute."

"Eventually, you will die."

"Judging by the current condition."

"You have less than three days to go."

"That's all for yourself!"

Said and turned away.

But there was a voice of Xu Qianxin's anger in his ears: "You are too self-righteous, except for you, there are still people who can save my life!"

Chen Nan turned around and showed a cruel smile: "I'm sorry, the person I pronounced dead can't still live in this world."

"You, it can't be an exception!"

After Chen Nan left, Xu leaned towards Zhang Jian and said, "You go out too!"

"Well, you can call me anytime you want."


Xu Qianxin picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said weakly: "Uncle, I'm in Jeju, can you invite the ancestor to come to the holiday villa?"

Li Pingan sighed: "Although I also want to ask the ancestor to see you, but the ancestor never goes to the doctor, this is his rule, let's not violate the rules of his old man."

"Well, I'll have someone help you get to the queue tomorrow morning."

"I'll pick you up when the time comes, and let the ancestors help you see a doctor."

"Well, there is Uncle Law."

Xu Qian hung up the phone weakly.

In fact, she knew that someone could save her, but she didn't want to take advantage of that opportunity.

That's why she sought out famous doctors.

Only then did Tan Liangliang invite Chen Nan over.

And now.

I can only hope that the ancestors can cure their own diseases!


"Brother Liang, I'm sorry for today's incident!"

On the white SUV, Chen Nan looked apologetic.

Tan Liangliang said casually: "Don't say that, it's not a big deal, the worst result is nothing more than retreat!"

"Well, well, don't pretend, in fact, I didn't really enter the circle at all!"

Tan Liangliang trusted Chen Nan's character.

I believe in Chen Nan's medical skills.

Since he said that he had to combine with Xu Qianxin to change her Yin and Yang Qi, then this must be the case.

Therefore, there is no such thing that Chen Nan is disrespectful to Xu.

Chen Nan felt a burst of emotion in his heart, but he didn't expect that at this time, Tan Liangliang comforted himself, and said with a smile: "Are you really willing to leave the entertainment industry?"

Tan Liangliang: "Hey! How to say, those stars in the entertainment industry look glamorous, but there are countless ordinary people like me in the circle.

"These people have a hard time, and they do everything to become famous."

"Let's just say an actor I know, in his twenties, handsome, and amorous."

"Anyone who sees it will say that the future can explode!"

"The result?"

"Favored by a female capitalist, very ugly female capitalist."

"The capitalist said, I want the old cow to eat tender grass!"

"The actor naturally refused to agree."

"But the result was blocked by the other party, so that I had to choose to compromise and become the maid of the female capitalist!"

"During this time, my brother has been thinking that with my handsome appearance, if I really enter the entertainment industry, I will definitely be favored by many female capitalists."

"You said if I compromised, I'm sorry for the second brother."

"I'm sorry for myself if I'm not compromising."

"Actually, it's good to take this opportunity to withdraw from the circle."

"Oh, the peaches outside are good, let's go pick some and eat them back?"

He diverted from the topic and parked the car on the side of the road.

Chen Nan pushed the car door and walked out: "If you really want to withdraw from the circle, I support you." If you want to develop in the circle, I can also help you. Chen

Nan didn't know anyone in the entertainment industry, but he was the ancestor of the outer eight gates, and as far as he knew, the red handkerchief in the outer eight doors had a certain right to speak in the circle.

If you find Xu Xiangan, the door master of the red handkerchief, it is not difficult for him to cultivate Tan Liangliang!

"Let's talk about it later!"

Tan Liangliang said with a smile, and then the two found the owner of the peach orchard, asked for two baskets, and then began to pick.



Chen Nan took a taxi to the gate of the Jinxiu Huafu Community, and his parents were already waiting here with gifts.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, Chen Xiazhi and Chen Hanlu, who looked reluctant, also came here.

Chen Shan called the third brother Chen Yang and asked for the detailed address, and the family of five went straight to the third uncle's new home.

Chen Shan instructed: "You all keep a low profile later, even if they say anything ugly, don't talk back, especially don't talk about living in a villa!"

"If you really know, then your third uncle's family will definitely hate us."

Everyone responded listlessly.

Then the family of five came to Chen Yang's door and rang the doorbell.

"It's coming!"

With a cheerful voice, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman with dark skin and dressed up was in view.

It was Chen Nan's third aunt, Sun Jingxiang, who said with a smile: "Come and come, please come inside, is it better to visit our new home than yours."

Chen Nan and the others were stunned.

Do you start pretending to be forced first thing when you meet?

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